I'd like to lose it, lose it!


Gold Member
After years of battling the bulge with various levels of success, I was inspired to tried Cambridge Diet by a friend of mine. She recently lost 40lbs on the diet and is at a weight she hasn't seen since she was 16! She is so pleased and proud as well as so full of energy - I just had to give it a try!

About 10 years ago I lost 45lbs through exercise - I had been a typical office worker/couch potato and exercising several times a day made a real difference.

However, although I exercise longer and at higher levels than before, my weight doesn't drop. Since the beginning of Jan I increased my cardio from 150-180 min/week to 250-275 and added 2 strength training sessions. Not to mention I cut out drinking alcohol. In 6 weeks I lost 2lbs! Very frustrating! :sigh:

So I figure with CD giving me that extra boost, as well as exercise to maintain muscle mass and reduce loose skin, I have a better shot at successful weight loss. And joining this forum is key to me - I'm very private and live along - so am not relying on family, friends or co-workers to support me. It is really great to have this forum and everyone's diaries - gives a real feeling that we are all in this together, can help each other over the rough patches and inspire each other with our successes. I'll be relying on all of you - thank you! :thankyou:

So far I've had an ok time staying on the diet and, after just 4 days have lost 6lbs (water, I'm sure, but still!). I'm looking forward to keeping this up and seeing if I can get back to a healthy weight.
Aha I found your diary :)

I know what your saying about the forum, I'm not sure how well i would be doing if I didn't have a consultant to weigh me each week and this forum to post my results too.

Your goals sound entirely achieveable, just gotta stick to it and let cambridge do the work. I think they don't advise too strenous activties or weight training on your first couple of weeks, but it might be ok if your already used to doing it anyway.

Also I find weighing myself through the week sometimes can be a bit disappointing as weight can seem to appear or disappear overnight and you can feel a bit put off.

Saying that, you look like your on your way to a nice first week loss :D Keep up the good work.

p.s. Keep the water up and have a clear path to the bathroom!
Thanks Davee! 2.5ltrs of water a day definitely has me visiting the bathroom a lot! Does your body get used to it eventually or does one have to plan the water intake - ie I want to go for a 2hour walk in the local woods, but am not sure I can be away from a toilet that long! Nuts! :confused:
I was not looking forward to my first weekend - I figured I would be tempted to go off CD. However, it's been pretty good so far! :) Also, my mouth is dry, I'm experiencing a metallic taste - I believe I'm in ketosis, which is good news.

Yesterday I did a 1hr workout and then walked the dog for 1.5hrs. After which I got struck with a spring cleaning impulse and deep cleaned the house! Last evening I babysat for some friends and had a great time.

Today I woke up in "lazy" mode. Have been drinking cups of tea and just chillin'. Big plan is to go walk the dog :chores016: and take a bubble bath.

Tomorrow I'll see the results for a week on CD. I'm dreading and looking forward to it in equal measure.
Ooooh good luck for tomorrow.
I'm day one so loving these diary's to help me realise I am not alone.
Sounds like you do plenty of exercise so I'm sure you will have a great loss x
Thanks! I hope so. Some of the posts were not sure about exercising, but then I found a "sticky" (an informational post) which said working out is fine - just to listen to your body, drink water, and eat a bit of protein if needed.

Welcome to CD! The first few days are the hardest - keep drinking water and warm beverages (tea, coffee), it'll help. And read the diaries - I find them very encouraging. :)
Hi Tizzy. How did you get today?
Well it's been a weird day. I lost 8lbs in my first week and instead of being chuffed, I was bummed that I hadn't lost more. :sigh:

However, I'm still on the diet and ready for week 2. I know that even tho' I'll lose less than last week, I know it'll be actual fat as opposed to water!

Must listen to my own advice - it's a journey and won't happen overnight. I just have to hang in there! Thank goodness for these diaries! :)
Well done, 8lb is fab and you will have lost your 1st stone in no time. I know what you mean though you read so much on here about ppl with huge losses it's hard not to hope for more but I will be thrilled if I can lose 8lb at my 1st weigh in !
Keep up the good work x
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Day 10 has arrived! Yesterday I cracked and got some brussels sprouts and thin slices of cooked chicken and had a "real" meal. I was actually amazed how low in calories sprouts are! Had 50g sprouts and 3 slices chicken for 127 total calories and felt so full! The 3+ltrs of water also helped.

I'm back on 100% today and looking forward to trying the flavoured porridge in a few minutes. :p Tummy is rumbling!
Getting through week 2 one day at a time. Hunger pangs haven't been so bad this week, and neither have the headaches. That said, I have noticed a few interesting side effects:
- up to all hours of the night, but still able to get up early in the morning and put in a full day
- periods where tummy rumbles incessantly
- using loads of fibre with little/very slow result

Am going out to the movies tonight and will not participate in our ritual of popcorn and M&Ms - am going to have a large bottle of water instead - hope I hang tough!

After tonight, my next big challenge is Sat when I'm having friends over for dinner. Have researched a low carb, low calorie meal which they should like and I should be able to enjoy. Fingers crossed! :)

My big concern, of course, is the impact of these events on Monday's weight. Perhaps having Monday be my weigh day isn't such a good idea..... :eek:
Yay! I made it through the movies without doing more than tasting a couple pieces of popcorn! And drinking loads of water... :)
One hurdle down, the next on Saturday.

I have the deepest admiration for everyone on CD who is also cooking for their family and exposed on a regular basis to food. I just don't think I could resist the temptation on a daily basis, however powerful the incentive of the weigh-in is!

Today was quite strange - I got stuck right into things from the get-go and didn't realize until 11.30 that I hadn't had my morning shake. I wonder if that happens to others as well?

Time to top up the water bottle!
You're doing great! Haven't ventured out to the cinema myself yet, the hot dogs would be my weakness, not really a sweets person!

I always forget to have my shakes then it will get 11pm and I'll need to have one before bed! Its amazing how you don't feel hungry even on such low calories isnt it :)
It is amazing! And it is making me see that often I eat simply because I'm bored or want a taste or texture, rather than because I'm actually hungry. I don't even miss chocolate all that much and I used to think I had to have a piece every day! :eek:
I totally agree. I am really missing hard crunchy textures, French bread, twiglets, pretzels, anything really with some salty or strong taste to it. The 2 bars I had over the weekend have helped a bit I guess, by having something to bite on.

Last day before weigh in. I was also thinking that I might end unchanging my weigh in day, especially once I start moving up the steps, just in case of any weekend blips!
Well, the results are in. I lost 2lbs in week 2, which is still a loss, but I can definitely see the impact of Sat's dinner, as I was down 2.5 on Saturday morning. :sigh: I must keep reminding myself this is a journey, not an overnight fix!

It's a journey, however, with obstacles! I can't put my life on hold for the 3 or so months it will take to lose the weight, so will be faced with dinners, ski weeks, etc. Even managing to eat healthy, instead of scoffing down carbs or sweets, will mean weight increase. :(

It's Monday and it's time to get back on track. I'm not working out today (went nuts yesterday and did 1hr45min of cardio yesterday!) and am going to adhere 100% to SS. And drink loads of water! And perhaps go look for fibre supplements that actually work. My digestive system is not feeling all that good at the moment...

How did you get on? Have you had a good weigh-in today?
Sounds like you have your head in the right place, real life does get in the way and sometimes you just have to eat! As long as you stick to your protein and greens you should be fine, like you said make healthy choices. Proving you can do that will help you when you come to maintenance :)
2lbs is still great and gone forever!
Good luck this week x
Thanks Krissykat!

Weighed myself this morning and lost almost 1lb overnight - well pleased that am back on track.

Had my first bar (peanut crunch) with tea for breakfast - was yummy! :p Am really not hungry much at all, which is very good. Makes it difficult sometkimes to remember to drink my shake or drink all my water.

Am sitting here drinking the last of my water for today and listening to my tummy gurgle. Feeling quite bloated and not sure if it's because of too much water, not enough water or something else altogether. I've had to use lax. in the past couple of days - perhaps this is a leftover side effect. :confused:

Two good days of sticking to CD - am looking forward to my results for the week - at least up to Sat when I have a dinner.

Week 3! Here we go!
My stomachs always abit iffy after a break and getting back to CD, give it a week or so and the fibre from the packs seems to balance everything out and makes me regular!
When's you next official weigh in?