Having a down day and i'm venting ..

I hate waiting ..... lol

I can imagine.......it isnt nice at all! I find it odd for a guy to do that,,,it is usually a woman thing....ahahaha.....

I hope everything works out for you; although I can imagine you are really getting wound up big style with the silence..grrrrrrrr...

Stay strong though! You deserve only the very best!!
aww thanks breda :) *blush* hehe

I swear my bf has worse PMT than a woman!!!!!!!!! lol
So sorry you're having a hard time - especially after all your hard Lt and uni work. You are very determined and motivated - and good things WILL come to you, I strongly believe that you get what you give in life, so I'm sure you will find a job.

As for the man situation - you're so right, I swear men have PMT too sometimes! lol :) don't let his moods spoil your enjoyment of life...
Whichever way it goes Tan I absolutely guarantee it will all turn out for the best in the end.

We still have to go through all the emotions, but knowing that to be a fact can sometimes make it a teensey weensey bit easier.

Don't forget you have to kiss a lot of frogs before you find your prince ...... that 'alone' does NOT have to mean 'lonely' and a saying I like and try to remember at sad times .... Don't cry because it's over, smile because it happened.

Thinking boutcha ;) xx
hmmm i'm just not hopefull at all - 20mins till 7pm. I feel like a witch giving him a time limit but im not having him ignore me! We shall soon see what his decision is :(

Jan you always make sense .... i thought i had found my prince, but looking like i havnt now :(
Mind you kiddo - don't forget it's YOU that's changed here. He may not believe your ultimatum if in the past you've always done all the running ...... he has to realise that you really mean it before you can assume this means he really wants out. (Eeeerrrrrm - does that make sense :eek: ?)
Thinking of you chick. Hope you are ok. xx
Mind you kiddo - don't forget it's YOU that's changed here. He may not believe your ultimatum if in the past you've always done all the running ...... he has to realise that you really mean it before you can assume this means he really wants out. (Eeeerrrrrm - does that make sense :eek: ?)

4 minutes to go - doesnt look like he is bothered. I have never stuck to ultimatums before but believe me i am sticking to this one, i will not give in. Cant help feeling im being ott here?
Probably feels OTT because it's a change for you and you know you mean it ... whereas he might not .... I don't think it IS OTT personally, but that might just be me xx
So, he hasnt contacted me - now what do i say? :cry:

5 and a half years has just gone down the drain all over my graduation :cry:

Where is the chocolate when i need it?!! lol

my Oh was been an absolute ****. he kept throwing little tantrums, blowing hot and cold with me and ignoring me for days on end.

i love him like no tomorrow and have been with him 3 years but we just split, it hurts like hell but be honest with yourself.

most of the time are you happy or are you sad? if you're happy stick with it everyone has bad patches but if you're sad walk. it hurts but it wont hurt forever.

hope you figure things out
Aw sorry Tan :( xxx
I'm happy and sad - i'm happy when im with him but then at times i wish i wasnt and i duno maybe whatever happens happens for a reason! :)

Anyways on a good note i have just done an extremely good deed!

My brother just got back from camp and brang back 3 yes 3!!!! boxes totalling 30days worth of ration packs (breakfast, lunch, dinner and snacks!!!!) that the military were just going to throw!! away!!

He took out all the meat ration packs for his dog and then was going to throw the rest away - i said uh hold on i will take that to a homeless shelter - which i did!

A FULL black bin bag full of ration packs, biscuits, chocolate, tea, coffee, hot chocolate, boiled sweets, chewing gum, tissues!

Needless to say they were extremly appreciative and i even gave some to the bloke outside who was banned from the shelter for the night.

Boy i feel good :)
now that is a very good deed. well done you :)
Excellent! Well done you xxx
I just cant believe the military and my brother were just going to throw all that away! It was a stupid amount that would feed atleast 5/6 people for a whole week - thats how much there was in there! Ridiculous - it makes me so angry!
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So, after i sent a text about half 7 along the lines of "so the ball was in your court, you threw it away so im guessing its over. i'll love you, always will. when your ready to speak to me let me know and i'll pop your stuff over" .... he textes back!

To cut a long story short after a few texts; it's over. He said its time for a new chapter and i agreed, its time for me to have a new chapter in my life.

Its guna be hard, at times like this i'd turn to food and binge. I feel ok at the moment but ask me how i am feeling on sunday - his birthday and then monday, the day we always spend together.

Like they say, the first cut is the deepest! :(
:( it does get easier. just dont let all your hard work go down the drain!