(",) Hayley's diary, TTFN!

Hope you don't mind me asking but I've read through the Wendie Plan and I don't really get it, d'oh!! :p I don't get how you work out what points you have on what day! I would love to give it a go...I normally have 19 points a day so how would I distribute these points over the week? Any help would be appreciated please, I'm obviously a bit slow at picking things up :eek:

Just be aware the Wendie plan isnt an offical WW plan, its one made up by some female called Wendy. Whether its a good idea or not - who knows??
sorry Gabby the wendie plan is mixing up your points throughout the week. Example for 19 points,
19 Points
Day 1 = 20
Day 2 = 17

Day 3 = 29 SHD (super high day)
Day 4 = 15 SLD (super low day)
Day 5 = 19
Day6= 18
Day7=15 WI

Thought I'd give it a try as I Will be over my points tomorrow and it'll make a change. Not a great start today as supposed to have 16points but I'm still within my points range of 20 I think?

Hope that helps xx

sounds like even more planning - that would confuse me lol - let me know if it works though!! good luck - get ur ass on that wii - we have a goal to reach remember!! x x
So I've had a million points today, just couldn't resist all the goodies I'd prepared for berkeleys birthday party! My friend baked some yummo fairy cakes they were so yummo I'm thinking of asking her to make them for my wedding reception.

Anyhow I'm using today as my shd, so i'll have 16 points tom and try and earn some APs. Does anyone know why when it's totm my eating is mental?

Hope you've all had a supa Saturday xx
probably just your hormones - i head straight for carbs and chocolate when my monthly is due.. and if i dont i feel like i'm losing my marbles!

good luck with the rest of your week :) are you finding the plan quite easy? x
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hi hayley hope ur weekend is going great!!

i think we all get a bit mental during that time!! i always get a really sweet tooth and find when im being good and dieting one of these usually does the trick - and they are low calories/points

- herbal teas (loads a nice flavas)
- strawberries & low cal cream with sweetener
- sugar free jelly pots with some low cal squirty cream and sweetener
- flumps!

if i have a couple of those i dont wanna kills as many people or binge on endless amounts of crap!!

hope u do well on your low points day today xxx
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Good morning, and what a lovely one it is! So far I'm on track I've had some oat so simple for breakie, going to have ryvita for lunch, lc meal for dinner and some sugar free jelly. Brought rainbow drops for my sweet tooth.

Just one question I worked out the oat so simple at 4 points? Quite high for breakfast!
Hope your all enjoying the sun :O)
hmmm thats seems high for oats so simple!

I always point my apple and blueberry at 3.5 and thats including half a pint of semi skimmed milk for my whole days milk!??

What flavour have you got?
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Hi tracey, Yeah I must have made a boo boo I had the apple and blueberry one. Gotta say YUMMO, and I didn't need sugar. Well just finshed the wii and am now having marmite breadsticks 2 points , you either love em or hate em... Off to catch up on some diarys.
Berkeleys poorly and laying next to me bless him. :O(
Hi Hayley

Sounds like your low point day is going well. What are Marmite sticks?? I love Marmite :)

Hope Berkeley's better soon!

Hey twiggs, Marmite bread sticks from asda - not that keen they taste funny. The marmite rice cakes are gorg though x
I feel pretty good today! Stuck to low points yesterday and plan to do the same today. So far so good, I don't know that its the wendie plan but I'm playing with my points more.
Had oat so simple syrup flavour yum yum!
Off to get some ryvita for lunch just finished 30 mins on the Wii.

Berkeley is soundo, Had to take him to the doctors this morning he has conjunvitis :O(

Well off for lunch hope your all having a good Monday xx
hey sweetie

hows it going? so sunny i love it!!! i did my work out dvd now im just chilling watching the city and catchin up on all the diaries - im feeling great and positive that on weds my scale will be a little down - i have been so good so i will cry if it isnt

mmmmmm fairy cakes - think if i ever get married i may just have hundreds of those instead of a big one - in the west end there is a little cake shop called "candy cakes" and they do the best cupcakes i ever had .. some have flying saucers on the top, or dolly mixtures or bits of flake - they are all bright colours and sooo cute - i wont be having one till i hit goal but omg soon as i do i know i will have one as a treat!!

hows the wendie plan going? and who the hell is wendy lol??

hope ur bubba is feelin better and you have a lovely day in the sunshine

G xx
Hi Hayley

Syrup Oatso is my fave too ... although I haven't found the Raspberry one yet - but although I love raspberry's not sure they go with milk :)

Welld one on the low point days ... hope you have a great loss this week!

Hiya hun,just popping in to say Thanks for your support in my diary and hope your likkle one is better soon.
well done with the plan so far xx
I love the golden syrup ones! I think they are my fav too! Promised to beat my addiction to oatsosimple next week when I am back from holidays because I could have it all the time! Well done for sticking to less points. Hope the scale will show good news this week!
How s Berkeley today? Hope he gets better soon. x