Hi i`m back again lol

Hiya Roch

Just trying to catch up . well done on getting back on track. That goes to show that you do have control over your eating.

It would be good, however, to get through a whole week of SS without any additional bits and bobs if you can.. that way it will set you up for the months ahead a lot better. You need to start as you mean to go on.

I would look at this first week as an introduction into SSing for you. That way, if you have the odd bit of chicken breast it isn't going to hurt too much, however, when you get to day 7, I would love for you to make a decision that you aren't going to have ANYTHING other than your packs and stick to it for a whole 7 days straight - no matter what!! OK? Is that a deal? AND.. if you agree to do it, I'll do it with you too (this is a tough tough time for me and I need to be 'buddied up' to someone who is deadly serious about sticking to this damn diet!!) So.. there's the challenge.. when you get to day 7 that's it, NO MORE cheats.. not even a morsel of chicken.. for a whole 7 days straight... both of us.. ok?? Otherwise, to be honest, it ain't SSing.. and we will both be liars for saying that we are!! Coz, let's face it.. Sole Source means precisely that SOLE SOURCE.. not 'sorta sole source but with a bit extra thrown in here and there when we feel like it'.

Ok, this may not be a popular post, but you and me kid, we know how it is for us.. and we know how much you want and need to succeed at shifting this weight. So. Let's do it! What do ya say?
Well have been awol for the past week or so. I have been having a hard time and now have finally given in and accepted help and am now on anti depressants. Also my sciatica back with vengace and i am now on 3 voltarol a day and 8 co codamol just to be able to stand up !!Have found it very hard to even get out of bed let alone leave the house or face anybody.
This has been the worse bout of depression i have ever had and to tell u the truth i cant cope.
Most days i am not even getting dressed and when i do log on to the net i put an away message on so i dont have to face anyone, and i also took away the notification option on the site so i did not even know when anyone sent me a pm as i could not cope !!

I have had enough and dont know which way to turn !!
I am not Ssing and i have decided that i am not going to go down that road again as i am putting myself through to much emotional stress which i cant cope with at the moment.

I have spoken to my Gp and have asked her to now refer me for a gastric bypass but i am still not using that as an excuse to pig out i am following a sensible low gi diet.
My sciatica is so painfull and makes me feel even more down and hate myself more for allowing myself to get like this.
I also have just started to notice that i have sleep apnea which i did not realise i had till Aaron told me that i am falling alseep whilst i am talking to him and it seems like my health is deteriating day by day.

Aaron is having surgery tomorrow to have 2 extra teeth removed that are imbedded in the roof of his mouth, i am very nervous and scared about him having a general anisthetic as last time he had a general anisthetic he had a major bleed and haemoraged so tomorow will be a hard day for me emotionally !!
I am trying to hold it together but i am very much on my own and feel like i have reached rock bottom and now taking the anti d tablets.
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good to see you back :)
right, first & foremost get the depression sorted, only when that is sorted will you be able to look forward & be able to see which road you are going to take.
in the mean time look after yourself & know i'm allways around if you need a chat
Nice to see you Roch we have missed you.

Sorry to hear you are feeling so low, hopefully the medication will help you soon. Going for the bypass is not an easy option and as you have tried ssing etc and you have had trouble it seems like this may be the right option for you. Hopefully they will help you sooner rather than later.

Take care hun xx
:vibes: :vibes: my thoughts are with you and your son , roch , hope all goes well for him xxx

Well done on getting to the doctors and asking for help , im sure you will do just nicely now you have taken a big step . big well done :grouphugg:
Hi Roch

Good to see you back on the forum but so sorry to hear you're having such a tough time. As already said you've done the right thing going to see your Dr and you have to let yourself get better before anything else can fall into place. Hopefully the anti-depressants will start working quickly which will help enormously.

I hope everything goes ok for you tomorrow - take care of yourself hun & look after you & your boy.

Lotsa luv

I am sorry to hear that you're having problems with your back - it's so debilitating.

Getting help for the depression, hopefully the pills will kick in soon and give you some breathing space. It sounds like you are isolating yourself, a classic symptom of depression, and one I am familiar with too.

No wonder you are worried about your son's op tomorrow, I am certain that the staff will be aware of what happened last time and will have procedures in place to deal with whatever happens.

Added to that, sleep problems, and no wonder you want to hide away. We are all thinking of you and will be here if you want support. Depression just makes everything so much worse, but I hope you do see some light at the end of the tunnel soon, Roch.

Take care.

So glad to see you back posting Roch. You are having a bad time lately arent you. Hope now you have accepted help that youll be able to see a bit of light at the end of the tunnel. Dont hide away from us, we are your friends and we worry about you.
Hey Roch, so proud of you for getting help with the depression, what a great step forward for you.

Don't worry about the sleep apnoea, that will go when you lose the weight (by whatever means) so it's only temporary honey, and more worrying for those around you than for yourself. But it is knackering so be kind to you and if you want a nap, nap :)

Any parent would be worried as you are about your boy, it's impossible (especially given last time) for you not to worry, so I just suggest that if you feel yourself getting anxious try a trick I do when I go to the dentist - I sing songs in my head. It is distracting and also bizarrely calming as you have to concentrate on the words.. don't know if it will help or not, but it might... it helps me when I have stressful situations.. actually it's usually hymns.. but sometimes it's Queen's Fat Bottomed Girls, or Walking on Sunshine, or Love Shack.. lol.. whatever helps you get through these days sweetheart, do it.

I'm sure the doc will help you with the gastric thing, but you may find that you have to lose a bit before they will do it sweetheart. I'll pm you my phone number so if you want to talk, cry, scream or whatever and moan or whatever you can do.

Right now isn't the time to be SSing.. you need to allow the tablets to work their magic (and they will - trust me!) and then you will be better equipped to deal with your sciatica and pain management of that.. and you will sleep better (despite the apnoea) and that will help.

It's a mountain honey, but you can get there.. the depression is nasty with a capital NNNN!!! I know. It WILL get better though, honest it will. What seems like bleak dark hopelessness now WILL change. Just try your very best to be patient with yourself and don't give yourself a hard time.

Life WILL be good for you sweetheart, truly it will. You have loads of support on here anytime, day or night. Use it. You are never alone. Sending you massive hugs and heartfelt wishes of love and comfort.

Take care of yourself and know that we'll all be thinking of you and Aaron tomorrow xxxx
Hi Roch, Good to see you back hunny, I had the same operation as Aaron when I was aroung 14 yrs old, my teeth grew and then got stuck in the roof of my mouth too.

Becasue they know his history then will keep a close eye on him, thats a good thing.

Its silly for me to tell you not to worry, because that impossible, so I will tell you to try and relax instead.

Glad to see you have sought help, and I am sure that this will be a turning point for you x
Well have been awol for the past week or so. I have been having a hard time and now have finally given in and accepted help and am now on anti depressants. Also my sciatica back with vengace and i am now on 3 voltarol a day and 8 co codamol just to be able to stand up !!Have found it very hard to even get out of bed let alone leave the house or face anybody.
This has been the worse bout of depression i have ever had and to tell u the truth i cant cope.
Most days i am not even getting dressed and when i do log on to the net i put an away message on so i dont have to face anyone, and i also took away the notification option on the site so i did not even know when anyone sent me a pm as i could not cope !!

I have had enough and dont know which way to turn !!
I am not Ssing and i have decided that i am not going to go down that road again as i am putting myself through to much emotional stress which i cant cope with at the moment.

I have spoken to my Gp and have asked her to now refer me for a gastric bypass but i am still not using that as an excuse to pig out i am following a sensible low gi diet.
My sciatica is so painfull and makes me feel even more down and hate myself more for allowing myself to get like this.
I also have just started to notice that i have sleep apnea which i did not realise i had till Aaron told me that i am falling alseep whilst i am talking to him and it seems like my health is deteriating day by day.

Aaron is having surgery tomorrow to have 2 extra teeth removed that are imbedded in the roof of his mouth, i am very nervous and scared about him having a general anisthetic as last time he had a general anisthetic he had a major bleed and haemoraged so tomorow will be a hard day for me emotionally !!
I am trying to hold it together but i am very much on my own and feel like i have reached rock bottom and now taking the anti d tablets.

Hi Roch!

Lovely to see you and thanks for letting us know how your are.

Sorry your having such a hard time just now.:hug99:

Be sure to let us know how AAron gets on tomorrow sending prayers and will light a candle for him.:vibes:

Love Mini xxx


everyone for being so kind and caring to me i really appreciate it. Sorry have not responded individually to your posts as i can barely see had a rough night and had to get Aaron uo at 5.30 to give him a cereal as he cant eat after 6 am.
Feel really nervous and sick with worry Aaron seems not bothered at all thank g-d but i cant help remember his haemorage after his last general anisthetic and i nearly lost him then and he had continual health problems after that till the age of 11.
Am off to see if i can rest for an hour as have not had more than an hours sleep all night and have a 45 min drive to the hospital at 12.
Catch up later on take care and thanks for all your support, i really needed it and u all came through for me thanks from the bottom of my heart xxxx
Morning Roch, try not to let Aaron see how nervous you are for him, it is hard to see your children having an anaesthetic, my youngest had to have 6 teeth taken out when he was 5 all went very well, and he was allowed home shortly after.

Let us know how you both get on. xxxxx
Thanks Sonkie, am not usually a nervous mum when it comes to Aarons health as we have gone through many serious health problems since birth but after his last general anisthetic when we got home Aaron had a major hemerage and bled for many hours and had to be resusitated and that was the most horendous thing to go through so thats why i am so scared today.
The hospital are very good and of course they have all his previous medical history but i am still scared.
Hi Roch, don't worry about being nervous - it's totally understandable hon. They have his notes and you can remind them what happened last time too and they will be aware and he will be just fine I am sure. This time tomorrow you will be feeling a whole lot better. Will be thinking of you and Aaron today. Take care. xx