How to lose half your body weight in 10 days (Or a bit longer!)

Aah, so you aren't just crazy then :p

It was good and bad. Nate had a fair few tantrums, but i got to take him on some stuff, and we saw part of another falconry display, I didn't spend loads either. 50p each to go on the mini choo choo, £2 for the ride (nate picked a fire engine) £3 for a peg bag for his bath toys. The tantrums did my head in though. Got back to an electric bill of £7 something. Lol. Council tax bill broken down for the year (joy), nate's potty reward chart and stickers a package I haven't opened yet AND my air fryer. Woop! In our porch there is an enclosed bit witty shelves for the bin and recycling stuff, and the postie popped it on the top shelf, that is how little crime there is here. No where else could you just leave something outside someone's house and it not get taken or smashed. So now I'm REALLY excited for burger and chips tonight!

B: banana and an apple

L: lamb tikka bites, pasta salad, magic chicken and coleslaw, jelly 0.5, scan bran cake (2.5)

I didn't even go in the food tent just to reduce temptation! Mum and dad went in and I held the dog. Nearly lost Nate at the end. Dad let go of his hand (i had the dog who pulls everywhere) to go do something and Nate wandered off. Thankfully I dressed him in bright colours just in case.
But I have pictures. I wore my awesome jacket, bumped into one of the mums who said "how come you look so glan!" Haha

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Face and top part of the jacket

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Sorry for the bathroom mirror shot! Haha.

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Nate in the fire engine. :)

You look stunning in your new jacket hun.... And how gorgeous is little Nate??!! :)
You look gorgeous in the jacket, it really suits your colouring. Nate is so adorable xx
Ah thanks guys :) I proper love it. I figure it is suitable for work too. Ok I've been told I can wear whatever I want but I like dressing up.

Scarlet you can have him! He behaved like a spoiled brat today. A woman said "ooh, he can come here and play it is all free" when he was wailing and looked horrified when I said he wasn't allowed to because I don't reward bad behaviour and tantrums weren't encouraged or pandered to in my house. She was being nice and I wasn't rude, but I'm not having a child who thinks having a tantrum will get him what he wants. I reward his good behaviour, so it is fair, but that's part of the problem why so many kids are obnoxious little turds and I don't want one of such turds in my house. The people looked at me as though they'd never heard a child being told "no". and yes, mostly he is a good boy, a bloody angel compared to some kids, but there is just one of me so he has to toe the line with me. There is no "wait until your dad comes home". There's "this is what I expect, if you behave you get rewarded (i have some stuff coming in the post for him) if you are naughty you will be told off, treats will be removed, you will go on the naughty pouffe (i now use his old bumboo). I can't slack off and hope someone else will pick it up, because all that will happen is he will go from being a mostly good, pleasant, considerate and helpful boy, to a little turd getting what he wants, when he wants.

Rant done. Sorry!
Totally agree with you there hun from someone who has looked after countless spoilt brats whos parents have taught them that a tantrum will get them what they want or saying "but I want it!" Is the way to do things and its such a breath of fresh air to hear that from you. You are such a fab mummy and even more so that you are doing it alone, it must be hard but I have nothing but respect for you x
Thanks hun. Well my parents can be a great support, apart from when dad's holding his hand, forgets and walks off and so Nate totters off! I've seen kids punch and kick their parents, and the kid isn't told off. Absolutely crazy. But then Nate does such cute things. At flab club there is a 1 year old boy and his 3 year old sister that come with their mum that nate plays with. And the girl put her toy (vtech) camera down and was playing and Nate picks it up and hands it to her. I think her mum's overies exploded. It was very cute. He does things like it at toddlers too. Then there are some nasty kids, there was one at the festival today, and it just amazes me that the kids aren't told off for being nasty to other kids and I wonder if I expect too much or if other people just expect less.

He got to pet a horse, and see some shire horses and a foal, chickens, ducklings and tiny baby ducklings and alpacas - which Nate recognised. He well shocked the lady next to us when he said "Alpacas!" I laughed and said sorry, I don't think most 2 year olds know what they are! They were gorgeous. And he saw another owl and harris hawk, but we missed the rest of the display and the terrier racing.

So please my air fryer came today. I made burger and chips, and nate had fish fingers and chips (and veg) and he demolished it. He's not been eating the ones I've done in the oven. Haha. Hurrah air fryer!
Fran may I say how gorgeous you look hunni - you totally suit the jacket.

And what can I say about Nate ........... Cuteness itself he is a little heartbreaker
Haha, I know, it was so funny. alpacas are lovely. I'm not a fan of llamas particularly though. So happy, bargain at £89 though! Woop. How has your day with dad been?

Llamas are a bit strange- alpacas all the way! Especially when they've been shorn. They look like they are wearing legwarmers and a wig then, Teehee!

Day with dad was lovely thanks, so nice just having some time with me and him. Was supposed to be the two of us last year when we went but my brother invited himself along too so although we had a good time then I was pleased he didn't come this time. Saw a wedding going on on one of the old ships and he got me a leaflet about it, think he's hoping we will get married there but not chance I'll convince mike haha! Bless him x
Thanks Texty, I'm looking forward to wearing the dress (probably to works BBQ for the first time) a friend from where I used to live is joining SW on Wednesday now I've put that picture up on facebook. haha.

Aww Scarlet that's so cute that your dad is looking forward to you being married. He must think a lot of Mike. Did you get lots of stories from your dad? It must be lovely for you to have that quality time this time.
Yeah he really likes him, it's lovely :)
Heard lots of his stories, where we went today is where he was based in the navy so when he wasn't out at sea he was there all the time so going back is a bit like a trip down memory lane for him.
Even going round the old ships he's telling me what's similar to the ones he was on and the ways his were different. I learn a lot going there its really interesting!

Just looked again at your pics from earlier nate has got such mesmerising eyes they are gorgeous! He is so handsome x
when you posted pics of that jacket the other day it's really not something I would have picked out on a hanger personally although I liked the colours, but now I've seen it on you it really looks lovely on you :)

I totally think you are right about the kids stuff, I try to be the same with mine. My daughter can be a challenge at times and I think if I were to give her an inch she would take a mile and beyond, people have criticised me in the past for being too hard on her- but once they get to know her they change their mind lol. It sounds to me like you are doing a great job with Nate.
Fran, I saw a lovely dress in a shop window today that I thought you might like.... It reminded me of your new one a bit.... I almost took a picture of it to show you lol.... But Subway next door was calling!! It was really lovely :)
That's really lovely Scarlet. My dad is a typical bloke and just grunts at me. haha. Yep, he is one gorgeous child, when his hair is longer it all curls up and people make such a fuss of him.

Oh izzy that must be a struggle. Nate is generally a really lovely boy. I know today's behaviour was a combination of being a 2 year old, excitement of the festival, excitement of the rides for the first time, and being tired. He still doesn't get away with it. Glad you like the jacket. It is so wrong it is right. haha.

MRSTORE! you see a dress and just TEASE me with it! Harsh... harsh...

I need to stop spending for a while now. I have tap on monday (last class) £5, haircut and toddlers tuesday £30 and SW (which is already paid for) on Wednesday. Other than fresh fruit there isn't much I need foodwise.
b: banana, apple, yogurt
L: sausage (2) bacon, egg, beans, mushrooms, tomatoes, onion, tomato ketchup 0.5 syn
D: (cooking now) gammon, roast potatoes (in the air fryer!), carrots, cauliflower, broccoli.

Still got my heb and hea left because I seem to get sunday munchies for a cheese sandwich. If I don't I will have a hot chocolate made with hea of milk and a hifi bar for my heb.

Quite pleased yesterday finished on 4 syns (2.5 SB cake, 0.5 jelly, 1 ketchup). and I think I will go low again today (2.5 so far, 0 planned for dinner) which should really help balance out last week and the cafe sandwich just in case I got the syns wrong. not craving anything either, which is odd as I am sure it is star week.

Kitchen and lounge are all clean and I can do the bathroom before nate has his bath :) I started putting all the laundry and new clothes away but stinky did a stink and the dinner needed doing. Need to get next week planned. Might do a roast and invite mum and dad over again.
Fab low syn days Fran - mmmmmm cheese sarnie sounds good. I still have my HEX's to use yet.

Lol @ stinky doing a stink