Ah that's really cool. She just had me laughing with her. A sense of humour and a love of clothes despite being big is me! My consultant so doesn't get my jokes and generally looks a little scared when I take the piss out of myself. The big difference is I really love food, and I don't think she does. At least, not in the same way.
On to something I read in the news... Something i actually think is great! I proposition to put teaching kids aged 7-14 how to cook! Brilliant! I grew up helping mum in the kitchen, usually fetching and carrying, then maybe some stirring and eventally chopping etc. So it wasn't a sit down and "this is how to cook this" and she never measured anything! But it all soaked in, I learnt what flavours go together well, when to add herbs and spices etc. It also meant that I could taste a recipe when reading it in the same way you can hear music when you read it. Yes I love food. I also love crap, mostly of the sugar variety! When I went to uni there was 10 of us, and other tgan myself only 1 could cook for himself. I mean even basic food hygine was lost on them. "can I eat bleeding chicken" was a partixularly shocking call I got one day. Good god. So for kids to know how to cook at least 20 meals I think is fab, and much needed.
Once a week at school we had pse (then pshe, then psche, god knows that it is now!) Class. Every year we studied drugs and safe sex etc, sometimes we'd do it twice a year. In the upper 6th we all had 2 cooking classes, during which a classmate showed me a vegetable, said his mum bought it and asked what it was and which bit you ate. Was it something strange and exotic? Did she get adventurous and go to one of the Indian shops? Nope, it was a cauliflower! Not only could he not cook, he didnt know what a basic vegetable was. One my 1 tear old son can recognise and name!
Ok, yes, at my school we had "food technology". Brilliant. My brother took food technology for gcse and spent two years making sandwiches. Food technology didn't teach cookery it seemed. It may surprise you I didn't take food tech. As a fatty it is just asking for it really. I also hated the time constraints. An hour for teaching, prep, cookery and cleaning up, in a tiny cramped space with 1 oven for four people. Not my idea of fun. Plus, I learnt more cooking at home with mum. This is something that I was fortunate to receive, I know. And now? Now nate fetches and carries for me. Let's hope he will be able to cook when he is all grown up.