Here I go again.....

Me too with the 16s! We will get there lol!

Thanks Darcy and you x
Nearly caved tonight and had a bbq but decided not too even though would just have been meat and salad. Not even hungry so glad I didn't cave now x
And it's turned cold now so glad I'm warm inside x
Well done lovely!!! Think of Tuesday's weigh in.
Thanks MrsN! It better be a good one x
Well done on resisting the barbie Bex - there'll be plenty more of those after the diet finishes, and you'll be wearing much smaller clothes! :)
I keep thinking that about my holiday- will be able to take more clothes as they will all be half the size of what I used to take x
Ooh yeah more clothes!!!
My scales aren't budging - feel very bloated!! Aargh!
I will be back on Tuesday hopefully with a mahoooosive loss! I will be in the 16s!!!!! X
Ooh yeah more clothes!!!
My scales aren't budging - feel very bloated!! Aargh!

Did you have a slimatee? Think I will need one this weekend! X
I will be back on Tuesday hopefully with a mahoooosive loss! I will be in the 16s!!!!! X

Fabulous, look forward to that!!!!!!!
It is great when you go down under that next barrier isn't it x
Thanks Darcy you too! X

Clare I can't wait to be in the 16s I was 20stone in January! X
wow - Bexsterm so you have lost well over 3 stone since January, thats fantastic, have you had any days during that time where you had have 'normal food'? i have to in a fortnight, i was hoping not to but I cant really get out of it - well done on what you have achieved thats very impressive :)
Thank you Joanne, I had a few planned days in April and made great choices then last week I lost the lot and had a full week off and ate everything I had been craving - mainly carbs which isn't my thing at all! Really strange - put 5lbs on but I back on it now which I have found easier than I expected but I had a few false starts!

How are you getting on? X
Having a bit of a rough day, it was a difficult day in work and I went to the doctor about my knee and the fluid that is around the knee cap is infected which is causing a lot of pain, so anti bionics for that - I did have a sneaky peak this morning on the scales and it looks like i have lost 8lb so very very happy with that. x