How long could you give up the scales :-)

Hey guys im here on day 6 of TS and not weighed in since day1. Its helped my friend taking the scales as i prob would have given in n jumped on them. Hubby says he Can see a change already in my tummy n face going to start my fitness this week zumba and swimming n maybe if i feel brave 30 dat shred :) xxx
Aw well done!!

I'm gutted! Been up all night with migraine! Just went to docs on my way to work n she has signed me off for a few days! I was totally not expecting it

I'm not to start the diet until my headaches have cleared up I'm not to allow myself to become too tired hungry thirsty stressed etc

It's difficult as I have to manage them without pain killers so I'm yet again not starting

I just wanna get this weight off but I know I gotta take the docs advice. Failing that they have to refer me back to the hospital n that just feels like going back to square one

So anyway il stop going on now just wanted to let you all know I'm still not back on exante but wish you all all the best

Hopefully il be starting soon though!
Aww, Shell - sorry to hear you are feeling rotten, and fingers crossed you are able to join us on Exante tomorrow :)

It'da day 7 for me today - still trying to work out whether or not I weigh myself tomorrow for my week 1 loss or not. I am quite enjoying not knowing, but I do enjoy charting losses and making pretty graphs etc (geek alert). Arghhhh!

So impressed I've not weighed thus far though - that's a massive achievement for me!

Spots x
Confession time - I failed :( I weighed in on day 5 but not today after 7 days which is good, but I probably will WI next sat, Im just too curious!
Lol at least your on the diet so a sneaky WI isn't the end of the world I'm not even on day 1!!
Well done to you all for even attempting to not weigh in. I don't think there's any way I could resist, unless my scales broke (again) and all my family and friends had sudden scale-related freak accidents meaning nobody had any I could use. I'd be too terrified to weigh anywhere public and I couldn't possibly resort to knocking on a neighbour's door and asking to use theirs...or could I?! bwahahaaaa

I like this thread although I'd be useless, and I wouldn't want to join and feel like I had to lie about weighing myself, saying 'oh no, not I' when really I would have weighed 20 times that day already lol

I'm starting Exante tomorrow (technically today as it's past midnight) and right now I think I could barely make it a week without hopping on the scales, but I'm going to ignore the urge even though the little innocent-looking shiny new scales will be looking up at me every time I go for a wee.

Must repeat to myself: "I will wait a week until I weigh in, I will wait a week until I weigh in, I will wait a week until I weigh in..." oh the fun we have eh :D It's enough to drive anyone barmy!
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Well I couldn't do. I had a bad week, wanted to see the effect it had on me, so day 8 today and I lost will power. Good luck to everyone else though xxx
Day 7 and haven't jumped on the Wii for my WI (my scales broke lol so Wii it is). Kinda proud that I've stayed away from being a slave to the numbers but at the same time I've getting sad that I won't be able to update my ticker for ages - that was always the fun part of being on LT; I'd get weighed on a Monday and then come home and update all of my tickers.

Honestly, if I'm totally truthful I'm not sure I'll last 8 weeks so my official no-scales target is now 6 weeks. It was after 6 weeks of being on TFR last time that everyone really started to notice and I'd lost 2.5 stone. If I get to 6 weeks and feel like I can carry on then it'll be 8 weeks but I'm not going to feel bad if I jump on at the 6 week mark :)
I was never a daily weigher, but this time I am going to try to only weigh-in every 4 weeks. The reason for this is that if I only lose a little, or even nothing, I get demotivated and it makes it more difficult for me. Also, I am going out for a planned meal on 28th January and if I weigh in that week and lose, then put a pound or two on after the meal, then that will dishearten me too. So, that's the plan - once every four weeks. I have hidden my scales in the boot of my car. My first weigh in is 9th February
Hi guys!!!! So after starting this thread an eternity ago...... I have finally started today!! :) yay!

Got a head ache now but pushing forward as I feel massive :-( got docs review appt in the morning re the migraines I'm
Not gonna tell her I'm on the diet I know she won't aprove but I can't put it off any longer!

How's everyone doing has anybody actually managed to stay off the scales? Lol
NOOOOOOOOO lol Going to try not to weigh at all from tomorrow morning until next Tuesday though. Hope your headache's better! :) x
I cant stay off the scales!! I weigh everyday as seeing the numbers go down daily motivates me :)
So is anyone actually still doing this?

I'm on day 13 (technically day 14 now it's after midnight) and am finding it seriously hard to keep off the scales. I haven't given in so far but goodness this is more difficult than I thought it'd be :/
I won't be able to weigh from the first of February as my friends mum is stealing my scales lol she said as its my first month she's letting me keep them but from the first of feb to first of march she is keeping them lol I'm not sure if that's a good or a bad thing tho lol
A late joiner here, but my first weigh in is tomorrow. I was NOT going to weigh in weekly and do it fortnightly, BUT I just feel I hae to weigh in wek one tomorrow and see what I have lost, it will keep me motivated. Once I have done that I hope to get a ticker to plot and chart.
I am being super positive and today I see it as being a quarter way through my first month, next week I will be half way throughmy first month. If I can lose a stone in a month then I will be super please.
Hi all well it would be my first WI tomorrow but I'm still happy to stay off the scales if there's still a few of us doing it??? Let me know!

I must admit I am keen to hop on them tomorrow or infect every day so far lol but I would love to stop obsessing over them n hop on on 8 weeks time (well 7 know ) n get a huge loss

So who's still in?
So how about we put the dates etc down so.....
SHELL: WE 12/03/12