Healthy Eating plans?

Hiya Im back again had tried in august 2017 last year but family issues and I got lost along the way.
Anyone doing a a healthy eating lifestyle? rather than groups.
Ive put on lots of wieght almost 3 stone so ive less motivation and will to move so it has to be done now before i go OTT.
Hiya goal monkey :D
I'm doing a somewhat healthy eating plan lol I'm not following any plan, just counting my calories and making the calories worth while e.g. I won't waste calories on food that won't fill. Me. Up. Example biscuits haha I'd rather have a 30g of cheerios and 200ml.of coconut milk which totals to under 150cal for an okay size of cereal that will keep me fuller for. Longer and is better for me. :D
My diet does consist a lot of salads and chicken and tuna....
HIya Aliakaraza I've failed already meh, but im still conscious of it, i did oreder a salad today instead of a sandwich and my brain and belly were not happy as im a bread monster for sure. For tea i had a sandwich, Soreen bar, toasted teat cake and 2 bounties .... So i didn't need the bounties or the tea cakes. I actually talk to myself after saying " why the hell have to just gone and done that " im hoping little changes will creep in like the salad order, i quit coffee i was on 5 a day with 4 sugars in each and all made with milk, so iv'e already done quite a change up in 2 weeks. Just got to keep plugging away at the little things to get to the bigger picture :) I love tuna and chicken and salmon ,...i could eat steamed salmon every day, with boiled spinach and mash potatoe nom nom. I havent calorie counted for decades im wondering if i should give it a go. Im 52 now so its going to be harder to loose.