Here I go again.....

Good woman Bex! I hope no contraband came into the house. It's hard enough getting back into the swing of things without that! I've done well today, v v hungry but that's my own fault! Hope you hit ketosis asap. :)
I think you'll fall back into ketosis quicker!
I'm planning lots of early nights this week. But it's not hunger I'm fighting it's the thoughts in my head!

I hope so! I feel hungry now but I know I'm not - I think it will be an early night tonight I'm same it's the thoughts in my head, so stupid!

Someone at work gave me a load of plants today and been trying (unsuccessfully) to identify them to make sure they arnt poisonous to my dogs, wish I knew more about gardening/plants! It's made my eyes so sleepy so hopefully I will get a good night sleep x
Good woman Bex! I hope no contraband came into the house. It's hard enough getting back into the swing of things without that! I've done well today, v v hungry but that's my own fault! Hope you hit ketosis asap. :)

Thank you, it's really hard getting back to it when you have time off, only thing is I hope I get a first weeks loss result! X
Ah, every cloud...:)
Thanks Darcy! Feeling really good today? Bit worrying as I thought I would feel like last time? Headache dizzy etc and I feel really energised! I'm not complaining x
Thanks! I really thought I would struggle x
So only had two packs so far today and not hungry?!!!! Thought I would be until I got back into ketosis. Not complaining though. Been gardening since I got home from work so roughly 2 hours 20 mins which is all burning fat I hope!!! Hope everyone has had a good day and is enjoying the lovely weather we have had? Even though I've been stuck in the office lol x
Yay. Well done. We can do it.
Thanks everyone you all really keep me going x
Whoop!!! Well done. X x
Had a sneaky wi this morning and I'm 4lbs down so far - 1 more to go to be back where I was at 17.1 so I'm really hoping to see 16 something by official Tuesday wi! Got a bit of a headache today but had a poorly dog so not really slept that well as been up with him most of the night so not sure if it's the diet or lack of sleep.

Have a good day everyone x
That's fab!!! I think the 16's are very possible. I've had a sneaky weigh in too and 2lb down so 16'0 so I'm hoping to see the 15's!! Fingers crossed!!!
That's great you will be well in the 15s by Tuesday wi!!!! X
I hope so Bex. Feel like I've waited ages!!!