Hi, I'm new to SF


Full Member
Can anyone tell me if instead of my lunch time shake I could have something like a cup a soup? I'm on day 2 and by lunch time I'm really wanting something savoury.

Also where I work there are always biscuits and cake on offer in the staff room. Any advice on how to resist these would be great?
Hi michelle, welcome to the forum :)
To make the diet work i think you would have to follow the diet and have both shakes, BUT there is cuppa soups around 100 cals u can have for a mid morning or mid afternoon snack :)

As for the temptation i just have to think of the reason why im on the diet and how much losing weight is more important than that cake lol Its all about willpower and u can do it!!!! :D

Also keep posting on the forum, its very friendly and supportive :) xxx
Hi MichelleBelle

i would agree i think you should have your shake but have a soup mid morn/aft. I have a cup of soup some days because i want something warm! and the slima soups have ones under 100cals.

keep us updated with how your doing! xx
Thanks both, I really appreciate the advice.

I'm also having trouble with my morning shake. I never used to eat breakfast before I started and I'm finding it difficult to get into the habit of having something in the morning. I do notice on the days when I remember to have my morning shake that I don't feel as hungry throughout the day but it's just habit with me now to not have breakfast.
i am the same as you michellebelle, i still havent had my breakfast shake as i am just not hungry in the morning i usually have it between 11 and 12 then my lunch shake about 4ish.
i am sorry i cant help you with advice on resisting cakes and biscuits as this is where i struggle i just dont buy the family any that i like, that helps, but away from home i am going to say i cant eat it because of the tablets i am on and hope for my willpower to do the rest lol , good luck.
i also never used to eat breakfast but i make sure i have it now. i usually have my shake on the way to work or once im at work! i usually have a Cafe Latte shake as its like having a coffee (all be it a cold coffee) lol! xxx
Thanks Cable.

I managed to have mine about half 10 this morning, but I'm not working today, days when I work it's just get up, get ready, go, I don't even give breakfast a second thought. I'm thinking of buying some of the ready made shakes to have on my way to work because it's then I always realise I've skipped breakfast.
Thanks emma. I'm going to try the ready made shakes on the way to work now I think. I have the Cafe Latte one I think that's my favourite at the moment.
no problems! i have the ready made ones too! purely because i prefer the taste of them and also theres almost no excuse not to have a shake because i dont have to make it or anything, i cant stomach the powder ones for some reason! :S Yes Latte is my fav! although im wanting to try the caramel one! xxx
I kinda wish they did a savoury one. The whole sweet thing is going to really annoy me after a while. I brought the powdered ones over the ready made purely because of the price difference. but I think it's going to be worth it for the day's I'm working.
i know what you mean, i wish they did soups! because i would love these for lunch! rather than a shake, think i'll find having a cold milkshake in the summer! xx
Yeah, had a shake for lunch today so i'm getting used to it! Just missing my savoury foods now, rarely do I eat so much sweet stuff in a day, don't even have sugar in my cup of tea!
Hi, sorry to interrupt.. But weight watchers soups are less than 100 calories, so can be used as one of your 'snacks' - and Heinz vegetable and minestrone squeeze and stir sachets are both under 100 as well (plus they are really nice - much nicer that cup a soup!)

Hope it helps, and good luck everyone
Hi Hannah/Michelle

this is what i've been doing when im really cold (i.e all the time atm because its soooooo cold!) i have a cuppa soup or something like that and they are 98cals and it does satisfy a craving! :) xxx
MichelleBelle said:
Yeah I like the soup idea, think I'm going to go with it!

I have a weight watcher tinned soup as my "lunch" at around12-1pm Feels like im having a meal then! Then have my second shake at about 3pm when afternoon hunger pangs set in!! I wouldn't b able to do sf without WW soups they are a god send! Had Tuscan minestrone today was soooo delish so thick with even a cheeky bit of pasta in it! :p x
i think i might try the Weight Watchers Soups because cupa soups sometimes are a bit rubbish!! thanks LadyJo!!! going to copy your idea of having soup as my actual lunch and a shake later on! :) x x x