I FAILED MISERABLY........................

do you know what i would do i would stick to LT get to the weight i wanted and when i was in my wedding dress looking fan f**king tastic i would send her a photo with f**k you wrote on the back you keep going hun dont let her get you down make her comments give you the willpower you need use her nasty horrible comments work to your advantage i would omg i would make sure i got to my goal just to piss her off...x
That...that is ugliness. To be able to bring yourself to speak such cruel and ignorant words to anyone displays ugliness. Let me tell you I'd rather be f**kin HUGE than be the kind of person she so obviously is.

You need to be selfish! You need to take care of yourself. Learn to laugh at these d**ks who just dont have a clue! She's resorting to this because you have already won! Her brother is in love with you! Her brother sees your beauty. AND she is trying to stop you losing weight because then she'll have to accept that she's just plain racist. She enjoys being the only girl and is threatened by how much you mean to your OH. You've already won this battle babes, just plant your flag by losing the weight and smiling smiling smiling!!!

Dont allow ANYONE the power to knock you off your stride and make you feel bad about yourself. We all know how lovely you are, its about time you believed it.

Good luck sorting it out babes. ((HUGS))
what a bee-hatch...
she'll not have seen this picture then:
Update....Well I told my fella what has been happening and he was very very angry at both of us, he said I should have told him ages ago what was going on and to not hold anything back anymore and no more secrets. He was really annoyed and called her, she obviously denied the texts but her number came up on my phone, she stated she was only saying what everyone else thought and that I will never be a part of the family as I am white. So he told her that she wasn't welcome to the wedding and that he wanted to have nothing to do with her again as she was twisted and ignorant and that I meant more to him than her. He called his parents as well and told them and they were very upset that she sent that to me. She told him that I was trying to come between him and her and the family and draw a wedge between them (The people who know me know I am not like that whatsoever! ) and that I will always be known as white trash and will never be welcome in the society. She also said if we were to have children they would be halfcasts and will never be accepted because they will be half white, my Oh got so mad at her that she had treated me this way and apologized profusely to me. I am glad that he believed me and is supporting wholeheartedly throughout my diet, I am blessed for that!! He has cut all ties with her but unfortunately she has left her mark on me. But I am determined to lose this weight for myself, not to show her but to prove to myself that I made the difference. Thanks to everyone who offered their support and all the best with your weigh in's this week. Take care
Im in disbelief how fecking rude she is!!!! Im all for family is family no matter what or at least i thought i was till i read your thread,you should almost definatly show your OH the texts,she doesn't deserve family what a spitefull *****!!!! get her number blocked from your phone or change your number you don't need that sort of crap in your life.... & beauty comes from within firstly, little would she know about that!! she's obviously a VERY UGLY PERSON within.....get your own back forget about her sh*t & put yourself 1st, show her she's so wrong,lose the weight & live your life!!! she may hate it but tough!!! anyway take care! caz xx
Well done for standing up to her bullying, you are very brave as I know you care a great deal for your OH and didn't want to hurt him which she was relying on.

Secondly your comments about losing weight for yourself and not to spite somebody else are awesome, you can so achieve your goals because you are actually a much stronger person than you probably realise. If you need any help/support/shoulder to cry on you know where we are, hope you are proud of yourself x
Sorry this is a little late- but I can't believe the nerve of some people. The thing with bullying is that people take whatever stands out about the other person. Be it size, colour, physical imperfections or something as mundane as your hair colour. The thing is (and believe me I had my fair share of bullying, until I learnt to kick arse!) is to ask them to stop, tell them to stop and finally make them stop. This is most definitely my mantra. She is obviously so f***ed up in the head that she has to take her hatred out on someone else. Like hell you are driving a wedge between your OH and his family. They are doing quite well on their own thank you very much. I know it will be hard for a while- but he quite clearly LOVES you, no matter what and that's what counts. Do this for you- not for him, not for your family, and most importantly not for them as they seem to be worthless scrotes who quite clearly haven't grasped the concept of living in the 21st century. (I can not believe they would even say that their future grandchildren would be 'halfcast'. A term, I believe, that was even frowned upon during the 80s! Well tbh, I certainly wouldn't want 'loving' grandparents like that having anything to do with my kids)

Stay strong for your sake. Igonore the situation- as I doubt you will be hearing from them again- and look forward to a long and happy future together.

Much love and hugs to you xxx
thanks medea and tara for all of your support, I think I underestimated everyone on this site when I thought yas would judge me when I failed. I am now thankful that I was proven wrong and was able to see what a terrific and supportive bunch of people ya are and that has touched me deeply more than yas will ever know. I am not used to being treated with so much kindness. I have learnt a valuable lesson for the future and that is when the going gets tough theres always someone out there with a friendly shoulder to lean on and that all 5 fingers are not the same. So heres to a better tomorrow!!
What? Is this a wind-up?

I've never heard anything so ridiculous in my whole life but my main concern is, why is her number not blocked?

Nope I am afraid not, this is not a windup! As from tomorrow her number is now blocked and please god I never want to hear from her again as long as I live.
You need to show OH the text he obviously doesnt realise what a nasty racist ***** she is dont let her spopil this diet for you ignore and blocke her number you do not need to have any contact with her what so ever
all the best
well done on teling ur OH, u shouldnt need to hide that or put up with that from any one, shes just a bully with prob, a sad lil life, good luck with the diet hun, u can do it :D
That is insane!!! :mad:
So glad you've taken steps to sort this out! She may never have had weight problems but she is an ugly person inside who has hatred in her heart (if she has one) any relationship she has be it romantic or friendship it will be shallow, fake and manipulated by her! I knew someone like her (not half as severe) but every 2-3 years she had a complete new set of friends because eventually everyone realises what she's like though she appears innocent and fun loving VERY good at playing to other peoples good nature!!!!
You forget about this nasty "thing" (she cannot be considered a person) and you get on with your life!!!! when you think of her repeat this to yourself "your hatred makes you ugly and alone, i release these negative feelings into the world"! Don't let her get to you that's what feeds "things" like her!!!!!
Do this for yourself you are a beautiful person inside and out and your OH, family friends and all of us here can see that!!!
You are worthy of everything good in your life and need to leave her to her pettiness and her superficial life!
If you ever need our help, we're here!!
I wish you all the luck in the world hun xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx:hug99:
this whole post has me crying so much, i needed to respond to it.... from what i can see you are a beautiful person, non-judgemental, compassionate, forgiving, tolerant, kind-hearted, and most of all self-disciplined. Your OH is a very lucky man.

Now that the sister has been told you need to start taking care of you, and your OH seems like the kind of man that is more than happy to be your backbone when the going gets tough - that is a wonderful trait to have and you two eem like a lovely couple. At least your marriage will now be able to start as it should - with no secrets, no hidden feelings, just you being you and him being your rock - that is how it should be.

Your weight will drop so quickly, you will be unrecognisable in a few weeks, compliments on your appearance will match the ones i am sure you already get for having a wonderful soul.

People like you are so few and far between in this world, i can understand why the sister is so jealous, she could never be as beautiful.

take care sweet lady
Hun you really need to be honest with your husband to be. Not telling him stuff like that is not a good foundation for the future.

However he decides to react to what is going on with his family is then his decision and how to handle it, and if that is unfortunately bad news for the (most horrendous!!!!) sister and or parents then they have brought that upon themselves.

You are being very seriously abused and it has to stop immediately. You need your partners support in this hun. It is not something you should be keeping to yourself. Please tell him asap xx

On the diet front, one meal is not a disaster, climb back on and show yourself you are worth it, you are a beautiful person and deserve the best in life.

Here if you ever need me xx
Well done on telling OH and I'm glad he reacted the way he did -however you should never have doubted that he'd be angry at her. You should not have had to fear his reaction. Woman, your self esteem is so so low it's unbearable. Trust that this man is with you because, pure and simply, he loves you. And he loves you because you are WORTH loving. He wants to marry you because you are worth investing the rest of his life in. Please, please please, be it lipotrim or any other diet -lose the weight to prove to yourself that you are so much stronger than you believe. You desperately need to start seeing the good in yourself -only then can you overcome the years of abuse and bullying that has led you to feel so low.

I know for a fact that everyone here is glad of your input, your support and are behind you 100% and more than anyone else on this forum -perhaps even myself lol, I want to see you succeed because I KNOW, I absolutely know that you can do this.

Good luck! oxo
What a B@@@h Grrrrr.
I'm shocked she can have so much influence from so far tbh. I'm a bit confused, Why are either you or bf having anything to do with her phone or contact while she's been treating you like this??
If my sil was like that towards me my husband would have nothing to do with her, full-stop. Your husband needs to decide where his loyalties lie. If thats your future here, with abuse from in-laws are you positive you have a very strong relationship to stand up to it all?
Never let anyone speak to you like that again hun. I hope i'm not sounding harsh, i don't mean to be, but i'm angry for you x
That is insane!!! :mad:
So glad you've taken steps to sort this out! She may never have had weight problems but she is an ugly person inside who has hatred in her heart (if she has one) any relationship she has be it romantic or friendship it will be shallow, fake and manipulated by her! I knew someone like her (not half as severe) but every 2-3 years she had a complete new set of friends because eventually everyone realises what she's like though she appears innocent and fun loving VERY good at playing to other peoples good nature!!!!
You forget about this nasty "thing" (she cannot be considered a person) and you get on with your life!!!! when you think of her repeat this to yourself "your hatred makes you ugly and alone, i release these negative feelings into the world"! Don't let her get to you that's what feeds "things" like her!!!!!
Do this for yourself you are a beautiful person inside and out and your OH, family friends and all of us here can see that!!!
You are worthy of everything good in your life and need to leave her to her pettiness and her superficial life!
If you ever need our help, we're here!!
I wish you all the luck in the world hun xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx:hug99:

Thanks so much for your lovely comments I think I have gained more confidence just chatting to ya guyz on this forum otherwise I would have never told the other half what has been going on for this past 2 years.