HONK if you were 100% today! (weeklies allowed)

Honk day2:)
Thought I'd honk as no-one has for a while!!! He he HONK!!!!!!
Honk day 175!
WillowFae said:
Honk day 175!

Wow well done ") keep it up!! "Go you" lol xox
Honkity honk honk day 8!!!!! Xox
xxrebeccaxx said:

Total loss so far- 51lbs!! 9lbs to go

Wow well done ") that's amazing I hope I will be saying I've lost that amount in the future ") congrats!

Honk day 9 ") xox
Honk :)

First day of restart but got to start somewhere. Off to work now and don't eat when im there so know I've stuck to it. Soooo happy, first time in ages I've actually stuck with it.

Dan x
Honk I was 100% today and will hopefully be 99% of this year xoxox
Honk honk for today and yesterday xox