I WILL lose the weight AND keep it off!!

Go you!!!
The Power Lies Within You!!!!


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I hope you've had a good day x
I'm in the same situation, going to treat today as day one and go back to basics. Hope your day one went well and day 2 is sailing by.

Keep strong xx
How you doing ? Hope you are over the hurdle of the first few days x
Thank you so much to all of you for your support. You've strengthened my resolve and you're right. I CAN do this! Just had a bit of a blip, that's all. And a bit of crooked thinking. A bit of 'oh well, I've blown it now'. Well I haven't! I've got all of my size 14s just waiting for me to get back in them and I'm damn well gonna do it!

Great attitude hunxxxx
Hi, how are you getting on? x
How you doing honey? Ok I hope x
Hi to all you lovely shrinking ladies! I've had a bad time of late. Depression has hit me like a tonne of bricks and, true to form, abstinence went out of the window.

Why do I do this to myself? At least if I'd stayed abstinent I'd have something to be happy about. I'm miserable because I miss home so much. I'm such a homebird, some of my best friends have been in my life since school days and my home and family mean everything to me. Living here, - on an expat compound where all men work for the same company - is like living life in a goldfish bowl. It's the first time in my life that I've been 'categorised' by the job my hubby does!! I'm a private person but I just can't 'hide' here and I find it all so claustrophobic.

My hubby's been looking for jobs back in the UK but there are none! He has to stay with the same company as he's been with them for 21 years and doesn't want to lose the good pension he has. So.... We're trapped in Saudi. It's too hot to go out, i have to wear a long black 'coat of oppression' if we do, I'm not allowed to drive, we can't walk anywhere because it's not safe, the only 2 leisure activities available to women are shopping and eating and I'm blummin miserable!

On the plus side, booked to fly home for the last 2 weeks of June so that might give me a boost. The best boost, though, would be to stick to LL and watch myself shrink!!

Hopefully my next post will be more positive ;)

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Aww honey. Sorry to hear you are in a bad way. Saudi is an awful hard place to live. My friend was living in Egypt for a while with her husband. Not as strict as Saudi but many of the same issues. Dont know if I could manage, so well done for you for coping as well as you do.

Give it your best shot. Would it help posting a bit more often? It helps with the depression, as it is a good way of putting things in a little more perspective.

Take care of yourself xx
Thanks, Clara. Yes, you're right - posting more often will help. It's a bit like not getting on the scales when you know you haven't been 'good', isn't it? I haven't posted because of the way I'm feeling and that is definitely distorted thinking because posting and getting replies is one of the things which makes me feel better!!
Keep at it kiddo xx
aww sorry ur not in a great place at the mo.... sending u hugs xx
Hi caramac, sorry to hear you are feeling trapped, my brother and wife lived in Jeddah for 17 years, drove her crazy at first , then she got a job as a school aid, and really through herself into it, very sociable job, not fab money but sanity , and went to work on the school bus, wore normal clothes too? Might be worth looking at if you are able to. What part of Saudi are you in?
I'm in Riyadh, honey. I've got a beauty business so I'm busy but I just miss home SO much! I'll muddle through - it'll ease again in a couple of weeks. :(

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Hope you are able to get in the zone soon Karamac.

I can't offer any advice as I don't have any relevant experience to draw from - but you do have the support of some lovely people here on the forum.

Kisses xx
Hope it gets better for you lovely, You've got your trip in june to look forward to.

Sending possitive wishes your way.

Hi Hun!
Hope you're feeling a bit more positive.
You know where to find me if you want to talk xxx
Post, Post, Post, Post !

How you doing ?

Hope all is well in your world xx
I'm afraid I'm really, really low, Clara. My first thought this morning was that I wish I hadn't woken up cos that means I have to get through another day :(

Trip home in 4 weeks and it just cannot come fast enough!

Now you know why I'm not posting - don't want to make you guys miserable! ;)

I'll go through some of your diaries today. Your positivity is fabulous and reminds me that I WILL feel like that again!!

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