Total Solution I will be size 12 by September ;)


is a slinky size 12.
Hi all :)

I have just received my Exante packs (3 months worth) and I am starting this teatime on my road to a size 12. I am currently a size 18 (14 stone) and hope to be around 10 st 7 by September.

A bit about me...

I am a stay at home mum and degree student. I also have a fabulous DP (well he is fab most of the time but being a man he has his moments), two children - a teenager and a toddler and we also have three dogs.

We currently live in Yorkshire (near Hull) but due to my partners work we are moving to Devon (Dawlish) at the end of next year.

I am fed up of being fat and frumpy and it's about time I ditched the extra weight I am carrying from pregnancy. I want to be sexy and slim before Summer is over... infact when we go on holiday in July I want to be able to wear a skirt. That will be for the first time in years I dare to bare my legs lol.

So here goes Day One on Exante... I know I have to dig deep for the first few days/week... so here I go!!!!

Love Beth x
I have just sorted all my shakes and bars and I think I will start with a hot chocolate at teatime (split into two) followed by bath and early bed. I don't want to be tempted to snack this evening when I am only just started on Exante.
What does everybody else do to keep their mind off food?

We go on holiday in 60 days...every minute counts. :) x x
Good luck with your journey :) I have started to make jewellery since I started on the diet, it keeps me busy, keeps my hands occupied and my mind distracted, I find it a huge help :)
I started this at the end of January and I had about 3 stone to loose too. I started at a size 18 too, and have managed to nearly reach my target weight...I can now fit into a size 12 jeans and size 10 top. (dunno how much I weigh now, not weighed for 2 weeks!! Plus i am away in Edinburgh, home is London). Also I'm doing Working soln and so I'm in the minority here. There is a point to this rambling and it is that ur goals r achievable.

To keep urself occupied, read a book, have a green tea/drink bouillon (both have grown on me) read threads on this forum, and remember ur goals

Be prepared for the wobbles(hopefully u won't have any). acknowledge them but draw a line and move on. drink lots of water and stay positive and u will be fine.
Take care and good luck
Hiya Beth!

good luck on your exante journey!

I havent really done much different except candy crush seems to keep my mind occupied lol
Welcome Beth and good luck on your weight loss journey.

I just started today myself:)
Hi Beth and welcome! :)

I've got loads of books to read and I've found even more time to do some crafts. Cross stitching and crocheting! :)
Thank you all :)

With the hopes of keeping myself busy I have put a few new books on my Kindle to read and bought a few new bubble baths from Waitrose as a bit of a treat. I get the feeling I will be spending most evenings in the bath and out of the kitchen.

I spent most of yesterday reading this lovely Exante forum, getting myself used to the diet... reading the tips. And I have gathered I am likely to be in pure hell for the first few days, drinking lots of water really pays off and all you folks are lovely and supportive.
I know I can do this, like all you ladies with such wonderful results... I can hardly wait to get to my first weigh in. :)

Well today is my first full day. I have my three shakes stood in the fruit bowl in the kitchen like little soldiers on parade waiting for me.
I have chosen vanilla which I shall have in coffees, Thai chicken soup as so many people have said it is yuk so I want to get it out of the way lol and chocolate for this evening as I shall probably have it as a hot chocolate.
I have bought some lower salt bullion and have a hand blender to pummel out any lumps in the shakes.
I had a chocolate shake last night and though it wasn't quite Frijj... it was perfectly acceptable.

Well here goes day one... time to get busy and to start on my first 2 litre bottle of water. I shall aim for 3 litres per day.

Beth x x
I love the chocolate shake although trying bananna for the first time today! Wish me luck! X
Thanks Jael... Its good to know.

Good luck with the banana flavour Cherry. X x
Did you just order the soups and the shakes? I think mixing the shakes up with ice and drinking them with a straw helps. It makes them feel "luxurious" lol. Good luck on your first day! You CAN do it :)
I ordered some bars too but wanted to spend the first couple of days on liquids alone to get used to the plan. I shall probably have a bar tomorrow and have it in two halves like a lot of you lovely folks do. :)

I had my soup at 1pm (I didn't think it was too bad) and it's now an hour an later and I am soooo hungry. I am sat here with my bottle of water, pretending to study when all I can do it think about the Pizza I can smell DP cooking for his lunch. Oh I will kill him if he keeps this up for the next few months lol.

Ah ok. I nibble on my bar all through out the day and night. That way it feels like I'm "snacking" lol.

You can also have black coffee and tea. Green tea. Coke zero. And you can have 2 tsp of bouillion as well. Oh that would drive me nuts too!! x
Hi Beth
You have a similar amount of weight to lose as me. I've managed to lost 1st 6lb in 5 wks but I have food too and unlimited milk. I make sure that what I do eat is low/no carb though. Think my loss has been slower than most due to food, but I'm happy with the way its going. Just glad to have stacks more energy!
Oh btw, I love the Thai soups. They're my favourite. Mushroom was bland for me, although I hear most people put lots of pepper etc in but I'm not keen on pepper.

Good luck with your journey/goal :)
Well done on your weightloss so far Plym... I think your results so far seem pretty good. I wouldnt say no to those stats. X x

Feeling a touch headachy now and still starving. Roll on ketosis. :)
I think it will be black coffee and green tea for me Killercurls... Black tea no thanks lol. X
Haha same here. Black tea is grooooooooss! Strange how I could drink it will milk all day long but as soon as that's not in it, it makes me nauseated.
At least we can have black coffee and green tea though! Oh also you can use tablet sweetners. I use the canderel ones.
I think I will eek out my vanilla shakes and use them as coffee and tea whiteners... I will miss a decent cuppa. I won't need the sweeteners as I haven't took sugar in my tea or coffee for years but I think I may have a bar for supper tomorrow as a sweet treat. I am sat in my bed at the moment watching 'Waking the Dead on Netflix... I daren't go downstairs as I know I may jump on the Cocopops lol.

Day one down a toughie and I have a lovely headache but it will get so much better I know... nine days until my first weigh in (week on Saturday) ... oh please fly past. :) Night all xoxo
Just remember you have to drink your shake 15 mins after mixing it up. I'm definitely missing my morning cup o tea! It will taste much better when I'm thinner though lol.

The more you drink the more the headaches should lessen. Are you weighing every two weeks then? Sweet dreams! X