I love dr john briffa!


Step away from the cake..
Read his book escape the diet trap a couple of weeks ago. Now I've read his other book (waist disposal - aimed at men but points apply to all), watched him on YouTube and listened to an interview of him on living la vida low carb podcast. He's much better at getting his point across than Gary taubes, and I think he makes so much sense! He is my new god.

Just thought I'd share :)
Thanks for info - off to explore....
Have just bought his book this morning for my kindle, Escape The Diet Trap. He explains it all so clearly, I keep reading bits out to my husband. I can really recommend this book!
I thoroughly agree with his stuff on diet, but on other issues...well...not so much. He's got a reputation for being a bit of a quack. Shame really since I think he's bang on about weight management.
Lots of people thought Atkins was a quack as well didn't they, disagreeing with 'conventional wisdom' tends to do that I suppose

And - wow! - you lost 98 lb?! :happy096: :worthy:
I am still reading his book, there is a heck of a lot of detailed information in there. Also I keep stopping and reading bits out to my husband... who is doing rather better than I am on this way of eating (not diet!)
Just downloaded Escape the Diet Trap - and it's so clear, I really like the way he distills down quite complex scientific stuff.

Going to give it a try :)
I finished reading Escape the Diet Trap over the weekend. Quite a lot of science to it and it wasn't what I'd call an easy read, but very very informative. It all seemed to make so much sense to me and ties in with a lot of other stuff I've been reading and researching on the net. I shall be starting low carbing in a few weeks and I'm excited about getting started.