I shall run 100 miles!!

have not been posting in here......slack i know! but i have been keeping count at home so thought i'd find this thread,do one big lump off then get back to doing it as i run again,as...as i've shown its too easy to not post otherwise,lol!
and i have a 10k race on the 13th of may - eek!!!

Cyberjelly. 100 miles 40.5 to go
Woodland girl. 100 miles, 38 to go!
mandy296. 100 miles done now counting up 119.3 miles so far
Pinkie1973. 100 miles, DONE plus 142.2
Shazzabir: 100 miles DONE plus 356.2
Maverick: 100 miles, 67.5 to go!
Sunshine Runner: 100 miles, DONE plus 146.4
RebeccaOM: 100 miles, 100 to go
ladyantionette: 100 miles, 71 to go
Trefoil: 100 miles, 95 to go
KazzW: 100 miles, 91.5 to go
Hannahkw1: 100 miles, 0 to go
Clavicles: 100miles, DONE plus 522.6!
Gembear: 100 miles, 100 to go
Who_La_Hoop: 161 km, 117 to go
Beautiful.XTC: 100 miles, 92 to go
Fairymary: 100 miles done +12
Aesir 22: 100 miles, 46 to go
Lurverick:100 miles,72 to go
Just 4 miles for me! Will do a short 2-3 mile on Wed, then it's the half marathon on Sunday!!

Hope your feeling a bit better Pinkie x

Lurverick: good luck with your race!

Cyberjelly. 100 miles 40.5 to go
Woodland girl. 100 miles, 38 to go!
mandy296. 100 miles done now counting up 119.3 miles so far
Pinkie1973. 100 miles, DONE plus 142.2
Shazzabir: 100 miles DONE plus 360.2
Maverick: 100 miles, 67.5 to go!
Sunshine Runner: 100 miles, DONE plus 146.4
RebeccaOM: 100 miles, 100 to go
ladyantionette: 100 miles, 71 to go
Trefoil: 100 miles, 95 to go
KazzW: 100 miles, 91.5 to go
Hannahkw1: 100 miles, 0 to go
Clavicles: 100miles, DONE plus 522.6!
Gembear: 100 miles, 100 to go
Who_La_Hoop: 161 km, 117 to go
Beautiful.XTC: 100 miles, 92 to go
Fairymary: 100 miles done +12
Aesir 22: 100 miles, 46 to go
Lurverick:100 miles,72 to go
only a week(well week tomorow) until my race - eek!!
and im useless....didnt get on every day and update as i did...but did 4 miles today,3 yesterday and 3 the day before.

good luck with your half marathon shazzabir - cant wait to hear how you get on! do you have a time you are hoping for??

Cyberjelly. 100 miles 40.5 to go
Woodland girl. 100 miles, 38 to go!
mandy296. 100 miles done now counting up 119.3 miles so far
Pinkie1973. 100 miles, DONE plus 142.2
Shazzabir: 100 miles DONE plus 360.2
Maverick: 100 miles, 67.5 to go!
Sunshine Runner: 100 miles, DONE plus 146.4
RebeccaOM: 100 miles, 100 to go
ladyantionette: 100 miles, 71 to go
Trefoil: 100 miles, 95 to go
KazzW: 100 miles, 91.5 to go
Hannahkw1: 100 miles, 0 to go
Clavicles: 100miles, DONE plus 522.6!
Gembear: 100 miles, 100 to go
Who_La_Hoop: 161 km, 117 to go
Beautiful.XTC: 100 miles, 92 to go
Fairymary: 100 miles done +12
Aesir 22: 100 miles, 46 to go
Lurverick:100 miles,62 to go
Had a great race. Managed to finish at 2hr 11 mins!!! Very pleased with my time, 11 mins faster than my last race!!!

Lurverick: not long now, I'm sure you'll have a great race :)

Cyberjelly. 100 miles 40.5 to go
Woodland girl. 100 miles, 38 to go!
mandy296. 100 miles done now counting up 119.3 miles so far
Pinkie1973. 100 miles, DONE plus 142.2
Shazzabir: 100 miles DONE plus 373.3
Maverick: 100 miles, 67.5 to go!
Sunshine Runner: 100 miles, DONE plus 146.4
RebeccaOM: 100 miles, 100 to go
ladyantionette: 100 miles, 71 to go
Trefoil: 100 miles, 95 to go
KazzW: 100 miles, 91.5 to go
Hannahkw1: 100 miles, 0 to go
Clavicles: 100miles, DONE plus 522.6!
Gembear: 100 miles, 100 to go
Who_La_Hoop: 161 km, 117 to go
Beautiful.XTC: 100 miles, 92 to go
Fairymary: 100 miles done +12
Aesir 22: 100 miles, 46 to go
Lurverick:100 miles,62 to go
wow!! that is a great time!!!! well done shazzabir x
another 5 miles done for me today :)

Cyberjelly. 100 miles 40.5 to go
Woodland girl. 100 miles, 38 to go!
mandy296. 100 miles done now counting up 119.3 miles so far
Pinkie1973. 100 miles, DONE plus 142.2
Shazzabir: 100 miles DONE plus 373.3
Maverick: 100 miles, 67.5 to go!
Sunshine Runner: 100 miles, DONE plus 146.4
RebeccaOM: 100 miles, 100 to go
ladyantionette: 100 miles, 71 to go
Trefoil: 100 miles, 95 to go
KazzW: 100 miles, 91.5 to go
Hannahkw1: 100 miles, 0 to go
Clavicles: 100miles, DONE plus 522.6!
Gembear: 100 miles, 100 to go
Who_La_Hoop: 161 km, 117 to go
Beautiful.XTC: 100 miles, 92 to go
Fairymary: 100 miles done +12
Aesir 22: 100 miles, 46 to go
Lurverick:100 miles,57 to go
well i did it and im still alive!!!!!!!!! not an impressive time for 10k...71 minutes(1hr 11 mins) but i really really struggled with the hills and heat as both unexpected and neither encountered before as i only recently started running.
very pleased though :)
also knocks another 6 miles off my total.......and had another 2 to take off from last little training run a few days ago.

now major training to commence after a few days off as im signed up for the bristol half marathon on 30th september.

Cyberjelly. 100 miles 40.5 to go
Woodland girl. 100 miles, 38 to go!
mandy296. 100 miles done now counting up 119.3 miles so far
Pinkie1973. 100 miles, DONE plus 142.2
Shazzabir: 100 miles DONE plus 373.3
Maverick: 100 miles, 67.5 to go!
Sunshine Runner: 100 miles, DONE plus 146.4
RebeccaOM: 100 miles, 100 to go
ladyantionette: 100 miles, 71 to go
Trefoil: 100 miles, 95 to go
KazzW: 100 miles, 91.5 to go
Hannahkw1: 100 miles, 0 to go
Clavicles: 100miles, DONE plus 522.6!
Gembear: 100 miles, 100 to go
Who_La_Hoop: 161 km, 117 to go
Beautiful.XTC: 100 miles, 92 to go
Fairymary: 100 miles done +12
Aesir 22: 100 miles, 46 to go
Lurverick:100 miles,49 to go
Fantastic Lurverick!!! It was certainly a warm day yesterday, you did well to run in it.
Roll on September..!! :)
just a teeny 2 miles for me today! dissapointed as i wanted more but was wearing my new trainers for the first time and omg i have the worst ever blister...well ex blister-raw skin-ever!!!!!

Cyberjelly. 100 miles 40.5 to go
Woodland girl. 100 miles, 38 to go!
mandy296. 100 miles done now counting up 119.3 miles so far
Pinkie1973. 100 miles, DONE plus 142.2
Shazzabir: 100 miles DONE plus 373.3
Maverick: 100 miles, 67.5 to go!
Sunshine Runner: 100 miles, DONE plus 146.4
RebeccaOM: 100 miles, 100 to go
ladyantionette: 100 miles, 71 to go
Trefoil: 100 miles, 95 to go
KazzW: 100 miles, 91.5 to go
Hannahkw1: 100 miles, 0 to go
Clavicles: 100miles, DONE plus 522.6!
Gembear: 100 miles, 100 to go
Who_La_Hoop: 161 km, 117 to go
Beautiful.XTC: 100 miles, 92 to go
Fairymary: 100 miles done +12
Aesir 22: 100 miles, 46 to go
Lurverick:100 miles,47 to go
Ooh I hate blisters - hope they heal up soon and you don't suffer anymore.

Well I finally got my act together on Sunday and.did 3 miles. Given I've not run for a good three and a half months, it wasn't too bad at all. I shall see if I can make 200 miles by July now. That can be my little challenge to myself!

Cyberjelly. 100 miles 40.5 to go
Woodland girl. 100 miles, 38 to go!
mandy296. 100 miles done now counting up 119.3 miles so far
Pinkie1973. 100 miles, DONE plus 145.2
Shazzabir: 100 miles DONE plus 373.3
Maverick: 100 miles, 67.5 to go!
Sunshine Runner: 100 miles, DONE plus 146.4
RebeccaOM: 100 miles, 100 to go
ladyantionette: 100 miles, 71 to go
Trefoil: 100 miles, 95 to go
KazzW: 100 miles, 91.5 to go
Hannahkw1: 100 miles, 0 to go
Clavicles: 100miles, DONE plus 522.6!
Gembear: 100 miles, 100 to go
Who_La_Hoop: 161 km, 117 to go
Beautiful.XTC: 100 miles, 92 to go
Fairymary: 100 miles done +12
Aesir 22: 100 miles, 46 to go
Lurverick:100 miles,47 to go
Just 3 miles yesterday and 2 at the w/e. hopefully my legs will be fully recovered for a longer run at the w/e

Well done Pinkie!!!!

Blisters really are not good, hope they go quickly

Cyberjelly. 100 miles 40.5 to go
Woodland girl. 100 miles, 38 to go!
mandy296. 100 miles done now counting up 119.3 miles so far
Pinkie1973. 100 miles, DONE plus 145.2
Shazzabir: 100 miles DONE plus 378.3
Maverick: 100 miles, 67.5 to go!
Sunshine Runner: 100 miles, DONE plus 146.4
RebeccaOM: 100 miles, 100 to go
ladyantionette: 100 miles, 71 to go
Trefoil: 100 miles, 95 to go
KazzW: 100 miles, 91.5 to go
Hannahkw1: 100 miles, 0 to go
Clavicles: 100miles, DONE plus 522.6!
Gembear: 100 miles, 100 to go
Who_La_Hoop: 161 km, 117 to go
Beautiful.XTC: 100 miles, 92 to go
Fairymary: 100 miles done +12
Aesir 22: 100 miles, 46 to go
Lurverick:100 miles,47 to go
Well good luck for your tired legs Shazzabir! :)

I did another 3 tonight after work whilst the Bairn was at cricket.
Really pleased to be slowly getting back into it. :)

Cyberjelly. 100 miles 40.5 to go
Woodland girl. 100 miles, 38 to go!
mandy296. 100 miles done now counting up 119.3 miles so far
Pinkie1973. 100 miles, DONE plus 148.2
Shazzabir: 100 miles DONE plus 378.3
Maverick: 100 miles, 67.5 to go!
Sunshine Runner: 100 miles, DONE plus 146.4
RebeccaOM: 100 miles, 100 to go
ladyantionette: 100 miles, 71 to go
Trefoil: 100 miles, 95 to go
KazzW: 100 miles, 91.5 to go
Hannahkw1: 100 miles, 0 to go
Clavicles: 100miles, DONE plus 522.6!
Gembear: 100 miles, 100 to go
Who_La_Hoop: 161 km, 117 to go
Beautiful.XTC: 100 miles, 92 to go
Fairymary: 100 miles done +12
Aesir 22: 100 miles, 46 to go
Lurverick:100 miles,47 to go
Haven't been on for a while but thought I would share my stats my running buddy sent me.

Week 1: 07.03.12 - 3.34km in 26:36. Average pace 07:58 mins/km
Week 2: 14.03.12 - 3.44km in 28:34. Average pace 08:18 mins/km
Week 3: 21.03.12 - 3.81km in 30:33. Average pace 08:01 mins/km
Week 4: 28.03.12 - 3.21km in 25:00. Average pace 07:47 mins/km
Week 5: 04.04.12 - 3.76km in 29:32. Average pace 07:52 mins/km
Week 6: 11.04.12 - No details for this week.
Week 7: 18.04.12 - 4.27km in 33:32. Average pace 07:51 mins/km
Week 8: 25.04.12 - 4.28km in 33:55. Average pace 07:56 mins/km
Week 9: 02.05.12 - 3.58km in 30:00. Average pace 08:23 mins/km
Week 10: 09.05.12 - 4.05km in 30:00. Average pace 07:24 mins/km
Week 11: 16.05.12 - 4.28km in 31:31. Average pace 07:22 mins/km

Don't think I'm doing that bad, lookinjg to run 16km in under 2 hours by October which looks very likely from these.
I've done another 3 x 3 mile runs since my last entry. Tonight I went with my sister to the SweatShop, and they have a 5k running club on a Monday night. I really fancy it, so I need to sweeten up my Dad and see if he'll collect the Bairn from cubs for me so I can go. I'm quite excited about the prospect, so fingers crossed. :)

Cyberjelly. 100 miles 40.5 to go
Woodland girl. 100 miles, 38 to go!
mandy296. 100 miles done now counting up 119.3 miles so far
Pinkie1973. 100 miles, DONE plus 157.2
Shazzabir: 100 miles DONE plus 378.3
Maverick: 100 miles, 67.5 to go!
Sunshine Runner: 100 miles, DONE plus 146.4
RebeccaOM: 100 miles, 100 to go
ladyantionette: 100 miles, 71 to go
Trefoil: 100 miles, 95 to go
KazzW: 100 miles, 91.5 to go
Hannahkw1: 100 miles, 0 to go
Clavicles: 100miles, DONE plus 522.6!
Gembear: 100 miles, 100 to go
Who_La_Hoop: 161 km, 117 to go
Beautiful.XTC: 100 miles, 92 to go
Fairymary: 100 miles done +12
Aesir 22: 100 miles, 46 to go
Lurverick:100 miles,47 to go
Updating from the w/e. 9 miles in total.

How is everyone coping running in this heat?

Well done Pinkie! I wish I had a Sweatshop a bit closer, I would really like to go on the runs they organise.

Cyberjelly. 100 miles 40.5 to go
Woodland girl. 100 miles, 38 to go!
mandy296. 100 miles done now counting up 119.3 miles so far
Pinkie1973. 100 miles, DONE plus 157.2
Shazzabir: 100 miles DONE plus 387.3
Maverick: 100 miles, 67.5 to go!
Sunshine Runner: 100 miles, DONE plus 146.4
RebeccaOM: 100 miles, 100 to go
ladyantionette: 100 miles, 71 to go
Trefoil: 100 miles, 95 to go
KazzW: 100 miles, 91.5 to go
Hannahkw1: 100 miles, 0 to go
Clavicles: 100miles, DONE plus 522.6!
Gembear: 100 miles, 100 to go
Who_La_Hoop: 161 km, 117 to go
Beautiful.XTC: 100 miles, 92 to go
Fairymary: 100 miles done +12
Aesir 22: 100 miles, 46 to go
Lurverick:100 miles,47 to go
'I've done another 3 x 3 mile runs since my last entry. Tonight I went with my sister to the SweatShop, and they have a 5k running club on a Monday night. I really fancy it, so I need to sweeten up my Dad and see if he'll collect the Bairn from cubs for me so I can go. I'm quite excited about the prospect, so fingers crossed. :)'

I've been doing these for the last few months and the groups are lovely, however they have just closed our Thursday evening one down as they said that the people that atteneded were 'too good' for a beginners class. But I can't go on the monday due to SW.

You will love the support they provide and they do help to motivate you when you feel a little tired. Good luck
Completed my Race for Life on Sunday.

5km in 32 mins knocking 6 mins of my time from last year, very proud of myself.

Keep up the running
That's a brilliant time, well done!!!