helzzz's diary - 59.5lb lost, 15.5 to go!

Still feeling awful today :( Just read through my diary for a bit of inspiration and I think it's helped. I've managed to lose weight on other weeks when I've been essay writing or had a buffet to go to so why wouldn't this week be the same?

I still have 2000 words to write as migraine meant that I couldn't concentrate (or even look at the screen) yesterday. Today I can at least look at the screen so it's an improvement but still feel like my head is about to explode. My usual painkillers are missing from the medicine box and I haven't got the energy to turn the house upside down so I'm on ibuprofen which aren't doing much for me! I'm running out of time to wait for it to pass so I'm going to have to try to write the essay despite feeling pants. I guess the only positive is that the nausea side of the migraine means that I can't bear the thought of crisps / chocolate which would normally be what I crave during essay writing.

Wish me luck!
Thanks Babypat! I'm still feeling good this week and have stuck to my plan 100% since Monday's Chinese (which I will have pulled back the syns for by today! :D )
hey babes. hope that essay is long gone :D i was wondering if you wanted to meet up today but can't find your number? i think little fingers may have been at my phone...

abz xx
Hey guys. WI went well - I lost 1lb!

I was really good up until Friday but then struggled over the weekend to eat healthily. I spent so long making the food for the christening party that I didn't have time (or kitchen space) to prepare anything healthy for lunch before hand so had bacon and sausage butties along with everyone else.

At the buffet I had an egg sandwich and a cheese sandwich (both on white bread rolls), a pack of cheese and onion walkers and 1/6 of a cheese and onion pizza (which was delicious). At least I didn't drink or have any chocolate cake so I don't think I did too badly! However, I didn't stop from 8am to 5pm running round getting everything ready so I think there was some body magic done - I was aching from head to toe by the end of the day.

On Sunday we went to a harvester, and while I could have had pasta I'd got to the point in the week where I said "sod it" and had a bbq chicken burger and chips. I then had cheese sandwiches and a pack of McCoys for tea - was too shattered by the time we got back to make anything else.

Well - this week is a new week. I'm still tired out though - I spent all of last week essay writing and then the weekend preparing for 60 people to be at my parents for the party and then the cleaning up afterwards (including dismantling a gazebo and other stuff). I am having a really lazy day today and not going to go shopping. I've worked out my syns for the week and plan to have a Chinese for tonight. I've also guessed at syns for a meal out on Saturday so I'm hoping I'm pretty accurate with it.

Here's my plan for the week. I want 2lb off to get me into the overweight bracket, I'm sure I can do it - especially if I do some exercise every day (except today). There should be no excuse not to as I've finished the essay writing and I'm not in work!

[FONT=&quot]Mon 1st Aug[/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]B / L – omelette with cheese (a) beans, coleslaw (2) and 1 slice white bread (5.5)[/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]T – [/FONT][FONT=&quot]chicken fried rice (16), 12 prawn crackers (9)[/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]Syn total = 32.5 (+17.5)[/FONT]

[FONT=&quot]Tue 2nd Aug[/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]B – weetabix (b) milk (a) banana[/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]L – scrambled egg on toast (b) with margarine (3) and salad cream (2)[/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]T – quorn lasagne: white sauce (2.75) cheese (a) & 250g oven chips (2.5)[/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]Syn total = 10.25 (+12.75)[/FONT]

[FONT=&quot]Wed 3rd Aug[/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]B – weetabix (b) milk (a) banana[/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]L – mushroom pasta with dairylea (a)[/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]T – quorn lasagne: white sauce (2.75) cheese (b) & 250g oven chips (2.5) [/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]Syn total = 5.25 (+3)[/FONT]

[FONT=&quot]Thu 4th Aug[/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]B – weetabix (b) milk (a) banana[/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]L – speed soup[/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]T – tuna pasta bake: tuna (b), beans, sweetcorn, ½ pack ready salted crisps (3.5), cheese (a)[/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]Syn total = 3.5 (-8.5)[/FONT]

[FONT=&quot]Fri 5th Aug[/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]B – weetabix (b) milk (a) banana[/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]L – speed soup[/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]T – [/FONT][FONT=&quot]spinach & feta (a) & pepper pie with filo pastry (4.5)[/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]Snack – 2 alpen lights (b)[/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]Syn total = 4.5 (-19)[/FONT]

[FONT=&quot]Sat 6th Aug[/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]B – weetabix (b) milk (a) banana[/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]L – speed soup[/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]Crisp tortilla parcel, (10) delivered with homemade salsa (4tbs = 2), guacamole (4tbs = 6), soured cream (4tbs = 6), garlic & coriander rice & refried beans. Packed with: Roast butternut squash, iron-rich spinach, cheese (a) & chickpeas [/FONT]
[FONT=&quot](Add 10 syns for oil)[/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]Syn total = 34 (0)[/FONT]

[FONT=&quot]Sun 7th Aug[/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]B – weetabix (b) milk (a) banana[/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]L – egg, bacon (4), mushrooms, beans[/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]T – [/FONT][FONT=&quot]cod (b) stuffed with spinach & ricotta (a) served with spring onion mash (1), carrots and peas[/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]Syn total = 5 (-10)[/FONT]

[FONT=&quot]So that leaves me with 10 syns for the week which might allow a cheeky alpen light / hot chocolate options from time to time.[/FONT]
Yay! Well done on losing 1lb :D

How do you make your white sauce for the lasagne? :)
My dad used to always make a tuna bake thing with crisps - I might have to adapt it to be veggie :p
Thanks hun. I just use a sachet of white sauce or cheese sauce that you make up with water. They're 11 syns for a pack and I make a big lasagne that does 4 servings.
I lost 1lb again this week. I'm so close to being overweight as opposed to obese that I'm a bit gutted I didn't lose the extra pound that I needed. I guess there's always next week.

On the positive side I'm feeling better about myself this week. It's taken a long time but I can see the difference when I look in the mirror and at photos from the christening last week. I've got a long way to go still but I'm finally starting to see something for it. I know other people have been telling me for a while that you can tell but our minds play tricks on us when it's our own bodies. I also went out in size 14 jeans on Saturday night so I'm feeling really good about myself. Hope it lasts - hubby's really enjoying having a more confident wife.

It's our 2nd wedding anniversary today so we're having a picnic at lunch and a chinese take-away tonight. The in-laws are also coming to take us out next weekend for a celebration meal. I've planned the week (in fact I've planned til the end of the month as I've decided to have a different meal each night for a month for a bit of variety. I have a diary in the food section called Helzzz's Hunger Heaven and I'm going to put all my recipes and food piccies on it as a way of stopping me getting bored. I guess with a meal out and a take-away I should realistically only expect to lose 1lb at most but I'm going to up the exercise to try and get 2lb to get my next sticker FINALLY!

you looked fab on saturday night honey. well done on ignoring my tempting you with sangria :D
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Thanks hun. I'm glad I stuck to a little sangria - no headache the next day! :D

I realised today that it's exactly a year since I recorded my measurements in my old SW book so I took them again. I've lost 2" from each thigh, 6" from my hips, 4" from my waist and 4" from under my bust. My bust itself hasn't changed so hubby is happy as he thinks that my boobs have effectively grown by 4"!

I'm feeling very proud of myself today and I'm a happy bunny. I'm going to keep measuring each month now, thinking that if I up my exercise I can get even better results. I think I'm going to join the gym again. My CRB check is through so I'll be able to start work in the next week or so hopefully and I've worked out that I only need to do 6 hours overtime a month (which I should be doing lots more than that) to pay for the gym. I'm going to go to the gym this afternoon when I go shopping to try to sort it out.
1lb is great, well done! :D And wow on your measurements - that's 18 inches in total :) I like the bit about your boobs growing by 4 inches, men are so easily pleased aren't they :D

I'm trying to fit more exercise in aswell - it's so hard at the end of the day though. I'd love to go swimming - but it's expensive, and with the bus fares it's double the price. Hubby is not too keen either, I think the fact that he can't see without glasses doesn't help that :D. Hopefully if the people here decide to give a job then I could go on my way home again :rolleyes:.

We tried to get back into running again too, so maybe we should try a bit harder :eek: I spent all of yesterday walking around in uncomfortable shoes though, and now have a blister on the sole of my foot - really not the best thing for running :sigh:
hey stitch. have you got yourself a city card? it effectively halves the price of swimming. if you can get a city extra then it only costs about 2 quid to go swimming. i walk to the pool but i guess you can't. and of course i only take izzy rather than exercising myself. maybe i could pull her around on a rubber ring?

abz xx
I put on 1lb! :( I guess it was only to be expected when I had a picnic and chinese meal on Monday, meal out with the in-laws on Saturday lunch, drinks and food on Saturday evening and then a hangover Sunday so had a chicken burger and chips from the take-away. Actually - when I write it all down I'm surprised I didn't gain more.

Good points from this week:
* I did hubby a picnic for lunch on our wedding anniversary and only used 6.5 syns (normally I'd have used it as an excuse to totally pig out)
* We had a chinese on for our anniversary and I only had my normal chinese (normally I'd have said we're celebrating - let's get soup, starters, duck *and* my meal)
* I went to my friend's on Saturday and made pitta pizzas to take with me so that I didn't give in to take-away pizza (I did get some chips though :eek: )
* I took diet lilt to mix with my red wine to make a SW friendly(ish) sangria. The only downside is it was delicious and I drank far too much (next time must take less red wine)
* I took breadsticks to nibble on (1 syn each) while they were eating crisps. Unfortunately there were a lot of breadsticks and I ate quite a bit when I was drunk (next time just take a packet of quavers)
* I did 3.5 hours of exercise this week (lots of zumba, just dance and wii-fit)
*Went out for a meal with the in-laws and refused a pudding :D

I'm actually quite proud of myself. I tried to be healthy considering the amount of things I had on - I also learned a few lessons for what to do at future events (less red wine, quavers etc)

This week I'm doing a fish week. Last time I tried it I got really ill as it turned out that smoked salmon and me disagree quite badly. This time I'm sticking to cod/salmon/prawns/crabsticks/tuna - things I know I'm safe with. I also have nothing planned so I'm sticking to 15 syns a day and not saving any - use them or lose them.

I didn't join the gym - talked to hubby about it who thought it was a bit silly until I know my work rota and whether it's feasible to fit in exercise classes etc after work (I could be working evenings). I start work today (in a couple of hours) and as usual when I start a new job I haven't been able to sleep - despite doing an hour and a half of zumba before bed to tire myself out.

Here's to a good week. I *will* lose 2lb so that I'll still have averaged 1lb a week over the last 5 weeks and finally be overweight rather than obese!
1lb is not that bad - it'll come off next week :) Well done on all your other achievements - and well done on being positive despite the gain :D. I think gains are always much easier to get your head around when you know why you've gained, but it's still so easy to think "sod it...." :rolleyes:

Good luck for this week :D
you'll do it helen. congratulations on only gaining a lb. that was very restrained of you with so many events :D good luck on the loss this week :)

abz xx
Well I've had a hectic week so far. Started work with quite a few 11 hour days this week so not getting home til 8:30 :( Bless my hubby though - he's cooked on the nights I've been late - I just rearranged the week so that it was the easy meals for him to cook.

I'm still sticking to it 100% this week - despite the really long hours. I've just been using the right amount of syns every day (between 10 and 15) and not allowing myself to go over or do any saving. I'm also shattered - Wednesday particularly (11 hour day) saw me do about 7 hours walking, including 2 hours of pushing a wheelchair, and I was aching all over by the time I got home. I haven't done any exercise this week as I've got in too late and been too tired but think I've been doing enough with work.

I'm doing fish week and still really enjoying it. I cooked salmon for the first time last night - although didn't know that when you buy salmon fillets they have skin on the bottom. When I saw it I couldn't face the skin so I had to cut it all off before cooking. I know I probably have skin when I eat salmon in restaurants etc but this skin seemed really thick and made it seem too fishy. Anyway - it was lovely! :D

I'm still hoping for a loss this week, and to get into the overweight BMI! I see no reason why I can't stick at it for the next two days and get a good result - which I will really deserve this week as I've stuck to the plan more rigidly than I have in 6 months.
you'll do splendidly hon. well done for sticking with it!!

i made a spanish omelette thingy for tea tonight which was nice. although i need to precook the potatoes a wee bit more, ha. also bought ingredients for the parmesan chicken thing and a couple of other recipes from the magazines you lent me. need to go through them properly though. fancy making a chicken curry, but that's in three of them so need to see if they are all the same recipe, ha.

good luck for monday babes.

abz xx