Hello everyone


It was only a couple of misc messages you had placed, like on your smilies message etc.

OMG - Can't believe you are moving away! Are you all excited? Does this mean he won't be travelling so much? Is he working in an office over there?

At least he has his priorities right! What kind of restaurant is it? Mmmm... sounds good... fooood! Ha ha!

I would not worry about the weight you picked up! You have lost it all before and you definately can loose the odd pound or two - you know you have the motivation to do so!

I am feeling hungry today, but hopefully, like you, Day 3 tomorrow and hopefully ketosis will have kicked in.

The loo breaks are very annoying arn't they... I am so busy at the moment and I have to keep holding it...

Would be great if we can keep each other on track. We done so well before! Can you believe it was 2004 and I have been trying to get back on the "waggon" since Feb 2005. Urgh, really need to do it this time - how many times have a said that I wonder!

Thing is, I don't know if you find it, but when I am eating normally I don't come on here... I just hide away and ignore everything about this diet!

Hope you have had a good "drug induced" ;) sleep!

Char xx

p.s. do you still keep in touch with Kentlisa and Cinders?

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Hi Chardonnay

I was a original restarter back in 2004 too.... I'm still in contact with Kentlisa chat via text and MSN quite often! I'll let her know you were asking after her!
Hi Rachel!

I remember you very well from when I first started LL way back when. We did chat a couple of times on DH and on MSN. If I remember correctly you do not live far from me... I live in Dartford.

How is Lisa getting on? Is she still doing her nursing training? Please do tell her I say "Hi"!

Are you doing CD/LL? What day are you on? Questions, questions, questions.

I am at the end of Day 2, find the weeks easy (well, easy'ish) but the weekends murder. I must admit though, since I done my solid 3 week re-start from March 1 - March 25 I have found Coke Zero a God Send! I know we should only have it sparingly but it is helping me no end!

Hope you are well!

Take care,

Love Char xxxx
Morning everyone

Well it's Day 4 and going strong.

Opened the fridge last night to get out my sparkling water and found a few slices of black bread, 2 yogurts and some fruit. Eyed up the black bread and thought one slice wouldn't hurt, so with that I grabbed it, along with the rest and chucked it all in the bin! :clap:

Yay me! That was a hurdle, and now the fridge is empty apart from mustards and the like.

How is everyone else doing? Rachel? Char? Hope you're both well. Anyone else a recent re-starter?

Mandana x
Hi Char Hi Mandana!!

Well :( not good here. Went for a run last nigth and came over all dizzy, happened before when i was training so i have decided not to SS and to do WW.... Can't risk passing out whilst i'm running.... and i hope all the exercise will help tone up and lose the inches/weight! Currently training for a 5k and a 10k!! So gonna be running until August at least!

Well done for clearing the fridge mandana! Thats a good hurdle to over come!!

Lisa is still training..... will drop her a text and tell her to pop on here!!

Talk soon...
Oh no Rach, that's not good :eek:

Last thing you want is to make yourself ill.

Sorry you've decided to stop SS .. and good luck with SW.

Mandana x
Hi both!

Sorry to hear that you were unwell last night Rachel. That is one thing about this diet, some days you can feel so crappy. I just feel really light headed at the moment and can't concentrate very well, which is not a good thing!

I hope WW goes to plan for you - please keep posting!!!

Mandana - what on earth is black bread? Congratulations all the same for throwing it all away. How are you doing on Day 4?

Day 3 going well so far - apart from teh light head and general dippy mood...

Love xxx
Well hello you three :D

hahahaha char, i was thinking the same thing, never heard of it in my life!! How's day 3 going??

Mandana day 4 well done you, and top marks for binning the tempting stuff :D

Rache, good luck on w.w and your running :p

I'm doing ok, no packs as yet can't decide whether to have a chicken salad or my packs!! decisions eh!!

nice to catch up with you all

back later to see how you're all doing ;)
Black bread is my affectionate name for the organic stuff - like German bread (it's wheat free).

Anyway, it's delish, great toasted with marmite on and stops the need for laxatives! ;)

Getting in a bit of a state this end with everything that needs doing. This emigrating lark is very daunting, so I'm off to write lists and start ticking things off!

Mandana x

PS .. Day 4 is going ok. No packs as yet, but finding it easier to do this now as it really doesn't need thinking about!
Evening All

Struggling on the evening of my third day... urgh! I am still at work and have just had my final shake of the day. Going to go home and have a marigold and go to bed I think!

5ltrs down... dont think I should drink any more water...

Are you on 790 Geri?

Mandana - I dont care if it is called cow pat bread it is making my mouth drool so much at the moment!

I kinda know what you are going through with the emigrating lark - I moved over to England when I was 17 cause I lost both my folks and had no family in SA. I have no idea what it involves to move all the way to the States though but I am sure it is very very daunting!

Right, I best get on with some work... this site is too distracting. Still don't know how people put all the weight trackers and stuff on:mad: , need to work it out and spend more time on here:D !

Love xxx
Morning everyone!

Day 5 here and 10 pounds down! :bliss: :bliss:

Off to college now but will be back later to see how you're all doing.

Chardonnay .. cow pat bread :giggle:

Mandana x
10lbs FANBLOODYTASTIC Mandana!!!

How much do you hope to loose before your move to the States???

I have lost 3lbs since Day 2. Did not weigh myself Day 1 so don't know how much I have lost in total. I am 4lbs off from what I was on my last stint on CD so I will start counting downwards from there. So at the moment I am still "up" if you know what I mean?!?!

What college course are you doing? What are you going to do when you move to the States - are you going to carry it on over there. Are you planning on working when you move?

Questions :confused: Questions :confused: Questions :confused: Questions :confused: Questions :confused: Questions :confused:

Nosey Char xxx
:wow: Mandana, 10lbs already? That's absolutely fanflippintastic!

Hope you have a good day at college :D
Hi everyone

Well after an awful couple of days (lots of stress and tears) I'm feeling a bit better.

Stressing about the move, about the enormity of the move, the amount of things I need to do and the college presentation I've got next Thursday.

I've managed to calm myself enough today to sit down and start it, and I'm about half way through, so feeling much better now.

Just had a long conversation with H (3rd of the day) and managed not to cry this time! I'm missing him terribly and can't wait for him to be home (14 sleeps left) and for us then to start our new life in the States on the 20th May. I was going to stay back for a further 3 weeks to complete my course (counselling & psychotherapy) but have decided I don't want to prolong this move any longer, so I'll join H when he goes back. So this time in 4 weeks we'll be on our last night in the UK! :wave_cry:

I've managed a whole 7 days on packs (not eaten since I landed last Sunday) and have lost 12 lbs. Yes, yes I know, I've been on the scales! :scale: I'm not obsessed by them, just curious to know, that's all!

Have to say it's suiting me not having to worry about the whole eating lark - it's stressful enough without that too, and I know that the state I'm in I wouldn't eat properly anyway, so this is far better. I'm having a 'balanced' diet with everything my body needs, no hassle and losing pounds. Bonus :)

I'm off to bed now as I'm dog-tired. Hoping I'll have a good night as I'm not sleeping too well.

How is everyone? Would be good to hear from you - especially as I'm home alone :needhug:

Mandana x
Ooh well done Mandana, thats great :D

Hope you manage to get some more of your presentation done today... Mind you if you are not completing the course do you need to do it?
Hello Geri

When I said I'm not completing the course, I meant I won't be there for the last 3 sessions, but will have done over the required 80% attendance to pass.

As well as the 80% attendance, I need to complete a portfolio, do a presentation, take and pass the exam.

So I'm finishing off my presentation as we speak as that's on Thursday :eek:

How are you doing with life/diet/family?

Mandana x
Thanks Sonkie

I'm totally shattered .. busy day yesterday and only managed to finish my packs off late at night.

Roll on 20th May!

How is everyone doing? Love to hear from you

Mandana x