hello guys im new

zoe x

hi everyone i started this cambridge diet on friday and ive been reading some of ur posts so inspirational, thought id best register in the hope of gaining some support and also giving it :) really want to lose 4 stone in 12 weeks, like that lovely man from dueldynamics on youtube :D xx
Welcome to the group. U will find lots of inspiration on here and very soon will be giving it to others too :). 4 stone in 12 weeks is achievable but if not it wont be far off.

Good luck with your first week and just post if you are struggling at any point :)
thank u mandy i hope so :) uve done brill so far well done, my starting weight is 17 st 8. cant believe ive let myself get so big... gotta stay positive tho and grit my teeth and get on with it xx
Zoe that weight will soon be a thing of the past :). Its a great feeling when it starts to come off. Its no walk in the park but there is always someone here to help you through the bad times. How have you found it so far :)
thats good to know. erm first 2 days i found fine day 3 was tough as i felt dizzy and sick no energy etc, day four slightly better and today been fine :) i cannot drink plain water tho so been having weak squash hope it wont effect the weight loss too much x
Sounds like you are over the worst of it so plain sailing from here on in ha ha. I think you can buy water flavouring from your CDC but not sure at what stage. I am lucky because i like plain water and crave it on this diet. Check at your next weigh in but i dont think you are allowed squash. Be a shame to slow down your weight loss because of that so best check it out soon x
Good luck Zoe, I spend a lot or time reading about what works for people, overcomng temptation and reaching goals! It has helped me stay focused and regain focus when I cheated :( but now back on it I am trying to lose 4 stone in 12 weeks to so far nearly 4 weeks in and I have lost 16lbs.

Also drink as much water as you can, the more you drink the more you shrink! Take paracetomol when you feel headachey or dizzy and get plenty of sleep in the first few weeks.

Best of luck!:D
thank u hun, good luck to u too am sure u will do great! let me know how ur doing during the coming weeks :) x
Welcome and best of luck with your journey! xx