If You Fail To Prepare, You Prepare to Fail

Nandos - went for the first time about a year/18 months ago - wasn't overly impressed and I'm a chicken fiend.

Make up - don't wear it. Never really learned how to do it and as I got older it was getting too late for me to ask/learn, so I haven't bothered. I will occasionally wear a slight amount of eye liner when on a "proper" night out - but I don't go on a "proper" night out very often, so don't bother often. I'm not too bothered about wearing make up though because it means getting ready is so quick and easy - the longest bit is doing my hair - and now it's really short, that doesn't take long at all.
Also, mascara - I can't bear to wear it. I suffer from trichotillomania - not so much now as I used to, but eyelashes were one of my bug bears. I would pull out any eyelashes that grew in the wrong place - like slightly too high or too low on my eyelid compared to the rest of my eyelashes, and any eyelashes that grew in the wrong direction. And if they grew too long, I would cut them with scissors. I absolutely can't stand when my top eyelashes catch in my bottom eyelashes. Makes me cringe. And makes my eyes water if I see anybody else's do it. So having mascara on would drive me insane - I'd just pull it straight off.
My biggest problem with it was around 2008 when I would actually have bald patches in my eyelashes.

My eyebrows also don't match because I just overpluck them because I can't stop myself once I get started.
They're a mess right now, but it's because I'm desperately trying hard to not pluck at them.
Really, I'd like to go get them waxed or threaded, get a nice shape in them and then try and maintain them from there.
But again - if they grow in the wrong place, the wrong direction or get too long, out they come.

Sorry... finished rambling now.
I'm pretty sure that I have dermatillomania- skin picking. When I'm stressed/anxious I compulsively pick at the skin around my fingers until it bleeds. My boyfriend tells me off for doing it but I can't stop. I used to do it to my lip as well.
I love make up. Love love love it. now don't get me wrong as far as day to day goes I don't go over board little bit of foundation if I can be bothered. I don't have bad skin so it's not really needed but I have very rosy cheeks so sometimes I feel I need it.

When I'm going on a proper night out it takes me like a whole week to get ready! That's mainly because if I go out its once every few months so getting ready is the best part.

For example I'm going out next Saturday night so
I'm going to the gym/ doing some exercise everyday.

Friday morning I'm having my hair done so full head foils and a cut and finish.

Friday evening ill be having a tan.

Saturday afternoon I'm having HD eyebrows and a set of individual eyelashes.

Depending on how much my nails grow before Saturday ill be having extensions or a manicure :)

I sound like a right ditzy blonde here but I'm not I just love the getting ready bit more than the night out.


Your roast looks yummy yummy Serena. Had one at work yesterday that was fairly amazing but I wasn't actually cooking so no roasties. :( x
Roast looks very tasty! Your diary is insane Serena. I just read a page and by the time I refresh for the next page another page or two has appeared! Just caught up!
Hey hey
Well I have been off this for a whole weekend and iv some amount of catching up to do on your diary serena its unreal
Give me the load download?
Just to say that I'm not ignoring everyone, my back went into spasm last night (it happens sometimes since my car accident) and now I have shooting pains in my arms/legs/neck, Ill be back soon. Just not coping with the pain. Sorry.
Just to say that I'm not ignoring everyone, my back went into spasm last night (it happens sometimes since my car accident) and now I have shooting pains in my arms/legs/neck, Ill be back soon. Just not coping with the pain. Sorry.

Aww hun hope u feel better soon. Big hugs.x
get well soon xxx
Sorry to hear that you are in so much pain :( is there anything that helps it? Like a hot bath?
Aww hun hope u feel better soon. Big hugs.x

Get well soon xxx

Hope your feeling better soon hun big hugs and kisses

Oh hope the pain goes soon and u will be ok. Thinking of u x

get well soon xxx

Sorry to hear that you are in so much pain :( is there anything that helps it? Like a hot bath?

Awww no! Feel better soon.

Thanks Sweeties :) I am bathed and dressed now, think I've managed to get round everyone's diaries, sorry if my responses seem a bit basic/vague but didn't want to miss anyone out! X
Aw honey. How u feeling now? X
Aw honey. How u feeling now? X

Sounds painful Serena, take care. x

Thanks Sweeties! Just can't wait till Poppy goes to bed so I can do the same, she's seeing her Dad tomorrow, first time in 2 weeks so at least ill have a break, school holidays are quite hard going! X