Hello! Is this where everyone is these days?!

Morning all :)

Yay, headache has gone!

I'm down 12 lbs after 3 days - wow or what?! Just shows how quickly it goes (and also how quickly it comes back again!).

Onwards & upwards ... or is that downwards?! :D

Mandana x
I'm so glad you're feeling better, Mandana - that's fantastic! And what a brilliant loss! Well done, mate! Sounds like you're well and truly back on the SS Wagon!
Thanks Isobel :D

I need to get past the first week though - my previous attempts at SS didn't see me past 6 days, so fingers crossed I don't succumb this time round. 'Eye on the dress lady, eye on the dress!' Sorry, that's me talking to myself! :eek:

Have SIL coming down for 2 days tomorrow, DH's daughter and her new beau coming for lunch on Saturday and a corporate function to attend next weekend. Will cope this week, but not sure if I can the following week. It'll be hard admitting I'm back on the programme to other people. And DH is trying to organise a dinner to celebrate his 30 years at his company - he's loath to do it with me not eating, but he's getting pressurised at work to arrange it! Argh!

Anyway, for the moment at least I'm well on the wagon, so to speak. If only keeping it off was as easy! <sigh>

Mandana x
Amen to that, hun! I'm with you on that one!!! Grr!!! lol

Still - at least we're doing something about it! Pre-vlcd, I would have just admitted defeat and piled ALL of the weight back on! Something's working - just wish I could be strong every day!

I'm sure you'll cope just fine with all of the social events you've got lined up - your head is in exactly the right place, hun. Plus, you can always tell people you've got a bug and feel too sick to eat! lol
Wow Mandana
12lbs - You go Girl:D

Hope you see this little tip before you leave to go to the cd counsellor, and that is to get some mix a moose. You could use it to make up a jelly, which you could nibble throughout the day if you're tempted!
tis all 'legal' lol so you won't be coming of the plan :)
Hey mandana that is a truly amazing loss - well done you.

I do understand where you're coming from with your social functions. My routine to get this last 10lbs off (i've lost 5lbs in last two days!), is 3 x LL packs with a protein and vegetable meal at night - the weight loss is still great doing this as am only having around 1000 cals a day. On days like your hubby's function maybe you should have 2 packs during the day and only eat protein/veg/salad in the evening???

It's all do-able honey!! How much more to lose to look fab in that dress?
Hey girls, I'm back! Went into work after my meeting with the CDC, and only home again for a short while before having to shoot off again.

Had a good meeting - CDC was really nice and was like this :eek: when I told her about my previous loss, and even more so when I showed her my 'before & after' pictures! Wasn't showing off at all :eek: ;)

I'm still really proud of what I achieved first time round, and am all fired up to kick my old habits once and for all and get this licked. Seeing my therapist last night really helped too - if things are ok in day-2-day life, the eating pattern usually follows suit, and he's given me a really useful tip to deal with a particular problem.

Headache has completely gone, and walking to the office I noticed I'd got a real bounce in my step! How great is that?!

Met another lady with my CDC this morning (first time round for her) and we've agreed to go again, same time next week and support each other. Interestingly, my CDC started off with LL but changed due to cost to CD, but she said she missed the group sessions. I can relate to that, so it's nice I've got someone else with me on our journey.

I'm feeling more relaxed about the social functions. Hell, I'm no longer morbidly obese, and seeing as CD is much more flexible regarding adding a meal here or there, this is going to be fine. I want to abstain totally for the initial 2 weeks, and then see how I feel.

Geri, I've got some mix-a-mousse thingy from my last CDC but I tried it once and it was yuk! I don't think I mixed it properly so will have to try again. Any tips on how to use it?

Karen, you're right about the functions .. after this 2 week SS I'll see how things sit (and fit!!) and take it from there. At the end of the day this is going to be for life, so if I need to revert back to packs for a while, so be it. Out of everything I tried (WW, slimming pills, hypnotherapy, acupuncture, other diets [all of them!]) VLCD was the only thing that shifted weight, so as I said before, I've learnt I'm an all or nothing girl, so have to go with what suits me.

Time for my first pack of the day! :p

Mandana x
Mousse tip:

Leave water in fridge overnight. Add mix a mousse to sachet and shake until it goes to the bottom. Add pack to water and blend furiously for over a minute til frothes up! Leave in fridge until sets (generally 10 mins or so). Enjoy! :D
Hi Mandana..........I remember you from the "other" site. Did you even know you had a fan following!!!
You replied many times to my thread.(thanks)
I'm restarting too......here's wishing us both a speeeeedy journey.

Hey Sugar

No, I didn't know I had a fan following! How :cool: and yet a bit :eek: at the same time!!

Day 5 here. Today and tomorrow are going to be the test. I've only got one appointment today, so the rest of the day will be filled with getting the house ready for my SIL's visit, shopping (food :rolleyes: ) and some paperwork.

Had a brilliant day yesterday - felt on top of the world, and energy levels soared.

Down another pound today, so that makes it 13 since starting on Sunday. Only another *&£$ to go! Might even try my dress on for motivation.

How is everyone else doing? Geri - are you hanging in there too hun?

Mandana x
Having a horrid day :(

Found out this morning a very close family friend's grandson has been murdered. I knew about the murder before I knew who it was, and it's knocked me for six.

Coupled with an afternoon of complete frustration at work. I advocate for people with learning disabilities, and I'm being blocked by everyone who is trying to split a couple up. They are so happy together, but her parents don't want her in the relationship (or any), and therefore her care managers etc., and making life very difficult for me trying to advocate on her behalf, and voicing her wants.

Feeling very down today, after a brilliant day yesterday.

Walked round the supermarket like a zombie! Even with a list I left things off. What I would give for some chocolate or something ...

Mandana x
Bought really nice crisps today .. not for me, but for people who are visiting .. and they are looking very tempting at the moment. :(

Haven't managed to unpack the shopping yet - feel too fragile and fear I may divulge.

Emotional eater or what :(

Someone say hello .. I'm feeling a bit lonely

Mandana x
Hello Mandana

Found out this morning a very close family friend's grandson has been murdered. I knew about the murder before I knew who it was, and it's knocked me for six.

OMG, that's awful. Child or adult? (terrible either way though)
Ah Mandana,
I've only just seen this, that is just awful news.

Sending you one of my special hugs

Sending hugs Mandana,

Sorry for your loss that is just so very tragic!

Love Mini xxx
Thanks for your messages and PMs - it wasn't a good day yesterday.

SIL arrived last night, and we went out for a meal. I was this close [--] to eating .. I even went up to the counter to order for everyone and *almost* ordered myself something. Don't know what stopped me, but something did.

Hubby asked what I'd ordered, and when I said nothing, he just said, 'well, whatever rocks your boat'! Erm, being on a VLCD doesn't exactly rock my boat, but the dress loomed in my head and I tried to remember why I was doing this. Something worked!

Anyway, I stuck to it, even though I had such an awful day, and felt better for it, I guess.

Going through the 'dicky tummy' stage ATM .. not pleasant!

Will see how I get on today being in Milton Keynes with SIL. We're going early to see Robbie. She wants to go shopping first, and then to a pub, and she has every intention of drinking loads and getting 'tanked' up. Not my idea of fun, even when I'm not SSing, so it's going to be a right test putting up with that! Joy!

Hope everyone else is ok and feeling good.

Not weighed today .. will leave it now until Sunday, when it will have been a week.

Mandana x
Oh FFS .. just read the back of the ticket ..

No bottles, cans, containers, alcohol or food to be brought into the venue. Water and non-alcoholic drinks in plastic bottles with unbroken seals up to 500ml (0.5 litre) are permitted.

How the feck am I supposed to drink my water today?

Suppose I'll have to buy theirs at £2.50 per .5 litre :mad: