Heffalump to Slinky: Journey to Less of Me

MUCH better than gaining. Hrm, I don't know - I'm pretty sure you can't wi again, but drop your C a wee text and see if you can come to IT for the support aspect?
Right, just to record for prosterity :D - I've made a decision to re-up my exercise (because it's been a bit pants) so at lunchtime (I ate before I went out, whilst doing paper-worky things to save time) I used my half-hour to go for a yomp around the river (they've regenerated the riverfront near my work, with a new footbridge and lovely trees and things screening you from the road) for 30minutes. It's a really nice day here today - sunny with a bit of cloud, and unlike the rest of the country it's not roasting, it's about 15-17C with a cool breeze. I yomped fast enough that I'm still a bit over-warm now :D. I'll need to route-check later on to see how far it was, because it was a nice route and there's a slightly different one that I might try, too, if the weather continues dry.

In the goal of looking after myself with regards to beauty stuff I have: done a resurfacing scrub this morning and plastered on an all day sunscreen (UVA&B, SPF 15), remembered to put on sunblock lipbalm before I went out at lunchtime.

Put styling stuff in my hair so it's curly not frizzy and I don't need to screw it up in a bun :D.

I'm doing all this heathly eating stuff and it's about time I did the good-for-the-rest of me stuff on a regular basis.
That's a good plan, I really need to start paying more attention to my nails, as they are looking awful lately:(
Yayayayayay you're such an inspiration hun! You really are xx
I can report a 1 pound loss (I was, as always, hoping for a wee bit more, but I've been quite red-meat heavy this week and I'm quite happy with it altogether. I'm going to go back to my usual all-chicken-salad-all-the-time thing this week, if only to balance the fact that I've no idea what I'm eating with my friend who's staying) and class was really good fun :D One of the girls got to her target and was talking about exercise and things, and she'd done this walking challenge through her work that sounded really good - she had a pedometer and had to try to get 10,000 steps a day (as we're all reccomended to do) and she credits that with achieving her goal (in her words) "so easily". I really like walking, it's free and it's fun at this time of year (mostly!) so I'm going to continue trying to integrate more walking around into my life.

Hey ginlin - mine too, I work in IT and they get so ripped about and yuck :eek:. I figure a decent cuticle cream and keeping an emery board at my desk will be a help (the handcream there has already helped a great deal, I try and put it on every time I wash my hands...) and eventually I aspire to one of those gel manicure things :D. We're worth it!

Glad to be Elaine - you are, too, you know (you've fought a lot of demons and you're winning).

Right, I've got a friend coming to stay tonight (yay! She's Australian, so it's not like I get to see her a lot and we get on incredibly well :D) so I'm not entirely sure what I'm going to do with food from this evening onwards. I'll be doing my best and seeing how it is, she's quite a healthy eating kind of a person, so it shouldn't be too hard.

I mapped my lunch-walking route last night (or, well, I tried, I'm not convinced how accurate I was) and it seems to have been about 2.5miles, which means I was going about 5mph, which isn't bad. Provided the rain stays off (it's not looking brilliant right now) I'll go out and do it again today - it was quite fun, especially with Jillian's podcast in my ears. I'll need to find some other fun podcasts to grab for once I'm all caught up.

I also stuck a sleep meditation on my Ipod last night and it definitely helped with the brain winding down thing (it didn't put me right out, but I wasn't lying there thinking about not sleeping :D) so I'll be continuing to use that I think. My back was really sore last night, so I'm glad that I could sleep (and it's better today).

So, red day today (probably, I'm trying to keep it a bit neutral in case I need to turn it EE later on).

Feta Fritatta 1/2HExA

Banana SFree

Chicken Free
Salad SFree

Costa Cold Skinny Coffee with Hazelnut 8Syns

Feta and Black Pudding Salad (no dressing) 1.5HExA, 6Syns & SFree

Lemon HiFi HExB (we were given a pack free from class cos they were going out of date! Not bad, but a bit sweet for me)

I'm having a real think about non-diet related me-improvement goals (I feel like I've got the basic food stuff down), so expect more waffle! :eek:
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Right, I've had a real look at what I want to do and broken it down into bit so I've developed a bit of a plan. I'm not sure how this will go, but I'm quite (to quote Jillian...) pumped about it. :D

Goal Setting:

Specifically what I want to achieve:
*Clearer skin so I look better with no makeup on.
*Better sleep so I'm not tired all the time and not lying in bed tossing and turning and getting frustrated.
*Be able to wear sleevless tops without shame.

Steps I'm going to take:
More water, less diet coke, more exercise, continue with SW.

What the steps actually mean:
1.Drink more water.
1.1.Fill my 1 lt bottle every day and drink at least that at my desk (also use at weekends, just for measuring purposes).
2.Drink less diet coke.
2.1.I feel that I need the caffiene and/or the flavour over just the plain water sometimes (although the caffiene is psycosomatic) so experiment with various fridge teas (rather than aspartamine filled NAS squash) and try hot green teas until I find one I like.
3.Excercise more.
3.1.Unless it is pouring I will walk my 30minute lunchbreak around the river. It is pretty.
3.2.Unless it there is a specific reason why not, I will get the train home to the further away station and walk up the hill.
3.3.I will find out the times of the trains at the further away station in the morning and time how long it takes me to get there so I can see when I'd need to leave to use that instead.
3.4.Investigate "bingo wing busters" on the internet.
4.Continue with SW
4.1.As I am - keep mixing it up, keep sticking to it.

More ephemeral goals that I need to think about and develop more to break down into specific goals and actions in future:
*More groomed.
*Better body skin - if I'm going to wear sleeveless tops and shorts, etc, I need to have skin that's fit for humans.
*House keeping routine.
*stop wasting all weekend sleeping and slothing.

Right, I intend to review this every couple of weeks or so to see how I'm going.
Onwards and downwards :D - I went out for my wee 2.5mile river circuit at lunch time and although I wasn't speed walking or anything I pushed my heart rate up and was working hard enough that I kept wanting to slow down. I didn't, though, and I really enjoyed it (the sun kindly came out whilst I was walking :D).

I feel brighter and clearer than I usually do of an afternoon, too, so hurrah. Success.
Morning everyone - I hope it's drier where you are than where I am :D

I ended up going out for dinner with my friend last night - I've updated yesterday's food diary to reflect - which put me up to 14Syns (fine) and down one HExB (boo) but dinner was LOVELY so I'm not going to complain.

After dinner we went for a walk up the big hill to the park and it was gorgeous (also, she's a LOT taller than me and walks faster, so it was at a reasonable pace), so basically I feel relatively smugly virtuous :D

Tonight I'm cooking (and she wants veggies, so that's a bonus, hurrah) and I'm just hoping the rain goes back off again before lunchtime so I can do a "health walk". My diet coke addiction's definitely still a problem *eyes the can sitting open on my desk* but I bought green tea on the way into work this morning and I'll take it from there.

I downloaded prevention's free walking workouts last night, so I'll try them once I'm through catching up with Jillian's podcasts and the meditation podcast continues to be useful at switching off my brain (I was up an hour and a half earlier than usual today and thus far I'm doing alright :D)

Okay, so, red day today.

Jam 1 Syn
Scan Bran Part HexB
Porridge Part HexB made up with
350ml Skim Milk HExA (drank balance)

Banana SFree
Tomatoes SFree

Chicken Free

Salad SFree

Chicken Free

Fancier Salad SFree

Small Pickled Onion Monster munch 5.5Syns

HiFi Lemon HExB
350ml Skim HExA

I'm thinking about getting a pedometer, seeing as I seem to be getting into walking (it's the easiest thing to incorporate into my day and I can do it at lunch time, so no matter what else I may end up doing, I think it'll be staying) - does anyone have any reccomendations? (I've had a look on amazon and seen what's there at a decent * rating for not too expensive, but personal experience would be useful)
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big reply coming up :p hope the quotes work teeheheheh! xx
Okay, firstly, I just want to say THANK YOU for being such an inspiration to me.
Your support is absolutely invaluable and I would not be able to do this without you.
I’m going to attempt to reply to most of the stuff I’ve missed.. and am writing it through a work email… so here goes…

Right, just to record for prosterity - I've made a decision to re-up my exercise (because it's been a bit pants) so at lunchtime (I ate before I went out, whilst doing paper-worky things to save time) I used my half-hour to go for a yomp around the river (they've regenerated the riverfront near my work, with a new footbridge and lovely trees and things screening you from the road) for 30minutes. It's a really nice day here today - sunny with a bit of cloud, and unlike the rest of the country it's not roasting, it's about 15-17C with a cool breeze. I yomped fast enough that I'm still a bit over-warm now . I'll need to route-check later on to see how far it was, because it was a nice route and there's a slightly different one that I might try, too, if the weather continues dry.

Awesome hunnybunch! Sounds like your work place is in a nice setting – glad you’re making the most of things :p

In the goal of looking after myself with regards to beauty stuff I have: done a resurfacing scrub this morning and plastered on an all day sunscreen (UVA&B, SPF 15), remembered to put on sunblock lipbalm before I went out at lunchtime.

Put styling stuff in my hair so it's curly not frizzy and I don't need to screw it up in a bun .

I'm doing all this heathly eating stuff and it's about time I did the good-for-the-rest of me stuff on a regular basis.

Wow, this is SUCH a good idea, you are going to look fabulous! You probably already do! Taking care of my skin is one biggie I’ve tried never to neglect! Have been a religious fan of cliniqe since I was about… 13..

I can report a 1 pound loss (I was, as always, hoping for a wee bit more, but I've been quite red-meat heavy this week and I'm quite happy with it altogether. I'm going to go back to my usual all-chicken-salad-all-the-time thing this week, if only to balance the fact that I've no idea what I'm eating with my friend who's staying) and class was really good fun One of the girls got to her target and was talking about exercise and things, and she'd done this walking challenge through her work that sounded really good - she had a pedometer and had to try to get 10,000 steps a day (as we're all reccomended to do) and she credits that with achieving her goal (in her words) "so easily". I really like walking, it's free and it's fun at this time of year (mostly!) so I'm going to continue trying to integrate more walking around into my life.

:clapping: yayayayayayayay on the 1lb off! It could have been worse.. it could have been half a pound! Anyway, a pound is good, and steady, and like you say – red meat! Yay for chicken salad club, club as in members, not sandwich, Elaine.

Glad to be Elaine - you are, too, you know (you've fought a lot of demons and you're winning).
It doesn’t feel like I’m winning! It feels like they’re beating me to the ground!

I'm having a real think about non-diet related me-improvement goals (I feel like I've got the basic food stuff down), so expect more waffle!

Right, I've had a real look at what I want to do and broken it down into bit so I've developed a bit of a plan. I'm not sure how this will go, but I'm quite (to quote Jillian...) pumped about it.

Goal Setting:

Specifically what I want to achieve:
*Clearer skin so I look better with no makeup on.
*Better sleep so I'm not tired all the time and not lying in bed tossing and turning and getting frustrated.
*Be able to wear sleevless tops without shame.

Steps I'm going to take:
More water, less diet coke, more exercise, continue with SW.

What the steps actually mean:
1.Drink more water.
1.1.Fill my 1 lt bottle every day and drink at least that at my desk (also use at weekends, just for measuring purposes).
2.Drink less diet coke.
2.1.I feel that I need the caffiene and/or the flavour over just the plain water sometimes (although the caffiene is psycosomatic) so experiment with various fridge teas (rather than aspartamine filled NAS squash) and try hot green teas until I find one I like.
3.Excercise more.
3.1.Unless it is pouring I will walk my 30minute lunchbreak around the river. It is pretty.
3.2.Unless it there is a specific reason why not, I will get the train home to the further away station and walk up the hill.
3.3.I will find out the times of the trains at the further away station in the morning and time how long it takes me to get there so I can see when I'd need to leave to use that instead.
3.4.Investigate "bingo wing busters" on the internet.
4.Continue with SW
4.1.As I am - keep mixing it up, keep sticking to it.

  • I need to drink more water, too
1.1 I have recently purchased a Buxton bottle and am swigging that down as we speak. It’s 1ll.. and I know what you mean about the measuring – I will try to have at least one of these a day at work.
  • Gee I am all hung up on pepsi max! I know what you mean – I like the flavour rather than the plain water.. and usually have NAS or pepsi max.. or tea which I absolutely LOVE!
  • ALWAYS my goal J Love your 3.1. pretty too – start taking pictures :p
  • *shamed face*

More ephemeral goals that I need to think about and develop more to break down into specific goals and actions in future:
*More groomed.
*Better body skin - if I'm going to wear sleeveless tops and shorts, etc, I need to have skin that's fit for humans.
*House keeping routine.
*stop wasting all weekend sleeping and slothing.

Right, I intend to review this every couple of weeks or so to see how I'm going.

LOL @ skin that’s fit for humans! Ho ho ho! I want lovely skin too! No horrible cellulite and varicose veins.. although the dreaded orange peel will never go, I know.. at least we can get rid of the flab, right?
The housekeeping is probably the only thing I’m ON. I love cleaning and tidying… /freak.

Morning everyone - I hope it's drier where you are than where I am

I ended up going out for dinner with my friend last night - I've updated yesterday's food diary to reflect - which put me up to 14Syns (fine) and down one HExB (boo) but dinner was LOVELY so I'm not going to complain.

After dinner we went for a walk up the big hill to the park and it was gorgeous (also, she's a LOT taller than me and walks faster, so it was at a reasonable pace), so basically I feel relatively smugly virtuous

Tonight I'm cooking (and she wants veggies, so that's a bonus, hurrah) and I'm just hoping the rain goes back off again before lunchtime so I can do a "health walk". My diet coke addiction's definitely still a problem *eyes the can sitting open on my desk* but I bought green tea on the way into work this morning and I'll take it from there.

I downloaded prevention's free walking workouts last night, so I'll try them once I'm through catching up with Jillian's podcasts and the meditation podcast continues to be useful at switching off my brain (I was up an hour and a half earlier than usual today and thus far I'm doing alright )


I'm thinking about getting a pedometer, seeing as I seem to be getting into walking (it's the easiest thing to incorporate into my day and I can do it at lunch time, so no matter what else I may end up doing, I think it'll be staying) - does anyone have any reccomendations? (I've had a look on amazon and seen what's there at a decent * rating for not too expensive, but personal experience would be useful)

You’re doing so well. You’re such an inspiration, hun!! x
Well, the weather was conspiring against me at lunch time and it started pouring as soon as I left the building :mad:, but I walked along the river into town and picked up some salad bits anyway so, whilst it wasn't the walk I wanted to do, it was still a decent walk. Ha!

I'm glad I can help Elaine - your exercise comittment totally motivates me, so it works both ways :). I do work close to some nice places, they've spent a lot of money regenerating the riverside in the city and it makes it a lot fresher and brighter than just a trudge to the shops; I feel better for doing it emotionally as well (and I think we're supposed to get a bit of daylight in the middle of the day, aren't we?). I will see if I can get my phone to take pictures that aren't totally rubbish (I'm pretty sure that won't happen, it's rotten, but I'll try :D).

I'm not totally hideous at looking after my skin (I'm obsessed with being SPF'd up because I burn so easily) but I do need to be more routine-ish with it all. Bit by bit.

The chicken salad club have the best members (and I'm totally making up for my disloyalty last week by having it twice today, right? :D.

Cutting down the diet coke: not going very well. :mad:
Upping the water: 1lt gone and I'll have more when I get home (the water here tastes bad) :)
Green Tea: 2 cups drunk :D.

I'm getting more and more cellulite as I lose weight!! (I think the fat must have been pushing out the skin taut before) apparently a gentle scrub and moisturiser help, and I've got scads of the stuff kicking about from christmas presents and things, so I may as well try.

Hrm. I love things BEING clean, but I'm not organised and both my vacuums are competing to be the most ineffectual possible, so I get a bit frustrated. I just need to get a bit organised so it never gets bad, I think. I'm very tidy (I've got the knack of "keeping things going"), I just need to get a routine to keep it all clean, too. I've had some tips that I'm mulling over :D.

I've added a pedometer to my wishlist to look at come next payday, or if my dad offers a "I'm proud of you" treat again. I'm a total nerd when it comes to tracking things and playing with numbers, so it could be kind of fun? Useful, anyway.
I am declaring victory over the rain that tried to destroy my walking yesterday lunch time, because I DID get the train to the further away station last night and walked up the hill and after dinner we went out for another walk (because I've got nothing "puddingy" in the house and my friend wanted something :D) and I picked up the monster munch YUM YUM YUM. It's not hard and heavy exercise, but it is a LOT better than sitting on my behind doing nothing, especially because the weather really brightened up last night.

My friend's off on her further travels today, so no walking buddy tonight (and I've managed to take a bunch of skin off my foot with the wrong shoes. Ow :mad:) but it should be dry at lunchtime and I'll get the train to the other station again.

This weekend is going to be more housework (I seem to be getting a little obsessed...); I'm going to de-clutter my spare-crockery-and-picnic-stuff cupboard, sort out the top of my wardrobe and gather together all my defunct electronics (Dad may want them, or we'll take them to the electronics bit of the municipal tip, because there's electronics recycling and stripping there), find out what's in the hamper thing behind my TV (it's in a really stupid place and I'm pretty sure most of it's nonsense that can be tipped and then I'll have the crate for something else) and do general maintainance stuff (I've been told there's a Gok marathon on either more or E 4 on a saturday morning that will make good background motivating noise for cleaning).

I kind of like to have a plan :D and I'm definitely getting into Capricorn-style humpin-and-dumpin :D. Next weekend I'm away, so I'd like to leave the house as sparkling as possible.

As usual, it's a red day today.

Jam 1 Syn
Scan Bran Part HexB
Porridge Part HexB made up with
350ml Skim Milk HExA (drank balance)

Smoked Salmon Free (reduced when I went to get monstermunch last night. YUM :D)

Chicken Free

Fancier Salad SFree

Banana SFree

Bacon Free

Feta HExA

Salad SFree

Nairns oaty bake crisp things 5Syns

Lemon HiFi HExB

This weekend will be Saturday: Green Day, using up packets of things (and I might do the houmous b choice again, I liked that, it's good snacking :D) and sunday back to red with chilli (I'll make it on Saturday so it can mature :D) stuffed in baked butternut squash. OM NOM NOM.
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Wheee - I went for a nice long yomp at lunchtime in the other direction down the river (although it wasn't as satisfactory a route as I couldn't do a circle), about 3miles in 40minutes, so a reasonable pace. It's a lovely day (not too hot, slightly clouded over so I wasn't in full sun the whole time) and it made me feel great :D

Diet coke continues addictive (2 cans today) :mad:

I've had my full litre bottle of water today (more to come tonight). :)

Green tea is a fail so far today (I'll try and have one before I leave the office because I'm not taking my teabags home) :mad:

Fridge tea, however, made with festive spiced black chai and a jug of cold water yesterday (I don't like iced tea made with hot water gone cold, it's too tanniny) was really quite nice and very refreshing :D.
Wenchie! I got you a present!
How do I get it to you/

Oh and p.s. ... if diet coke is the only thing your doing wrong... ;P
A present!?!?! You totally didn't need to do that! :) Hrm, I could FB you my address (presuming, of course, FB messaging decides to work for me today!).

*snorts* Diet Coke's not the ONLY thing I'm doing wrong, but there are so many health implications from it and I'm definitely using it as a crutch, so...

Today is a "use up packets with additives and the nutritional value of cardboard" green day :D

Mild Cheese and Broccolli Pasta In Sauce 1/2Syn (I know, it's weird and my stomach's been making very odd noises ever since. I will not be doing it again :D)

Rest of the day to follow later.
hahahah I need to use diet coke as my crutch and NOT bad food.

yes, message me your address! Anyway it was a mini charity auction at one of my tea parties and people were bidding RUBBISH amounts so I just kept outbidding them and am now left with a heap of stuff.. BUT as I was bidding on it I thought oooh Claire would like that.. she can use it towards her goals lol! x
:D Now I'm really intrigued! (and I will fb you tonight, now that I've got my internet working again and fixed my computer - I spent quite a lot of my weekend doing the stuff I do at work all week. Harumph. P.S.A.: Make sure you've got an up to date back up of your P.C.)

Anyway, *touch wood* my computer's working again and I've not lost anything (and I've got a new system restore disc and backup on my external harddrive. Tonight I'm going to whack a FULL backup on DVD...or start one). Inbetween swearing and pleading with technology (if one doesn't work, the other usually does) I also scrubbed my bathroom to within an inch of its life, decluttered the remaining cupboard & drawers in the kitchen that needed it and cleared out the box behind the TV and the crap on top of my wardrobe - hurrah - and yesterday I went for a yomp up and down hills for an hour and a half (and then collapsed in a heap in Morrison's cafe with a large diet coke, it was warm and in defence of diet coke in general was the only one I had all weekend :p)... I slept like a baby all weekend and got up earlier than usual as well (and was up and all bright eyed an bushy tailed at half six today as well. Most not like me).

I basically couldn't sit still for most of the weekend (rubbish for catching up with TV and internet, great for body magic :D), no idea why, not complaining though, given my weekends are usually a lazy pit of sloth.

Okay, goal stuff:
1.Drink more water.
Peeing like a racehorse - and, I suspect, connected to the fact it was BOILING, but I managed over a litre both days.:)
2.Drink less diet coke.
Just the one all weekend and I've not bought any yet today. Win :D
3.Excercise more.
Lots of scrubbing-type housework and a great big long walk, combined with just not sitting still - I'm happy with that AND I finally investigated "bingo wing busters" on the internet (once I got it working...) :D
4.Continue with SW
Onwards, ever onwards, and no more pasta in sauce because it does unpleasant things to my innards. :D

More ephemeral goals that I need to think about and develop more to break down into specific goals and actions in future:
*More groomed. I've got my facial care into my routine already I think (although I've broken out all over my chin right now. Thank you hormones...) so, looking at it, this one needs 10 extra minutes in the morning to do my face, and then I'll work it out from there
*Better body skin. I did a scrub before my bath and slathered on body lotion afterwards, so I'll continue with that and see how it goes
*House keeping routine.if this total inability to sit still continues I think this will solve itself
*stop wasting all weekend sleeping and slothing again, if I keep on with this crazy energy, I think it will solve itself, but I'll continue with the plan-making thing I've been doing.

Okay, so Red again today.

Jam 1 Syn
Scan Bran Part HexB
Porridge Part HexB made up with
350ml Skim Milk HExA (drank balance)
Frozen Fruit SFree

Cottage Cheese Free
Costa wee skinny latte w/syrup 9 Syns

Chicken Free

Fancier Salad SFree

Banana SFree
NAS Jelly 0.5 Syns

Beef Mince Free
Wodges of veggie and 1/2 a butternut squash SFree

2*Alpen lights HexB
350ml Skim Milk HExA

Probably (I'm still in "using things up mode, hence the two alpen lights for supper and the jelly. TOO SWEET). Have a stellar day everyone - I'm off to do some work and then I'll be around all the diaries
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Morning honeybunch.
Hope you have a fab Monday and an even better week! whooo!

p.s. what kind of scrub have you got? I bought some last week but YERGH too oily.. I showered for ages trying to get the 'film' of oily crap off me! LOL! x
So, despite it being the hottest day of the year and me being all crampy-legs lady (dear hormones: you suck) I still went out at lunchtime and did my big speedy walk around the river :D Go me. And I feel better for it, who knew that exercise was good for you... :p

I am tired now, admittedly, but it's been a long day and the only real physical activity I have planned for this evening (after walking up from the further away train, if they've fixed it) is to haul the bin up from the basement and out to the street (and then to stick the results of my immense declutter into it). Then I just need to stick DVDs into my computer to make a second back up of it all and nuke dinner which should be terribly untaxing (oh, and whack on body lotion after I've had my bath. This is not a hardship).

I'm pretty sure exercise won't come so readily for the rest of the week as it's due to start pouring tommorrow morning and I don't have a decent waterproof (I have one that would fit two of me and one that isn't actually waterproof at all. I refuse to buy another one until I've lost the rest of the weight as good waterproofs are expensive), I'm kind of pondering a yomp along to holland and barret to pick up some of that next HExA coconut milk, just for a wee change.