IF AT FIRST YOU DON'T SUCCEED, try try try again and again (and again...)

Hope the walk to work was uneventful, Jo. The news doesn't make for pretty viewing right now:(.
Jo - you ok???? worried.com
Hello all - and sorry to have worried you... Fortunately for me, I live in the city itself, and not the suburbs where most of the problems have happened, so I'm as blissfully unaware of what's going on until I see the news... This morning, walking, I even found a petrol station with petrol in it!

Vicky - thanks so much for the recipe. I shall have a go at that most definitely.
Robin - I wonder whether the Brits might copy?!!
Sarah - Thanks for asking. I was thinking about you, and whether you'll come... (and whether you've got your European Health cards, just in case!)

All A-OK on the food front, although looking at a small gain this week unless something happens today...

It's lunch now, so I'm putting the headphones down to chew... and will type sporadically and catch up with you guys!
Jo when was sarah due to come out there?
Yes i think we should strike ;)
get plenty of water down your neck and that weight will be off tomorrow.
Brits wont copy maggie knocked the stuffing out of demonstrators that ment business
I also think the UK has become so full of apathy we will just take it nowdays
We won't strike in the uk, The public sector and transport are the only ones that still do. Probably they're the only ones with unions.
Plus who can afford unpaid time off right now?

Hope you get home uneventfully.

Sending some fat melter to prevent a gain this week.
A bit of a late catch-up from me:

Snack Machine - well done!! those things are evil :) you've clocked up a loss I think that's great news - keep going and lock away those scales! Or get some that will only speak to you when there is a loss :)

Hersheys "chocolate" - I tried some ONCE becuase I was collecting lots of American recipes so wanted to know what it was. that stuff is EVIL (caps this time) - tastes of rancid cheese? And no it was not past it's sell-by date. I'd even settle for Cadburys 'chocolate' if Cote D'or is not to be had ;-). Lindt I think is overrated too. Now Hachez is superb (sorry home-town allegiances here, made in Bremen)

Strikes: can't see it happening here on that scale except for the public workers that are still unionised maybe. But as 90% of services are out-sourced or privatised these days (like binmen, buses etc) it won't have the same impact I don't think. Also everyone is too scared to lose their job / income.

Have a nice evening and a safe walk home Jo!!
hey there jo am pleased that u are in the city but i do hope u will be able to get home this weekend !!!!
Hi Jo, how's all the striking going? Will it continue this week?
Hi Jo, hope its all ok in your neck of the woods xx
so...were you as good as me this weekend??? hope you had a nice one - even though your hair went frizzy ;)
Hello all...
On the food front, not so bad... as I'm not doing Dukan properly any more, but looking more at my behaviour, I didn't transgress any of my self-imposed rules except eating beyond hunger - which I think I do on a Sunday to stave off urges...

Still, keeping off the scales - as they nearly tripped me up last week - and the weather seems much brighter today...

On the strike front, more to come of course. My officemate is still taking 2 hours to get to work each morning and home too at night because the trains have never gone back to normal on her line (suburb). Tomorrow, the students will make a spectable of themselves no doubt... and Thursday, another general strike.

We managed to get diesel no problem near the house, AND fill a 20L can up, so big relief there... then were reminded on our way home that things are not normal when trying to top up near the City and finding two stations empty... aaaah!

Still, looking on the positive side - the fuel shortage meant for fewer cars on the road Friday and Sunday nights, so we arrived at our destinations quicker!
Hi Jo, wow this strike business is serious. I remember traveling through Europe in 2001 and therebeing fuel strikes.!

Good to hear your food is going ok. Are u attempting cruise or looking at conso to loose your remaining lbs?

Bren x
Oh Jo - sounds like its going to get worse over there, at least you walk eh so you dont have that problem. Just dont run out of petrol!
Hi Bren - thank you for asking...

To be honest, I'm REFUSING myself a return onto Dukan for several reasons... mainly because I've been using it as a quick fix and the whole binge / deprive circle needed to be broken.

As someone who's been grossly overweight most of her adult life OR on a diet, I know not normality where food is concerned... but particularly where behaviour around food is concerned.

Going back onto attack/Cruise would perhaps enable me to lose my remaining 3-5K (again) easier, but at the other end I'd be doing what I've done all my life and, particularly, since getting into low carb dieting - overeating, then compensating again with PPs.

So, I took the crutch away... and am wobbling around on my own... having some Dukan days/meals, yes, but not going back into ketosis, and dealing with hunger, temptations, and using the words "no thank you" more often.

I have a cognitive therapy book I've dipped a big toe in (just a few pages) and am learning about strengthening my resistance muscle (ie saying no!), and weakening my giving in muscle (ie saying yes!).

And trying to get off the dieting roundabout even if my final stabilisation weight isn't as low as I'd have liked...

<Sorry Bren - that was therapeutic for me - but must be overwhelming!!>
Oh Jo - sounds like its going to get worse over there, at least you walk eh so you dont have that problem. Just dont run out of petrol!

I know... we now have 3/4 full tank and a 20L spare BUT the other half is going away in the car Wed... he'll use what's in the tank to get there, fill up no problem (cos the region he's off to - Cognac(!) - hasn't been affected by it) and get back... he's promised to come back with enough juice in to get us to the house on Friday (for 3 day weekend! Monday's a holiday here YIPPEE...) and I mustn't worry...

<note to self: remember - don't worry!>

Ooooh I made a cheeseburger pie! Just a two portion job, and froze both, but the other half and I both tasted and I liked it at least (he merely grunted... so both portion will be MINE!)...

I did a 200g 5% fat mincemeat, mushroom, fresh tomato, herbs, garlic, chilli powder base... then used 2 eggs, beaten with fat free fromage blanc, and I put 50g 9% fat cheese (NOT DUKAN - but lowest I could find!) in...

and I used a silicon loaf mould I have... so nice and deep...

LOVELY! Thank you Vicky!

(Although I fail to see the likeness to a cheeseburger FORTUNATELY!
Oh why is he going to cognac??? and how come they arent affected?

Oh glad you liked it - i suppose they say pie as its meat and cheese LOL definately an american thing. they make it with a crust on the bottom? (yummy!) It is just something different.
Cognac to buy some (Christmas presents and to replenish stocks of a friend of ours in the UK who always asks...), and he has friends nearby too so he'll stay overnight most likely...

Different regions are affected differently - and there are only 6 petrol stations closed in that region, so easy to find one open. Paris, as a comparison has 104 closed or running out. And some suburbs up to 160... there's a good website to keep an eye on it all fortunately!

Yes the "pie" word interested me in the first place but YES a lovely pastry crust would be A-OK!
Not overwhelming at all. So just eating healthy and re training the mind. Good for you. Personally cannot wait to be off this cycle either.
Not overwhelming at all. So just eating healthy and re training the mind. Good for you. Personally cannot wait to be off this cycle either.

It's tough though! I basically love everything that's bad for me and could, quite easily, weigh 16 stone by the end of the year if I took my eye off the ball...