'If not now, WHEN?'

Hey Stirky where's Miss JT gone? I miss her - is she alright? I sent her a PM. Hope all is okay.

Hungry now but off to bed - feeling like a hero!
Hey Stirky where's Miss JT gone? I miss her - is she alright? I sent her a PM. Hope all is okay.
Ahhh thanks Im here:wavey: just been really busy with appointments and working out if being a CDC is worth while....taxes, vat, insurance e.c.t :cry:Ive been employed by big companies all my life so being self employed is daunting.

Glad to see your back :D I will be joining you shortly using CD on DDs. Wow to your neice thats great going. She will be thanking you.

Hungry now but off to bed - feeling like a hero!
Super Hoe....:superwoman:
Hahaha Super Hoe, taht's what we'll call you from now on!

Oh Jelly being self employed isn't too bad, all easy to file taxes online now, I've been self employed twice in total. Currently am and have been for past 2 1/2 years, beats working for other people anyway!!!! Sorry Hoe, hijacking your thread there!!!
Thanks ladies! I had an UD yesterday and will try for a DD today but off to London with my cousin for a hosp appt. to grill the docs who know little about her Sarcoidosis. I have been reading up for days and bet I know as much as them by now (more than her GP for sure!)

Hijack away, lovely to have your news. yes do not worry about being self employed. I was offered it years ago and was too scared to do it and later I did and it was great. Yes get a good accountant or help with the taxes and keep all receipts, mileage etc. (which I am bad at!). I have a smallself employed business on the side which I am aiming to do one day per week from now on. I hope I can build it up and leave the day job and the rat race for good!

Take care y'all x
Oh Jelly being self employed isn't too bad, all easy to file taxes online now, I've been self employed twice in total. Currently am and have been for past 2 1/2 years, beats working for other people anyway!!!! Sorry Hoe, hijacking your thread there!!!

Hijack away, lovely to have your news. yes do not worry about being self employed. I was offered it years ago and was too scared to do it and later I did and it was great. Yes get a good accountant or help with the taxes and keep all receipts, mileage etc. (which I am bad at!). I have a smallself employed business on the side which I am aiming to do one day per week from now on. I hope I can build it up and leave the day job and the rat race for good!
Wow 2 experts, great :D I just dont know where to start. How do I know what insurances e.c.t I need and do I need an accountant or can I do it myself? I have a basic idea but didnt know whether to approach someone like business link? Oh..confused.com:confused:

Hope the appointment went ok? not only super Hoe but Dr Hoe too:D
Yes hope hospital appt went well Dr Hoe! It's awful when you feel you can't put your trust in gp's as you feel you know more than they do!!

Jelly I do my own accounts, but mine are straighforward. You just need to register as self employed with the HMRC (you can do it online) and then they will send you a pack out explaining it all. Your NI cotributions will come via a quarterly bill or you can chose to pay monthly by dd, again you register for ni when you register self employed. Have a look at the hmrc website (hmrc.gov.uk), all the info you need on there. Really no need for an accountant unless you make quite a lot or if you're expenses are complicated. As Hoe said, keep records of everything, all outgoings (and keep reciepts) and incomings. Best to have some form of accounts books and filing system, if you keep things organised it's easy. Hope that helps!!
Wow I can add little else - Stirky has said the lot - brilliant advice. A business plan (simple one) can be useful if you want some feedback and even a loan? Lots of online help yes defintely and I only have an accountant cos of laziness but this April I will go and sit next to him to see how he fills in my return and do it myself thereafter and save a few hundred quid!

Hosp appt. went great except they took so much blood from her (some for her and a bucket full for research) that she fainted poor thing. :eek: That was down to the nurse. I was out of the room booking her next appt and she asked him to stop three times and then fainted! He was so panicked he called me in and I had to take over! I got him to help me lay her down, then I (yes me!) took her blood pressure, put the monitors on and got her some water while he looked on in shock! I should bloomin' think so - only later did I discover she had asked him to stop and he ignored her. He was so keen to get his reserach sample grrrr. But all okay now - we had dinner in London after so she is fine. The consultant was absolutely brilliant and we are both made up with him - not the stuffy old Prof but a new young dynamic guy. Has ordered lots more tests and we go back in 4-6 weeks. Dr Hoe signing off! ;)
Thank you both. Some people make it sound scary. I have a banking background and do finance at work so hopefully it should be easy...she says.

Thats awful Hoe, good job you were there, naughty Dr should have listened! Bet she has 'booked' you for her next appointment.:D

Hope you are ok x
Aw glad she was ok at the hospital, just as well you were there!! Some of these docs ffs what do they think they are doing??? At least the consultant is lovely!!!

Ah Jelly you'll be fine lovely, esp as you have finance background, will be easy!! Yes people do make it sound worse than it is, the scary part is getting the bill lol!!!

Hope you're doing well Hoe, I've not been on here for the past few days, been feeling poorly and been having very early nights!!

Take care hun xx
Ah Jelly you'll be fine lovely, esp as you have finance background, will be easy!! Yes people do make it sound worse than it is, the scary part is getting the bill lol!!!
I have enough bills as it is lol. Quick question for you 2 experts if thats ok. If you hold personal client records/data, do you need insurance for this? My CDC says I do :confused: I cant find anything. I have had a quote from Directline for business insurance and they did not mention anything of the sort either.
Hope you are having a good day Hoe:)
I'm not sure on that Jelly as I don't hold any on mt clients, although I don't think you would have (never heard of it before), you just need to make sure they are secure and shreaded if disposed of. Maybe your cdc is trying to put you off???
I'm not sure on that Jelly as I don't hold any on mt clients, although I don't think you would have (never heard of it before), you just need to make sure they are secure and shreaded if disposed of. Maybe your cdc is trying to put you off???
Oh yes she def is :( Tried eveything to discourage me cost, time, insurance, profit. Not that easily detered though and with my experts on here I can give it a go.;)
Ooops taken over again.
Hoe where are yooooou...? Hope eveything is ok :wave_cry:
Yes poor Hoe, having her diary taken over with talk of tax and ni lol! Sorri Hoe :( Come back!!!! Hahaha. Hope you're having a good day hun xxx
Sorry ladies I am here! Been a bit of a nightmare work wise and still felt rough with this hacking cough left over from bug/flu two weeks ago. I actually wonder if I have had swine flu as the aches were awful and really high fever. If I have had it that would be great - much better to catch it and recover and gain immunity than have the dreaded jab!

I have had two good (in fact perfect DDs and an UD in between.) Still been going up and down with the weight numbers but seem to be back on track now. Famous last words. Gonna log my weight as a 2lbs gain (it has been up as much as 5 in the past month but down again now. Must crack on and get another stone gone.

Jelly as Stirky said just keep client records secure (locked and private) and be careful computer accounts so they can't be accessed by anyone else. Insurance maybe public liability? I am not up to date on that. I used to have to have it at home but in public or otehr buildings I am not sure. I get practice insurance through my nursing association. Good luck with it all - you will be a real inspiration to your clients.

Hope you're all okay - I will go catch up now. Thanks for worrying - you are kind :)
Glad you're ok Hoe, were wondering where you were hun. Yes we all need to keep plodding on, onwards and downwards!!

Hope you're feeling better soon hun, so many nasty bugs going round. There are kids off at our school with a sickness bug again, so hoping mine don't get it, oh how I hate those!!! I've been feelign better this week after feeling terrible for past few weeks, but think the sunshine has been helping too :D

Yes that's a point public liability insurance is probably needed. I used to have it when I ran a market stall lol, you'd think you wouldn't need it for that wouldn't you! But it probably won't be that much a year, prob about £40 I would imagine. Best to call an insurance company and ask if you need it, or check online. I had mine with Zurich. Just covers you if somebody had an accident whilst at your class and sued you!
Just checking in nothing to report. DD today, going fine.
Yes that's a point public liability insurance is probably needed. I used to have it when I ran a market stall lol, you'd think you wouldn't need it for that wouldn't you! But it probably won't be that much a year, prob about £40 I would imagine. Best to call an insurance company and ask if you need it, or check online. I had mine with Zurich. Just covers you if somebody had an accident whilst at your class and sued you!
Jelly as Stirky said just keep client records secure (locked and private) and be careful computer accounts so they can't be accessed by anyone else. Insurance maybe public liability? I am not up to date on that.
Thanks both. I got a quote from Directline that included alsorts but not sure if it was right as it was £52. Perhaps one of you would have a look if I PM'd you:kissass:
We have bugs again in our house. DS2 was sick in the night 48 hrs later DD was sick in the night then suprise suprise 48 hrs later DS1's turn:sigh: I hate cleanng sick:mad: sorry TMI.
Glad to here you are having a good DD Hoe. Im on an UD as need one on Sunday too. Its OH Birthday as well as mothers day and I have just had delivered a giant cupcake baking tin :D
Argh! Mother's day and I'm due for a dd Sunday! Not that I'll be getting chocs, in fact doubt I'll get anything apart from the cards the kids have made at school bless them! DS2 keeps telling me he's made me a valentine's day card lol!

Yes pm it over Jelly and I'll have a lookie :)

Hope you're having a great day Hoe :D