How are you target members doing out there?

Well that's it Girls ... I've had two weeks so far off plan that I might as well have been on Mars :( I won't know the weight damage until tomorrows WI (after which I will calibrate my own - Santa bought them!! - scales), but I reckon at least a stone if not more. My clothes still fit, but not as comfortably as they did, but in all fairness I do look a little better than I did - my face isn't as 'pinched' and I have a little boobage back which is nice (plus I've not been so cold - so that is definitely diet related rather than weight).

On the other hand, two weeks of wheat, dairy and sugar have wrought a different type of damage as well - I have horrendous oedema in my feet and legs, my IBS is back, likewise the thrush, excema, night sweats and blood sugar dips :( so - having frozen/ got rid of all remaining Christmas food yesterday I'm climbing back on the wagon today - and NOT looking forward to the sugar withdrawal. The water retention isn't going to help with the 'scales' damage either, but hopefully a couple of weeks of healthy eating will at least get rid of that - I am SO over having feet like overstuffed pillows!
Sorry to hear about all the 'bloat' Molly...I know that one only too well. I'm sure now you're getting back to plan again you'll be fine.

I've managed to get a broken ankle (out delivering SW leaflets!) so not sure what will happen with my weigh ins at group. I go to the fracture clinic on Tuesday and hope they leave me in this support boot and don't plaster me!
Oh no Janet! I hope you are not in too much pain now.
Eeeek Janet! That sounds both painful and very irritating :( I broke my left wrist about 5 years ago and it was a pain in all meanings of the word. Weigh yourself just before you go to the fracture clinic and then, if they plaster you, again when you get home. It will at least give you some idea of what to subtract at WI (modern plasters dry very quickly and are thankfully quite lightweight).
Jo, it's more discomfort and soreness manageable with pain relief.

Molly I'm already in the clumpy boot...not sure I could even balance on my scales in that! I'm hoping they'll leave me be and not plaster it as there's no bone to mend...if you see what I mean?
Meant to say...Oooo new scales...great!!
I'm sure the damage won't be that bad Molly.

Even went I went to Florida shortly after joining SW I 'only' put on 10lb and we ate a lot of food
Well I'm back from WI with my new shiny Members Pack (which I shall be investigating later) and Jaffa, you were right - it wasn't as bad as I'd feared.

It WAS horrendous in that I've gained 10 1/2lb in just over 2 weeks ... but on the other hand those were the 10 1/2lb that I was under target - so I've ended up slap, bang on target! I'd like to be about 5-6lbs lighter I think, but will aim for the 3lb leeway first and then take it a lb at a time. I really don't want to go as low as I was - seeing some photos taken a few weeks ago was a bit of a wake up call as I was definitely starting to look gaunt.

Aaaaand I came home and calibrated my new scales :D They weight exactly 1lb lighter than the SW ones, so now i can monitor things mid-week.

I forgot to say Janet - not only did Santa bring me new scales, he also obliged me with a new sewing machine :D
I'll do my best to bob Janet ;)

As for my first project .... I'm not sure LOL. I think probably a quilt for my Granddaughter and some new cushions for the living room (I already have the fabric for the first but not the second). I do also have a pram hood/apron (or two) that need to be done and I want to have a play around with sewing paper onto canvas - I've got some ideas for multimedia canvases :D I did a hemp and button tree canvas with my (also Santa gifted) hot glue gun at the weekend, and it worked well, so I need to play with that medium for a while lol (I am a serial hobbyist by the way ;) )
I'm back in my target range too (was 1lb over after Xmas). I'll probably reduce it but first I want to have a week vaguely on plan!
Well done Liquorice :) And good luck at the fracture clinic today Janet xx I WISH I could sew clothes, but it somehow never works (sack of potatoes tied up in the middle would be the most accurate description of my attempts ;) )

I've had a look at the new plan and I can see that it does make things a bit simpler ... I never really got my head around the whole 'speed' foods thing on the old EE, and loads of people were confused by the whole bananas/grapes being/not being superfree debate. I had to put the book down though as the constant 'trumpet blowing' got a bit much lol

Having said that, the new EESP is pretty much how I've always done SW anyway, so I'm just going to carry on doing my own thing. this week I'm easing myself back into things by S Worlding it with a bit of EE/ EESP and then (depending on whether I get a loss and, if so, how much) next week I'll probably go for a week of calorie counting. I seem to have spent the last two days in the loo, but the oedema is definitely improving ... feet are still a bit puffy but are no longer uncomfortably tight :D
Oh goodness yes! I remember the hassle of trying to keep clean while wearing a cast :( ... I was pretty naughty with it to be honest - they plastered me while I was still quite swollen, so after a week or so I found that I could just slip the cast on and off ;) so I used to do that for baths/ showers.

I never went back to the clinic to have it removed - it seemed a bit of a waste of time when I was quite merrily taking it on and off like a glove :8855:

As my consultant said to me last night EESP is pretty much what I've been telling him for the last year, so I'll be carrying on with what served me too (apart from the odd bit of calorie counting which I find strangely attractive in a control freakish kind of way lol). I did ask when I might expect my commission/patent cheque from SW to arrive for stealing 'my' plan ;) but I won't hold my breath :p
Do you keep a food diary on here Molly? I'd love to see some of your meal plans for the past few months if they're pretty similar to the new plan and as you did so well it might inspire me! xx

I don't keep a food diary on here as such ... it's a bit 'samey' to be of interest to be honest. Spelt porridge for breakfast, fruit or a salad for lunch and loads of veggies and a bit of protein for dinner. Oddly enough though I was asked by another member for some of my recipes only this week and I've posted them here ...

As you will see they are 75% + vegetable and I serve them over more veg. I tend to cook loads of vegetables (cauliflower, broccoli, Brussels, French beans, swede, butternut squash etc) on a Sunday while I'm doing Sunday Roast and then keep them in a bowl in the fridge to re-heat what I fancy each day. It saves me time as I'm often diving in the door from work and then back out again for shopping/ craft evenings/ Babysitting for the littles /WI (both weigh in and the actual WI as in Womens Institute which I joined over Christmas lol :D ).
Great recipes Molly - thank you! No wonder you felt so bad after Christmas if that's what you usually are putting in your body!!

Do you not really eat many grains, pulses, lentils or legumes in your diet then? x

I don't do well on grains - they bloat me and trigger IBSd. Bread gives me thrush (it's a yeast thing lol), so I avoid it completely (and did continue to avoid it even during my Christmas binge). I do eat spelt - both as porridge and risotto and I'm fine on that but within limits. I also find things like pasta and white rice/ potatoes a bit bland (though I do enjoy wholegrain rice :) ) so I really don't miss them - I'd rather have a mound of Brussels lol. What I like about those recipes is that you don't realise when eating them just how much veg is in them - they are tasty, filling and feel like 'comfort food' which makes them satisfying :)

Lentils/ pulses and legumes I do eat from time to time, but they are quite high in calorie values and I'm a bit picky with textures (baked beans/ kidney beans and chickpeas etc literally make me gag - it's the 'flouriness' of them :( ) It's just a matter of preference - I'm happier eating, say swede, than I am beans.

The main thing is that I'm a compulsive over eater and one of the reasons I stick to so much veg is that I can overeat on it without doing the sort of damage that overeating on higher calorie density foods does - it's my way of managing my eating disorder and (as long as I stay on track) it works for me and keeps me feeling healthy in terms of IBS/ thrush/ excema/ water retention and so on :D
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Well it's definitely working for you!

You've done so amazingly, you really are a true inspiration.

I don't think the inspiration is the how you got there either, nor do I think it's the losing the huge amounts of weight... I think it's about the self-insight. Understanding what your triggers are or what your behavioural preferences are (i.e. overeating) and having a strategy to identify and overcome them.

Bravo Molly! xx