

Full Member
I've just signed up to the rosemary Conley diet, received my fat attack booster diet week 1&2 book off shopping tomorrow to get food so can stick to what it says. I was weighted at group on Wednesday but had few bad days as was Easter and my other half had few days off so I'm worried my first weigh in is gonna be even worse than when I joined last week :-( I been on wii today.
I really wanna lose weight I'm 15 stone 10 they set me a goal off a stone
Is that doable??
Hi Crystal and welcome, of course a stone is doable, I have been on the diet approx 10 weeks and have lost 1 stone 9 lbs, don't worry about your blip over Easter, I have had a few bad days also, put a line under it and start again, remember to drink water if you can and also exercise it will help, the first 2 weeks are hard as you have to stick to 1200 with no alcohol or treats but it does get easier, good luck and keep us posted !!!!
I don't really drink and I won't miss that odd drink I did have on Thursday's , I live in first floor so going up n down stairs few times a day is good excise n I have a wii do that should be great start I'm more worried about food as I used to eat out off boredom so need to keep busy n stick to the diet plan.
I get chest pains sometimes n I have been feeling sick lately. Need to lose weight to feel n look better also clear my skin.
My other half don't think I'll stick to it so I've joined here for support as I'm gonna make sure I do it.
You really should check out chest pains with your GP, prob nothing to worry about but really would advise it, it is all about occupying your time, I find coming on here helps as you re-focus and it is interesting reading others journeys, would be lovely to prove your other hald wring wouldn't it !!!
Yeah I'm gonna go see doctor as it is worrying do wanna check everything ok.
Yeah tool right I'd love to prove him wrong but I need to do this for me
How u getting on? X
Hi there, had a rubbish weekend eating too much just because it was Easter !!!! back on track today, make sure that if you do have a bad day or too you put it behind you and start over the following day.