How to lose half your body weight in 10 days (Or a bit longer!)

Meat with bread is always a winner, it was just a bit bland. The soup looks boring but was fab! Uncovered a few tasty sounding recipes from that blog, although I am glad I added the extra spices to make it more interesting.
Meat with bread is always a winner, it was just a bit bland. The soup looks boring but was fab! Uncovered a few tasty sounding recipes from that blog, although I am glad I added the extra spices to make it more interesting.

I tend to add extra spices or herbs too, I think the recipes in SW Mag are more like 'base' recipes with inoffensive heat/spice to suit everyone and then for the individual to adjust for personal preference. If that makes any sense??

I'm addicted to food blogs at the moment so may give the one you're looking at a crack xx
I tend to add extra spices or herbs too, I think the recipes in SW Mag are more like 'base' recipes with inoffensive heat/spice to suit everyone and then for the individual to adjust for personal preference. If that makes any sense??

I'm addicted to food blogs at the moment so may give the one you're looking at a crack xx

Minky, have you heard of the Weight Loss****? With the i instead of the ! :sigh: Her blog is fab. She has over 30 stones to lose and is so inspirational. I also like The Slimming World Files, that's by a lovely lady called Karen. She's a veggie though but has some fab recipes and has lost over 6 stones.

Fran, sorry your burgers weren't great. I do hate it when you're looking forward to something then it turns out to be a let down. They did look good though. What are your plans for today?
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Yeah that makes sense minks. Usually I find the recipes really good, although if it is spicy I always add more heat... Which sometimes leads other people's head to be blown off! Whoops.

No plans today. Washing machine has died so I can't do any laundry, I need to check on the quails as it was pretty stormy last night. I saw you are taking the boys out, I hope you have a nice time. Nate doesn't know who peppa pig is yet but I gather from other mum's she is quite the bad behaviour inducer. Nate seems to love the nice safe in the night garden books. He is so funny, he can "read" some of his books now. My favourite is the first two pages of the very hungry caterpillar, which Nate reads "moon, egg, pop" and another book where he goes "up down up down up down" and bounces is pretty cute too. He read one earlier as "hello kakka, kakka piggie face, kakka daisy face, kakka face." My little weirdo.

Thanks for the other two blogs to look up! Wow at 30 stones. And people think I have a lot to lose! I was offered to Target last week (getting annoyed at every other week being a gain for no reason.... There is a reason this week!) But I said no, I am not happy at where I am and I don't want to work to maintain and then have to work again to lose more. A bit like how you should never just stop when running, if you need a break walk, because if you stop it is a killer to run again, where as if you keep plodding, even if you feel you are not getting anywhere, when your body is ready to run again you are already there.

Yesterday foodwise and synwise was good. This morning I had Bacon (no fat) 1 Tesco reduced fat sausage (1 syn), egg, beans, onions, mushrooms and tomatoes. Using my hea on milk today and I'm 3 big mugs down! Yum. I've had a small bunch of grapes too just a bit ago. Thinking I will whip up another batch of yesterday's soup and get the sauce for the lasagne on. Mum was going to make it but I think she is sorting out the washing machine now. Hopefully I will keep syns at 1 for the day again. Maybe 1 for tomorrow too for the stir fry marinade, and I don't think Tuesday will have any syns. If last week's gain was just * week water retention then I will hopefully maintain this week. Stupid hormones. I won't say stupid will power because I wasn't saying no to the things I ate, and I enjoyed them. I don't believe in food guilt. I refuse to feel guilty around food again. It isn't healthy. But I will say stupid hormones messing my body around and making me a raging wench. Thank god I'm not this bad every month!
Lol, well I either get heavy aunt or super rage, thankfully to two don't combine. At least I can hope to mellow out too. I'm well over the hump now thankfully

B: Bacon, egg, beans. Mushroom, onion, tomato, sausage (1 syn)
L: banana, yogurt, melon, mixed berries. Oh, finally tried the frozen blueberries texty, they're utter filth, I spat them out, the dog/chickens have been given them.
Snack (pre dinner) Apple, dinner: spag bol. No one fancied lasagna in the end, which saves on me washing up!

I used my hea on milk. Not used my heb yet. Do I have a cereal bar? A ham sandwich with pickles or toast topped with sweet quark, sliced banana and 1 syn of honey?!? Decisions! It would bring today's syns to 2 though. Trying to keep them as low as possible.

Nate update: much better today, still a few tantrums but all short lived. Did a hilarious comic fall. Honest I didn't think people really fell like that but they do!
Glad Nate is a little better today lol they are so funny. I dont like blueberries lol theyre gross. I like most fruits though. I had a beef sarnie for tea I couldnt face eating another plate of meat n veg. I put some caramelised red onion chutney on with it yum. Ive only had 2 cups of tea today so nowhere near my HEXA of 250mls, think ill leave it for today at that.

Apart from the blueberries your food sounds great today hun
She's great isn't she. I love her honesty and openness about her weight.

I can highly recommend the aromatic pork and rice pot if you're stuck for ideas Fran.
I love the weight loss *****blog too, read it every night :) found her because matt Briggs who won greatest loser last year retweeted something shed said on twitter so I followed her! She's great and really nice too, well she seems it from the few tweets/Facebook comments I've exchanged with her :) having over 30st to lose must be really scary at first, but she is so refreshing and open about it that I'm sure she will succeed in losing it all.

The insight into how she put all that weight on is interesting, from what I gather its been years of following countless diets and failing, then binging etc. so interesting and I'm pleased she does the blog I enjoy reading it x
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Ah that's really cool. She just had me laughing with her. A sense of humour and a love of clothes despite being big is me! My consultant so doesn't get my jokes and generally looks a little scared when I take the piss out of myself. The big difference is I really love food, and I don't think she does. At least, not in the same way.

On to something I read in the news... Something i actually think is great! I proposition to put teaching kids aged 7-14 how to cook! Brilliant! I grew up helping mum in the kitchen, usually fetching and carrying, then maybe some stirring and eventally chopping etc. So it wasn't a sit down and "this is how to cook this" and she never measured anything! But it all soaked in, I learnt what flavours go together well, when to add herbs and spices etc. It also meant that I could taste a recipe when reading it in the same way you can hear music when you read it. Yes I love food. I also love crap, mostly of the sugar variety! When I went to uni there was 10 of us, and other tgan myself only 1 could cook for himself. I mean even basic food hygine was lost on them. "can I eat bleeding chicken" was a partixularly shocking call I got one day. Good god. So for kids to know how to cook at least 20 meals I think is fab, and much needed.

Once a week at school we had pse (then pshe, then psche, god knows that it is now!) Class. Every year we studied drugs and safe sex etc, sometimes we'd do it twice a year. In the upper 6th we all had 2 cooking classes, during which a classmate showed me a vegetable, said his mum bought it and asked what it was and which bit you ate. Was it something strange and exotic? Did she get adventurous and go to one of the Indian shops? Nope, it was a cauliflower! Not only could he not cook, he didnt know what a basic vegetable was. One my 1 tear old son can recognise and name!

Ok, yes, at my school we had "food technology". Brilliant. My brother took food technology for gcse and spent two years making sandwiches. Food technology didn't teach cookery it seemed. It may surprise you I didn't take food tech. As a fatty it is just asking for it really. I also hated the time constraints. An hour for teaching, prep, cookery and cleaning up, in a tiny cramped space with 1 oven for four people. Not my idea of fun. Plus, I learnt more cooking at home with mum. This is something that I was fortunate to receive, I know. And now? Now nate fetches and carries for me. Let's hope he will be able to cook when he is all grown up.
I think it's great too! I wish I'd had the opportunity to learn to cook more at school. I think I learned how to make rock buns/scones, pizza and fruit crumble. Theyed be better off learning you how to make basic meals like cottage pie, Sunday roast etc
I'm so the same as you! Helping in the kitchen, carrying / passing things, picking up what my dad was doing with things, etc. Then at like 13 I was trusted to cook dinners like roast chicken or chilli and curry - at 13!! Never done me any harm (and no, learning to cook at a young age didn't make me fat, not stopping myself putting junk food in my mouth did :D)
So I agree, it's a great thing to do.

How's your day been - did you go to tap? Nate all good? xx
Nate was being naughty for nana and gaga while I was at tap, which I am really enjoying. Nearly landed on my arse as there are several slippy patches. One of the ladies (who comes after I mentioned it in flab club) said it was ok, if I fell over they'd pick me up again, I said "yeah with a crane!" need to remember I'm over five and a half stone less than I was. And to not where a vest top when doing tap. BOING! But I was told he wouldn't eat lunch, and he wouldn't eat tea tonight, he did want a banana, but he left half of the one he wanted earlier today so I wasn't having that. He wanted a yogurt too... which he also wasn't going to have if he wasn't going to eat his dinner he was going to be hungry later. It ends up me being knackered the next day. I think I'll make a little sandwich, wrap it up and bring it upstairs tonight so I don't wake people during the night by making something when he wakes up screaming from hunger. stupid child.

I just hope they go through with it. I'm not holding my breath. Nate loves fetching carrots etc from the fridge and he adores putting the food shop away! he likes to unload the dishwasher/washing machine too. haha. my little domestic god. So hoping he will be a good little cook when he is older.

How was your day hun? I have the penguin programme on now. :) and before you think i'm an utter geek I've got gypsies on record! woo.
He will be self sufficient when hes older hun - I wish my OH had been like that lol his parents did everything for him. Not after he married me lol I work full time too so make him pull his weight. He is being a little Imp lately lol naughty boy. I hope he sleeps through for you fingers crossed
oh he still has "mummy feed me" days, and lots and lots and lots of cuddles. This evening he was jumping on my back, fell off and went with quite a clonk onto the floor so much cuddles were needed then. I'm just aiming for not totally inept, and it keeps him busy and entertained. It usually makes the job twice as long, but it is less annoying than me doing it, him unpacking the cupboards, me re-packing the cupboards, him putting the dog's food in his water bowl, me fishing it all back out again, him trying to escape out of the front door to go for a dip in the pond... you get the point. little tinker.

Anywho, just been reading the weight loss *****'s January posts, and something popped up... the "escape route". Working out if I can get to the empty table in a cafe or restaurant without bumping anyone. On Friday I went to a cafe, and when I was popping over to pay the route thing popped into my head. I thought "I could go that way, but would I fit through there, will I bang this, will I knock over that" the usual route thing. until I realised "yes, you can fit through there you utter numpty now go and pay and stop looking like some table obsessive!" And yes, I did fit fine, there was absolutely no issue! haha. numpty, I guess it is one less thing I have to worry about.