Stabilization I think that is it for me :-)

It sounds as if you're doing really well Poppy...

(hello Red Heart :D)
PP day today which I am happy about, mostly. I stepped on the scales this morning and I am over a pound under now and obviously I have a PP day today. Tomorrow is my extra starchy food and then Thursday is my official weigh in. Not trying to loose any extra. I am hoping my menu planning will assist in better, consistent eating.
Enjoyed my PP day yesterday, so much more energy. Today is my pasta day and I am going to make my goal to fit in all the extras today :) scales are 1.5lbs down which is not the plan.
Now extremely stressed and upset, nothing to do with diet. It is all I can do to NOT to reach for junk food and feed the beast inside that is crying out for some comfort! So mad, upset, fed up, angry, let down. :mad::rant2::flamingmad:
Official weigh in today and I am 1.5lbs down this week which is not the plan. I ate more than I should have yesterday by snacking whilst out at book club as I felt that my weight loss is speeding up a bit too much at the moment. Yesterday was my pasta day as well. Definately wheat that I am intolerant too, but luckily it seems much better than wholewheat which is unbearable. May try some gluten free instead. Ryvitas are working well :)

Was a bit upset that no one noticed my weight loss at book club. I started the diet the day after the last one so no one has seen me in between.:sigh: Good job it is for me and not them then!
Today has been a bit hit and miss on the food front. Had a major phone call to deal with just as I was about to prepare lunch and then had to leave quickly afterwards to take little one to gym class *sigh*

B - forgot!
L - 4 ryvitas with cream cheese (not low fat so cheese portion done) only thing I could make whilst on the phone and take with me.
D - Pepper steak.

Well, I hope you get a moment to step out into your allotment and have some fun. I saw the pics and it looks so nice and peaceful. Very organized. What all do you grow?
I forget to eat on this plan too. I know I have too but it is hard because the dairy really satiates me.
I bet you look wonderful in your new wardrobe - How about some pics!!!!?
Hey Didi. Perhaps I will be brave enough to put on a picture or two. I just found some on Facebook of my oldest daughters graduation when I was at my heaviest. 147lbs. I look so big and uncomfortable :-( I felt really big and uncomfortable too. Perhaps I should do a before and after because I certainly feel better now.

Haven't managed to get to the allotment today or tomorrow. Had a very busy but fun day at a bbq with some old friends and some hopefully new ones. The tomorrow is my middle child's 22nd birthday so I am taking her shopping in the morning and then back to her flat for some pressies and cake. Out for dinner that evening too. Then next week I am driving to pick up my niece to stay for the week which will be the first time. I have an awful family and have manage to get in contact with my niece via Facebook and am trying to build a relationship with her. Not sure a 15 year old will want to spend much time on the allotment - but I will try. I do love it there, it truly is my happy place.

Short story but before I was blessed with my now 3.5 year old Izzy, I had two miscarriages (and before that infertility on my husbands part). After the 2nd miscarriage I just needed something to do, different and physical so I took on the allotment. I dug and screamed and dug and cried and at the end of the 3 months I was pregnant again. This time I think I was more physically able to carry a pregnancy after all the hard work and emotionally I had worked a lot of it out. So when she was just 1.5 days old we took her down to visit the place that we felt enabled her to be here and to this day she absolutely loves being down there, I think she knows :) So it is not just fruit and veg we grow down there - lol.
I do admire you for your energy when in grief like that. I just go into a heap and it's much more negative. What fabulous results your allotments have had in every way.
Are you still planning to move?
Thank you. Believe me I cried and cried and cried and even now I still shed a tear for my lost babies. I think because I had my older two girls to consider I couldn't let myself go as they were struggling to cope. So even whilst feeling so awful I still had to be mum and put their needs first. That is why the allotment was so good. I was there on my own in Feb/Mar time, digging and crying and screaming at the unfairness of it all, digging till I was too exhausted and fell asleep as soon as my head hit the pillow. It was very healing. I planted and grew poppies and use it as my name as it makes me remember my babies I lost. Izzy has no clue but she always points out poppies to me where ever they grow. I am forever grateful.

We are still hoping to move but are struggling to find anywhere. We have offered on 4 places in the last year but they have all fallen through, none by our doing :-( Very frustrating.

How have you been, Topaz, anymore trips this way? Family settled in up this way?
This weekend I have been good but in a bad way! I have mainly stuck to the principles but strayed off one too many times. We went to a BBQ on Saturday and I was pretty good, I ate mostly meat, turkey steaks and a drumstick, had salad and some veggie batons and drank diet coke (too much I think) They were insistent on dessert as they couldn't understand that I had finished the diet, as in weight loss, but was consolidating it. They assumed I could just eat now. So I had a small piece of dessert which I took 2 bites of and then gave the rest to hubby. But there was a bowl of Doritos in front of me, thankfully without dip close, and I did nibble on those. Again not many but still not right. They then brought out a bowl of fruit salad so I had a small bowl of that. Because we got home late and had eaten in the middle of the afternoon we were not hungry enough for dinner. I can now see that this is lethal where I am concerned as I then get a snack head on. At least I now see it. I restrained myself to one cookie that we had brought back with us and ate some 0% fat yoghurt and an apple. So despite eating off the plan, I still didn't manage to get the starch (unless you count the doritos which I did) or the cheese and no oat bran. Had loads of protein though!

Sunday was my middle daughters birthday so I was taking her shopping for the morning. I made myself the galette and ate that before I went. 1 point to me. I was good, I had a skinny latte and then we were back to her flat for lunch with hubby and 3 year old. All that was on offer was a tuna mayo sandwich which I choose to share with my little one. Then a chocolately chocolate birthday cake which I again only took 2 bites of. I knew we were going out to dinner which was technically my gala meal, although I feel like I did an entire gala weekend. For dinner I had a diet coke, paprika chicken with coleslaw and chips and took one of my hubby's breaded mushrooms. I was stuffed after that. No dessert, no wine, no starter. So I have been good but in a bad way? I have gained back one of the pounds I have lost and I am doing my PP day today as tomorrow I am driving most of the day and I think it will be too hard to sort out.

I can see where I am more likely to slip up now but I am finding consolidation way harder than cruise. I am good at restraining myself, not bingeing but easy to pick at things and not eat properly.
PP yesterday and it felt good. Today I am toying with either the extra starch portion or not, depending on what I am going to do tomorrow. I have very picky 15 year old neice coming to stay who doesn't eat vegetables apart from roast potatoes (her words), no cheese, sauce etc. Trying to get my head around what to cook!
Have been finding it difficult to stick to the exact conso for the last couple of days so am doing a version of it and being careful. I gained back 1lb on my Thursday weigh in but most of that has gone today. I shall see what next Thursday brings.

Yesterday I had
B - yoghurt
L - cheese and salad wraps with mayonnaise
D - Chicken with peppers and rice topped with Pesto
S - apple, 2 what used to be called Opal fruits - little one insisted I had the green ones as that is my favourite colour.

Went swimming, went to the cinema, no bingeing or eating anything bad just not sticking with conso as it is very hard to get the meals balanced with having my neice stay. She is eating my vegetables though so very pleased :)
It sounds to me as if you're doing brilliantly. You had a little "warning" over the weekend but, again, you did very well under the circumstances. (If only I knew how to stop at one or two bites...) You didn't regain much, or have to "diet" it off, so you're still consolidating properly. Try not to avoid introducing the starches etc you are allowed, as they will help retrain our brains into realising that yes we can have "some", just not a lot yet, and there'll be more to come.

I loved reading about your allotment... and your poppies... :D
Hello there. I am finally getting caught up on everybody. Poppy you are an amazing lady. I truly admire your strength and positive outlook on life. Talk about inspiring.
I think you are doing great on your diet. Like Maintainer, I wish I could stop at just a taste. Chocolate is like the devil but such a sweet one for me.
Yes, my family can be awful as well. I have a hunch from my own experience that your 15 yo niece is likely thrilled that you have an interest in her. I always wanted a favorite Auntie. She will remember the time you extend to her. She will treasure it.
Stay good to yourself and keep on writing it and digging it out! I find the only place my mind is truly clear is on a cardio machine. I can shut my eyes and take out aggression and anger without endangering myself. I used to run a lot when I was younger. But, hey - you can't do that with your eyes closed even on a treadmill! Well, perhaps you shouldn't it! LOL
Have a beautiful day lovely lady! Hugs to you! Didi
Love my poppies :)

Thanks Maintainer, good advice, I was going to ask you if the principle of consolidation is to reintroduce foods gradually because of why we might have gained our unwanted weight? For me I was never huge and don't binge (well rarely anyway) and have pretty good control most of the time so is consolidation less of an issue for me? I seem to fluctuate about 800g but sticking with the 1lb or more under my goal weight.

Thank you Didi, those are very lovely words. It is nice getting to know my neice and adjusting to a 15 year old in the house. My little one is loving having her cousin around. She has just asked me to make her prom dress for her, I feel very honoured :)

B - yoghurt, plain
L - Subway tuna with cheese and lots of salad, diet coke and about 4 baked crisps.
D - pepper, tomato, steak in sauce, rice - small portion no seconds.
S - Strawberry yoghurt. My god did it taste sweet. Not sure I liked it!

So pretty much missing most things like oat bran so I am going to make a gallete this morning to eat as we are heading off to a 50th birthday party and the guy is providing catering via a vegetarian festival caterer. Not sure what that means but feeling NOTHING will be Dukan friendly! *sigh* I shall be good.
Hi Poppy, I am also trying to get my head around conso, but getting there I hope! I find it harder than Cruise too - kind of scary!
Hi poppy! Just catching up with your diary as I haven't been on here in ages. Sounds like you are doing really well :) how was the 50th birthday party did you manage to find some dukan friendly grub? X
Well I can tell you that the vegetarian food on offer was the least Dukan friendly food you could get! But I will tell you that it stopped you going back for seconds - yuk! You can imagine my neices face at lentil and nettle curry. Izzy is normally a good eater and adventurous but even she didn't like anything. Dessert was ok. I think they had gone over the top on so called healthy food, like wholemeal used in dessert (discovered after I had eaten it) etc. Shame really.

Sunday I was good and ate a roast chicken dinner with dessert and wine, my first proper dinner I feel. I put loads of steamed veggies on my plate and chicken but had other things too. It was good.

Last day of neice being here. Her mum and younger brother came up yesterday and are here today too. Need to plan some things to do.

My weight seems to be staying the same, just weighed myself this morning and I am still one pound under my goal weight at 8st 12.8lbs so very happy with that.
I am so happy for you Poppy! I cannot imagine a totally vegetarian anything. The only vegetarian thing I ever did was as a teenager and that was only "in case I meet and marry Rick Springfield!" It lasted a few months and caused me anemia. hahahahaha! The things we do as teens.

Sorry your niece is gone. I bet she misses you too.

Good job on the consolidation. I bet it is hard. Not only is there a lot of pressure to keep it off - there is that pressure you spoke of where everybody thinks you can now eat up!

Keep you chin up and stay focused.