Hedgemags Dieting History & Diary. A New Life Ahead .......

Thank you BB. I don't think you rude at all. Infact I am now fit and 52.

And looking sensational if I may say so. Was a great read and an inspiration to those just starting out on the CD journey like myself. Thanks for posting it.

Sunday 6th january

It's Day 6 of restart and still going well...weighed yesterday and 5lbs down, very pleased with that.

Found yesterday to be the hardest, especially towards to evening. I had already had all the packs but needed something else.

I decided that instead of binging (which I could have done easily) I had a AAMW portion of cottage cheese with cucumber and celery. So that got me over the munchies.

I think it was because I was bored, before I would eat and eat with boredom. Anyway got through the day.

Today I will have to be careful because the boredom demon could show it's ugly head again. Hubby working all day, I have a client at 12 will try and get some housework done today too inbetween my addiction :eek: to facebook scrabble :D. If I can keep busy I will be ok.

Got my 1st Gt with me and on 1st litre water. Really want a good result for the Diva's this week.

Have a good one and keep glugging the GT's and most importantly the water. :tear_drop::tear_drop:
Two week since I wrote in my Diary

As it says, 2 weeks have gone passed and I am ashamed to say that I have not been able to stay on the frigging wagon. Everytime I jump on there is something there pushing me off again.

Everyday I get up, make my GT, get my water bottle, switch on my pc. I may start the daily on here or sit and read all the night time posts. Saying to myself that today is going to be ok and I will get through it 100%. By late afternoon early evening it has all got to pot again.

WHY!!! :confused:

I really don't know, when I have eaten I feel quilty, bloated, uncomfortable and annoyed with myself. I am a grown woman for gods sake, why the hell can't I say NO!.

I went to town this morning, mainly to do the banking. I needed a couple of household bits from Lidls. I came out of there after spending £20 with the washing powder and softner I went in for PLUS 4 packets of biscuits. I didn't need the biscuits, I still had some at home from Christmas. But, these were Ginger nuts, I was fancying GN's last night. Went to bed thinking of GN's, woke up thinking of GN's............so I bought them.

On the way home I was thinking'''I wont eat them, i'll put them away in the tin''. Got home, unloaded the car, put the shopping away, put kettle on for a cuppa (GT usually). Made the tea with milk and then opened the packet of GN's. ''just a couple with the tea''. NO!
1/2 the packet went before I decided enough was enough!! After talking to Spooky, I said I would put them away and not touch any more. So that is what I have done. The only trouble is, I know where they are! and they keep calling to me. But No, will not give in.

I really have got to get my arse into gear, I give out all the help and advice to others, it's about time I gave some to myself.

I wish I had a caring supportive CDC who would give me a good kick, And be there for when I cave in. But I do have Spooks, Saffron, BG and many others that care. If only I could practice what I preach! And make them proud of me. And be proud of myself.!!

Oh well, today isn't gonna be 100% but I am not going to pig out anymore..............I will drink as much water as I can and stick to GT. Just get through the day as best I can.

Can't think of anything else to say....:wave_cry:

just to say you are not alone ............. it's a nano second decision that makes you eat ............ i have no answer just hugs .............. xxxx
Ah HM - you're human, thats all!

I know the feeling that I used to get up and everyday tell myself that today would be the day I would not eat and start SS'ing then something, anything would happen and I would end up eating and feeling worse and worse.

I dont have the answers - I dont think anyone does, not really as we are all so invidual. What works for 1 of us 1 day, doesnt the next & on the next it works for someone else... So as much as we all know and think about the right things to say and do, we dont always do em girl! If we did, none of us would be here....

Sending you a big hug xxxxxxxxx
aww HM, Hugs to you.

I didnt realise you were struggling and you have been helping me with my own struggles this past few days, and motivating me to get to the finish line. As Time4me said, you are human after all, and its natural to eat so dont give yourself such a hard time. Just stop and think about whether you are happy at your current weight (which I think is bluddy fab by the way to have a bmi of 26.9) or whether you want to reach the end of your ticker and finish what you set out to do.

H = Honest
E = Encouraging
D = Direct
G = Generous
E = Entertaining
M = Magnificent
A = Articulate
G = Golden

And DON'T you forget it!
Keep movin' on

H = Honest
E = Encouraging
D = Direct
G = Generous
E = Entertaining
M = Magnificent
A = Articulate
G = Golden

And DON'T you forget it!
Keep movin' on

I second that.

Maggie you know where I am. I am happy to call you and kick you up the ass;)

We all love you, Maggie, You are a support and inspiration to many and don't you forget that!!

Lots of love
-gives you a great big hug-

Don't beat yourself up about it Maggie, you're human and this is such a hard diet to follow. When you're ready to do it, you'll do it. You're an inspiration to many and a huge support to a lot of people, me included.
Firstly Thank you all for your kind comments. know you are all right, I really should take on board my own advice. Practice what I preach :D

The last couple of weeks have been rubbish, I have been on and off that wagon more times than I can count.

Anyway, Yesterday I managed my 1st 100% SSing day for sooo long. Although it was helped along by a stonking headache (didn't feel like eating), I still managed it.

So today is day 2 of another restart. :eek:

Have already had 2 GT's and a litre of water. Will hang out for my 1st shake as late as I can.

I have been lurking alot lately and not posting as I started to feel a bit of a fraud. Posting words of support and encouragement to you all and sitting here dunking Ginger biscuits in my cuppa tea. Thought I was being Hypocritical telling you all to be good when I clearly was not.:break_diet:

Sorry Folks, I am back on the wagon now and am not getting off until the journey is complete. :innocent0001:

Is your ticker correct?

Dont feel a fraud, we're all human. I get scared to post whenever i fall off the wagon, but you normally pick me straight back up!

Glad you're back with us xxx
Hey Maggie - glad to see you are back posting. We have so missed you.. Put it all behind you we are only human, we have all been there. The important thing is you are back! xx
Thank you all you loverly peeps.

Day going well so far, 3 GT's 2 litres water no shakes yet. First 1 around 1 o'clock. I find that better having them later. Another at 4:30 ish and then a soup in the evening.

Wish this wind would die down (No i haven't had a bar)..really bad outside.
Another day under my belt

I seem to be finding this restart a bit too easy. Waiting for something to throw me off this fast moving wagon. I am clinging on.

Yesterday was 100% and i'm heading for another one today. I have had 6 GT's, 2 litres water, a coke zero 1 pack and a hot savoury.

I did a K stick this morning, but it didn't go pink. :( I do take meds of a night time and wonder whether they would stop the stick going pink. I feel that I am in ketosis, I don't feel hungry and I'm frigging freezing. Got the heating on full and a fan heater on in here too.

Managed to keep busy today, went shopping for my friend Colin as he still isn't very well, poor chap. Took his shopping round to him and had a cup of GT with him. Came home put a load of washing on and settled down in front of the pc,started catching up on emails and playing FB scrabble. The time passes really quickly when your playing, dont even think about food. :)

I am really gonna do this this time (I know I have said that many times before) I want a good loss this week for the Divas, I feel that I have let the side down a bit where the challenge is concerned. (sorry guys)

Ready to get started on another litre.....

Hope you are all having a good Saturday.

Hi Maggie

Please don't ever feel like a fraud, you are human and we human's have tough times and we make mistakes. Good to see you back posting and hanging on to that wagon!
