Here I go again.....

Thanks MrsN it's made me feel really good today to see such a difference already! Isn't it silly how we avoid being in photos what is wrong with us - we need the weight off and take loads of photos! In fact when we get to target I think we should all met up somewhere in the middle of us all and have a I don't know spa day or something. It would be really nice to meet everybody in person, I feel like you are all my friends and you are all helping me so much x
Thanks and you lovely x
Becky you look amazing and just the inspiration I needed this morning!

Well done:0clapper:
Wow thank you! I'm needing inspiration after a week off work.

So ended up having one bar yesterday then for some reason I was just madly craving Chinese so to stop me ordering a bad takeout I decided to make a king prawn mayflower curry and had it will cauliflower rice! It was lush and just what I needed. So not going to feel bad I did check it was low carb and I'm still in ketosis this morning. Just hope the scales arnt too hard on me on Tuesday! But I've had a lovely week off work so today no excuses I am 100% TS x
Curry sounds fab!! I need to learn how to make couliflower rice!! I'm such a Rubbish cook - Hubby does most of it.
MrsN you get a cauliflower and grate it! It's that simple, then I just fry it with fry light for about 5 mins (you can microwave it but never tried that) and I just finish it with a splash of soy sauce. So quick and easy.

I was mad with myself this morning for not just having a pack but I thought no I made wise choices and only had one pack and didn't drink or have snacks etc so I turned it around and was proud of myself then. I just know that I cannot be disappointed if the scales don't show a great loss this week but I've been on holiday so giving myself a break lol! X
That's the only way to look at it and if you stayed in ketosis then I'm sure you'll be fine.
What would you be happy / disappointed with? My line is 2.5lb and anything under I'd be disappointed with! (Unless I was off diet of course).
wow u can really tell the difference in your face.
That's the only way to look at it and if you stayed in ketosis then I'm sure you'll be fine.
What would you be happy / disappointed with? My line is 2.5lb and anything under I'd be disappointed with! (Unless I was off diet of course).

Well think I was 17.2 when I got weighed Thursday so I would be happy with that 4 as last weigh in was 17.6 so I would be disappointed with less that 4 as that would mean I've had a gain :eek: fingers crossed for the 4! The ketostix show I'm still well in ketosis so I'm hoping l! X
Such a massive difference. You look stunning :D

Thanks :wee:X

And well done on making a healthy choice!
Sometimes it's better to just have a sensible meal to keep cravings at bay, otherwise you end up feeling deprived and risk eating something properly naughty.
You made a good decision

Thanks I just hope the scales are kind as that's 3 meals I've had this week, but I've stayed in ketosis so I've everything crossed for Tuesday weigh in x
Thanks just need my bottom half to catch up now lol! X

I know right. Its like come on bod get with the programme. If the face can sort itself out why cant you?
My bum and thighs are my main problem areas my waist is quite small for someone my size, think my 3 stone loss appears to have gone from my face lol X
My face is the same really..... Weight so far is coming off there and my boobs!
4lb would be ace! Fingers crossed deserve it.
Thanks MrsN although I'm not sure I do after 3 meals off plan, don't think I could do the add food week I'd never get back on it. Only had one bar today and not hungry, can't really just have 200 cals? Struggling with water too today x
Yeah get that water down you.
No if you only have 200cals I think your body will go into some sort of shock.
I know what you mean about not being hungry I just force it all down really.

I can't believe how quick the weeks are going - I have my 5 th weigh in on Tuesday and just goes to show if you're focused you can do it!

What's your next mini goal?
My 7th! Can't believe I'm still going! Well firstly to get into the 16s not seen that weight for a long time but hopefully will be there not this coming weigh day but hopefully the one after that. Then I think it will just be to get into the 15s and hopefully a size 18 bottoms!

How about you x