IF AT FIRST YOU DON'T SUCCEED, try try try again and again (and again...)

Oh Jo you look amazing! dress looks great! do you really need to lose more weight?
mmm roast (a little bit) beef :D
Jo - the missing a meal thing. I do that on weekends anyway i never have set times - but when we work its hard - we get a lunch break and have to eat then really - even if we are not hungry. food is my life im afraid, my freezer/cupboards are never empty - i couldnt bear it. my mum is the same.

So what time do you rise, sleep and eat at weekends? I think I'd be cheating if I skipped lunch then slept all afternoon! Or got up so late that I had breakfast instead of lunch.

No the point of it is to have a NORMAL day without lunch. ie, a work type timed meals day...
Thank you Vicky but that lumpy left hand side of photo tells the tale...
haaaa! that doesn't work for me... I've been at target, and still pressed "sabotage". I have photos of myself at target and a wardrobe full of target weight clothes but, because the fundamental issues were still there, it was all for nothing...
do you think either of us will ever get over these issues? i think mine will always be there.
Did your mum diet jo? i was watching tv this morning about girls whose mothers diet and it leads them to diet etc etc
So what time do you rise, sleep and eat at weekends? I think I'd be cheating if I skipped lunch then slept all afternoon! Or got up so late that I had breakfast instead of lunch.
ah i would be starving and ratty if i didnt eat during work!
i get up around 7.30 then if im cleaning or whatever ill wait till after then to eat which is usually lunchtime.
tomorrow ill be up at around 7.30 get up, do my duties, clean the house and then exercise before getting dressed and having something to eat. (im off work tomorrow). so have something breakfasty around lunchtime then just my dinner tomorrow.

Thank you Vicky but that lumpy left hand side of photo tells the tale...
thats knickers for you. I have that still now and only if i was 8 stone would that go completely.
Dress looks fab! Undies can deffo sort out any issues there.

Interesting about the book. I skip meals a lot, which leads to issues, snacking, being grumpy and getting stressed about not wanting to eat what I have leading to junk food wants.
where is the photo Jo, I want to see your dress.
All this talk of clothes, made me remember, the other week when me and a (thin) friend went to the City, she wanted a pair of jeans but none fitted. She wanted me to buy a new top, just to treat myself, though I didnt particularly want one. (well not untill I loose another half stone anyway) so picked up a size 18 top, and it was ok, but the hem round the wrists was tight and felt odd and I said I dont like it its tight round the wrists, and she said get a bigger size, to which I said , no way I am not buying size 20 anything. She replied "just because you get a bigger size doesnt necessarily mean you are that size, I mean sometimes I have to get a size 10 because 8 is too tight" :eek::confused::eek:
Nice dress, Jo! You need big, waist high knickers to avoid bulges (so the elastic waist band of the kickers is on your actual waist). They're the most forgiving (and least attractive, obviously, when not hidden by the dress).

Cathy, I had to get size 18 (46) tops usually (now 16 or sometimes 14). My winter coat is a size 20/22 (48/50) and although it's a bit looser than last year (when I bought it), it's not falling off. I don't trust sizes to be accurate (especially as I have a size 12 (!) top somewhere that is exactly the same size as a 16 jumper from elsewhere.
Nice dress, Jo! You need big, waist high knickers to avoid bulges (so the elastic waist band of the kickers is on your actual waist). They're the most forgiving (and least attractive, obviously, when not hidden by the dress).

I agree :D...my bellywarmers leave the least vpl :D......x:rolleyes:
Now what've I done/not done? :cry::cry::confused:

Ahh I hoped for an update! (I excitedly clicked on a post of yours from last night, after two days' silence, saying life was getting in the way of minimims without telling us how YOU were doing!!)
Cathy - the photo is the page before of this thread...

Vicky - my Mum always watched it but never did silly dieting as we do... if I could just "watch it", that would be far better!

Noted ladies re big nix just didn't wanna put clean ones on without showering and wanted photo!
Ahh I hoped for an update! (I excitedly clicked on a post of yours from last night, after two days' silence, saying life was getting in the way of minimims without telling us how YOU were doing!!)

Ahh I see :) nah i'm ok...bit under the cosh of late..not sleeping too good, dieting half-heartedly, headaches, problems galore and no word from "that" job :( x
Very nice dress Jo , gorgeous colour on you x
oh sarah . do hope you get sorted soon - its all got to come together x
No probs re hijack... Vicky and I invented the word...

Thanks Cathy x
Ooh Kim.
have you printed off the voucher?
ill be going for (if we doing a starter) chicken wings, then main pollo gorgonzola with the salad :) and copious g and t :D not even going to look at the pizza.

Morning Jo - you ok honey?

Yes I have the voucher thanks Vicky
A bit late from me - but definitely, gorgeous dress and you do have a great figure in it. Okay a few bulges that you (not me) can see which will be gone or hidden by next month! And lovely colour too.

You've convinced me I must take some time clothes shopping for Christmas....my old stuff will NOT DO. I do like to dress up, it's a tradition in my family so I still do. We are definitely all dressed before opening any pressies. I also want to look slim&glam ;-) for the work do, esp as I am on the organising committee!