Here's to getting the old me back!

Aw Spangly I am sorry I really hope things improve soon for you, big hugs xxx
Well, at weigh in tonight I stayed the same, which is a minor miracle, considering! And I'm starting RTM!!! I can't believe I've made it!!
Another milestone achieved.
Well done you Spangly xx
My DH's MS has been terrible today. I really think this is "it" as far as his being able to walk goes. Awful.

Can you believe that Sainsbury's expect the mobility-impaired person to walk UP a floor to get their mobility scooter?

Am lapsing a bit tonight... well, am I, given that I am on RTM?! hmm... anyway. VERY "rebellious child" and lots of anger/hurt/sadness going on
Oh spangly..... im sorry u feeling upset... but congrats on being on RTM..... 'MAZING!!!!!!!!
Hope today is a better day than yesterday for all of you lovely, and that rebellious child ******* off for a while (mind you are making massive adult decisions in the rest of your life so dont beat yourself up) xx
Hey Spangly, congratulations on your great progress and especially on reaching RTM - kudos to you considering everything else you are dealing with hun.
Thanks, guys. Feeling better today. Almost feel as though I needed to 'act out' last night. I feel fine today. Still sad, but not as despairing and angry as yesterday. More 'adult' again, I know my hubby and I will get through this one way or another and I want to be strong and support him as best I can. I think we all need to rebel from time to time though, and as long as its not a constant pattern of unhelpful behaviour, but one-offs from time to time, I can live with that.

Had an ok day today. Been a bit tired though, as my youngest has had two pretty bad nights as she has a nasty virus so I'm a bit frazzled round the edges. Managing, though! And after all, I'm always going to have difficult times to deal with, regardless of RTM or whatever.
I have so much respect for you and your situation. Youy are such an inspiration in all aspects of life.

Keep smiling beautiful xx
i totally agree with TBSX!
Thank you! I don't feel I deserve the praise, but thank you anyway. Well, DH is seeing his consultant tomorrow, so fingers crossed there is something he can do to make his symptoms a bit better. The fear is that with each relapse, the condition progresses, and although you may get some mobility back, it never gets back 100% to where you were before the relapse. DH seems to be coping reasonably well though, which at least is something.

I'm still knackered, though I only had to get up once last night (hurrah!). I'm having to do everything at the moment as DH is so incapacitated and it's taking its toll a bit. Such is life... at least I haven't lapsed again!

I have my first RTM meeting tomorrow - very exciting! (I've just completed week one.)
Had to skip my group last night as DH is so unwell. He had two falls yesterday. I am really scared. The consultant was lovely (I haven't met him before and he's much nicer than the old one!) but 'denial' has gone out the window (DH's or mine, or both?) as he has suggested we consider a more aggressive treatment than the beta interferon ( which DH has been on for a few years now). The new treatment has scary side effects though, including death due to brain infection (!) so we need time to think about it.

I'm really worried. Friends are rallying round, which is brilliant, but I'm not coping very well.

Reached my goal weight though. Sorry if I don't feel like partying right now.
Spangly, I am so sorry. It must be a really hard decision to make I am sure you will find the strength to make it though.

Time to party when the decisions are made maybe, well done though you have worked hard to reach goal and with such difficult circumstances to deal with along the way! You are a true inspiration to a lot of us on here, so please dont forget that. xx

Thinking of you xx
im really sorry things are not going so good for with ur DH(what does that stand for?) It must be so hard and heartbreaking for you. but you have had the strength to do LL so u will use ur strength to work with whatever is best for u and ur DH xxxx
Thinking of you Hun...

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Just wanted you to know that i thinking of you and hope that things go as well as they can. I really admire that you have managed to stick to this plan and reach your goal under this immense pressure. You can party at any time - just look after yourself for
im really sorry things are not going so good for with ur DH(what does that stand for?) It must be so hard and heartbreaking for you. but you have had the strength to do LL so u will use ur strength to work with whatever is best for u and ur DH xxxx

I think its dear husband xx
It is indeed dear husband! Sorry, I post on another forum sometimes so use the same acronym and forget people don't necessarily know what it means!

Has been a tough day, but getting there. Got him a walking frame, which is going to be a help, although he's now overdone it today and is worn out.