Im back for good! 2012 is my year to taste success-& it tastes like a cambridge shake

Welcome to the site and good luck with xenical. Good idea to wait until Monday before taking with the plans you have for the weekend. I'm an emotional eater too not easy to beat but this site is great for motivation and support. Its inspirational reading how well others have done and continue to do.

Have a great weekend.

So sorry you've had to cancel the plans for the spa weekend. Hope you and hubbie sort it out, its always easy to take out your frustration on those closest to you. Hope the cuddles worked or was it the kick up the *rse?

Thanks vanda,no it's not easy to beat but i'm gonna damn well try!!!I'm hoping that this site will give me that little boost that i need!!!looking forward to monday to get back on track! and we'll see what happens!!! xxxx
Aw Justme! thank you for the compliments! i'm not marvellous! just trying to beat the bulge! lol! I'm looking forward to the 31st too! Just hope I'm not disappointed!

Welcome to the site - it's amazing isn't it! I LOVE LOVE LOVE it! I wouldnt have got this far (only 3 weeks in i know! but thats 3 weeks without cheating or have a massive calorie/fat-laden binge!) and i owe it to this site and the support of the people on here! Just being able to write down my thoughts/feelings/what i've been eaten and getting people writing bk is fab! it makes me feel important for "me" and gives me so much more of a buzz than a burger would! lol! and it's FREE! amazing! our own daily/hourly/secondly slimming class for £0.00! AMAZING! lol!

So welcome on board! you're in good company hunni! If you need a diet buddy you know where i am now so just give me a shout! I've got another person to lose in weight too, and i'm doing it for my little girl also! I wanna be a yummy mummy at the school gates too! Sending you big hugs, enjoy your weekend and i'll see you again on Monday!

Vanda, we've made up now - it was a combination of the cuddle and a kick up the ass! (for both of us!) and now we're good again!

Sona, the noodles I have are the fresh ones from Morrisons, (the fresh ones in Tesco are double the fat and cals for the same amount!) they're both cooked in a little oil, but Tesco's must have much more oil on them than Morrisons, also the Morrisons fresh vegetable stir fry pack is less cals than Tesco's??

I've had quite a busy day, got up, fed and milked(!) AB, had a smoothie and an yogurt for brekkie, went to Curves for 9.00am, did my workout, sit ups and stretches, came home, showered, went to watch OH'S brother play rugby (lots of yummy scrummy rugby men in shorts! mmmmmm! lol!) had a ham salad roll while we were out (no butter or mayo or wholemeal bread), came home, had spicy chicken pieces and a WW petit pain! and am now watching telly....feel like I've been GO GO GO! lol!

So today:
*Smoothie, Yogurt - 235cals
*Ham roll -350 cals
*WW Petit pain and spicy chicken - 431cals

1016 so far!! ((but i have been to the gym!))

Friends are coming over soon to watch the new X FACTOR!! I'm SO excited I LOVE it! I went to their tour concerts in Cardiff last year! I WAS/AM IN LOVE WITH RUTH LORENZO! lol! Hope its that good this year!

Anyway, they're coming over and are having a chinese, so I'm gonna be having a teeny weeny bit of chow mein and some boiled rice, don't know whats best to have for sauce?? as that sounds quite dry??

Right, gotta give AB her bottle!

Good luck this weekend hunnies

Hi yummy mummy
I'd love a diet buddy!still working out this site how do you look at profiles etc...........or do you add them like on my trusty facebook??really looking forwardto monday but also thinking ummmmmmmmmm what can i eat sunday before my diet (although not gonna call it that because makes me feel like food using that word!!) on monday,which is bad i know but the truth!
Have a lovely weekend all x
I think you just click on the person's name and it takes you to their profiles....that works for me! But I think you have to have posted a certain number of posts before you have the "privelage" for that.....I might be wring but I think that's how it works! You CAN add friends like on Facebook too, and you can send them Private Messages then too.....not sure how tho!!

Yay! I'd love another diet buddy too! I don't blame you for thinking "mmmm what can I eat before Monday!" lol! I was exactly the same the tuesday I got Xenical from my doctors, I was gonna go Tues night to Tesco and just gets LOADS of naughties and eat them that night! I bought garlic bread, chicken kievs, chips, chocolate brownie sundae and coca cola!! but i managed a few chips and then left the rest! I had talked myself into this being "it" this time that I just couldnt do it! lol! wish i had now-i'd have that look bk on when I fancied a binge! ha ha!

I had a bit of a binge last night - I had boiled rice, chicken chow mein, a teeny tiny bit of curry sauce, 2 chicken skewers (just skewers,no sauce) lettuce (that came with the skewers - yummy with rice - who knew!) and here's the bad bit - a handful of chips and a chicken ball!! not good!! (oh and 2 prawn crackers!) I didn't have a bad belly afterwards or need the loo! so it couldnt have been TOO bad!

I'm back on track today tho, and going swimming!! My friend (who's also on a diet) came over last night, and she's lost 2 stone (was more than a teeny bit jealous!) and she ate triple what i ate, AND it was all fat??? where's the justice!!

She wants to lose another 3 stone by Christmas and then when she's at goal her dad's paying for lipo, tummy tuck, boobs and teeth whitening! Nice dad! lol! I feel a bit of a healthy competition coming on! lol!

Right off to bath the baby! Hope you're all having a good weekend?


sona i get amoy straight to wok! soooo easy to open pack and throw in! also they are the lowest cals! i dont have any left and ive looked on asda website but they are not on! i think they are roughly 150 cals but dont quote me on it!!


Another :hijack: :D I heart my straight to wok noodles very much :D I soften a red onion ( sliced thinly) with mushrooms, tenderstem broccoli and sugar snap peas in a non stick frying bad ( I also use light soya sauce instead of oil, including fry light). Then I add the chicken, once the chicken is cooked, I add bean sprouts, sliced water chestnuts and bamboo shoots, adding more light soya if needed, then I add either Blue Dragon Chow Mein or Oyster and Spring Onion sauce. Quick stir, then chuck in the straight to wok noodles and jobs a good 'un :D
Ok then i better start posting lots of post's!!!!!!i'm having beef stroganoff and garlic bread!oh and m&m's!!!!!!oh and maybe glass of wine!but am really looking forward to 2moro got my little book ready to write my food down!!!!! And a bit of competition is good lol!!!
I have a friend i do ww is very competitive can be quiet draining!!!
Your little binge doesn't seem to bad hope you enjoyed it and your lettuce!!!!! Have a lovely day xxx
Hi everyone
I've just read all of yummy mummy's diary and think your blooming marvelous!and can't wait to see what you have lost on 31st! I hope you guys don't mind me tagging along on your blog/diary. I am going to be starting orlistat on monday i have been doing ww since jan and only lost 2 stone!!!!(not been doing it everyday obviously!lol) but decided that enough is enough i have a whole person's worth to loose and it starts NOW(well monday lol), i have a lovely lovely 3 yr old daughter and don't want her to go on same journey as me (emmotional eating i think!) so it's time to set a good example and not embarrass her at the school gates so that gives me one year!!!!!!
sorry for the rant!!!
The reason for delay in starting orlistat is i have had three birthdays and three meals this week and one more 2moro which i should be making cornflake cakes for right now but found this site and haven't moved!!!!!
Anyway hope to speak soon x

Hi there and welcome to Minis :D I also think its a good idea to have a starting date in mind, I think its a really positive thing :)Good luck xxxx
Evening girlies,

Been out and about today so been too busy to log on - and my bloody internet connections playing up again!!

Food for today before I get logged off again!!:

Brekkie - mullerlight layered yogurt

Dinner - we went out for lunch with friends (again!) to an all you can eat buffet lunch place, so I had:

*lots of lettuce, beetroot, pickles, a little bit of coleslaw, some plain noodles with babycorns, half a jacket potato with spring onions, 5 potato wedges (small ones) a dollup of tomato ketchup and half a piece of fresh white bread.

I then nicked 2 chicken nuggets off OH's plate! Everyone else had ribs, burgers, chips, wedges, bbq sauce, cooked dinner and 2 desserts each! So I felt G.O.O.D! lol!

Had a big glass of iced water to drink (am cutting diet coke and fizzy stuff out completely as from this week....)

Tea - 2 pieces of toast with 1/2 tin of tuna in spring water (no side effect yet Ali! lol!)

So I've prob gone over my cals with THAT lunch! but i feel pleased with myself for resisting ribs, bbq chicken, chips and burgers...not to mention the chocolate fudge cake and ice-cream with chocolate fudge sauce everyone else had!!

Morning girlies!

No side effects re. the tuna in spring water this time! phew! must've been something else I ate last time then??

I was a bit naughty last night, I had a Fry's turkish delight choc bar (lowest in cals and fat I could find) and a pack of Quavers before bed! I felt SO depressed afterwards and didnt even really enjoy them! So i obviously ate them coz I was MENTALLY craving them not really needing them! But I'm not upset now, I'm still making better choices than before and a new day a new start!

Eating the choc/crisps combo kicked off quite an in-depth talk with my friend last night, about my weight, binging, over-eating and just generally my obsession with food and where I wanna be eventually. And my head's in the right place now!! Its onwards and downwards all the way from here! I'm gonna aim to be REALLY REALLY good til Christmas, as Christmas is my first little goal - I wanna look F.A.B.U.L.O.U.S over Christmas, SO i'm aiming to lose 4-5lbs a week until Christmas! A mahooosive target, but going from weigh day (31st Aug) til Christmas that would be 16 x 5 = 80lbs!!! or 16 x 4 = 64lbs!

That would AMAZING! and if I can lose what I think I have (!) by having a little bit of choc, crisps, takeaways and eating out - then I SHOULD def be able to do this!! I plan to do this by:

The "yes's first":
*Having 3 fairly large meals a day, split up as:
Breakfast - approx 300cals
Dinner - approx 400cals
Tea - approx 600cals
With 200cals for snacks/deserts.

*Try and have protein with every meal to keep me filled up
*Fill up on salads, fruit and veg
*Snack on above and mullerlite's when I'm hungry
*Drink lots of water and green tea (no fizzy drinks!)
*Lots of exercise, at least 10mins of exercise every day - building upto more, try and stick to exercise rota I wrote on here before.

The "no's":
*Cutting down on eating out to once a week,
*Takeaways to once a week/fortnight if I can,
*No crisps
*No bars of chocolate
*As little alcohol as possible & plan alcohol days in advance

No starving myself so I binge later on, no SF that I can't keep, just around 1500cals/day and lots and lots of healthy, fresh foods cooked at home not out!

I'm aiming for the 4-5lbs/week, but I will still remember to celebrate EVERY loss I have so I don't get disheartened!

Food-wise today I'm trying to reign back in what I over did yesterday, so:

*Brekkie was a BIG smoothie, a muller light yogurt and a green tea
*Dinner will be a ham salad wholemeal roll (no mayo or butter)

And Tea will be chicken stir fry with noodles and low fat garlic bread.

We're going swimming again today after taking AB to the hospital to see about her food allergies, so I've packed all the stuff ready for that, just gotta get dressed (still in pj's!).
Just logging on before ONE TREE HILL! internet's still playing up so took me an hour to log on here!!

Stuck to my food plan for the day until tea time, but that's coz we got the stir fry out of the fridge and it was out of date! bum! so we had a kinda combo of all the healthy things in the fridge!! So we had beanspouts with chicken pieces and chinese sauce stir fryed, with corn on the cob, white boiled rice and low fat garlic bread - yummy!!

We went swimming too and I did widths tonight instead of lengths and found it much better! (sorry Katie! I'm not a very good swimmer so I was one of those annoying people swimming ACROSS the pool instead of down it tonight! lol!)

Got a busy week exercise wise and I'm loving it! Really looking forward to it!

Tomorrow I'm going for a little walk in the day with AB and the pram(approx 2miles), then going to Curves in the evening. Wednesday I'm going to Curves then Aqua-aerobics!! Thursday and Friday I've got Curves.

And good news for me! Saturday we ARE going to the spa day now! We sat down and sorted through bills/money today and we can still go, we're still not going away for the weekend to Isle of Wight, but we ARE going to the Spa day, so Saturday I'll be going to the gym then swimming, then relaxing for the day! and a repeat on the Sunday but budget style!

Justme how was your first day??

grrrr u swiming length ways!!

just a flyin visit todqay so will have a proper catch up on your post in morn chick!!

hope u an bubba r ok xxx
Yeah I was one of THOSE, Katie, Lol!

I'm aching like mad today so the swimming must've done something! Not in a nasty way, but in a "i-haven't-used-those-muscles-in-ages" kinda way! Although, my back IS hurting, so I'm gonna have to get someone to help me correct my posture next time I go. (I had an epidural on AB and my back hasnt been the same since).

Just a flying visit because my friend's coming over to go for a walk with me and AB, food-wise today I'm having:

Brekkie - smoothie and a yogurt

Dinner - a chicken salad seeded roll (no butter or mayo)
strawberries, melon, mango and a yogurt

Tea - with OH, not sure what yet! Think chicken breast and jacket potato with steamed veg.

Going for a walk after AB's lunch and then Curves tonight! I'm SOOO looking forward to Aqua-aerobics tomorrow night!! but got a funeral in the day, so not looking forward to that.

Good luck today girlies, spk soon

hey hun! enjoy ur walk!!!
realllly envy u!! man im pathetic i dont even get a chance to go for a walk!!! Except for walking around in town.. does that count? lolz
I would be concerned with being able to maintain eating so few calories! Your body will adjust to this and you will reach a plateau quickly, cant really reduced your calories more so I think you would struggle to lose weight long term.

I have been on xenical and lost 3 stone, I reached a plataeu and couldnt shift anymore weight so got bored. I lost 6 stone by eating healthy and diet, the only way I beleive you can lose a lot of weight and maintain it is to change your lifestyle. I did this however slipped back into my old ways and put 5 stone back on.

Im now on weight watchers, which I dont follow rigidly, its not rocket science cut back fatty foods and junk and exersize the weight will fall off. Losing it too quickly is also not good, due to loose skin likelyhood of the weight going back on plus more.

Each to there own with there diets and what ever works for you, I am simply speaking from personal experience.

Good luck
Hey saxoann

what do u mean by so few calories? she usually has around 1300 - 1400 cals a day which has been recommened to her by a few calorie counting websites?

When u say u reached a plateu how many cals were u eating?

I believe she is in the process of changing her lifestyle hence introducing exercise and pleanty of fruit and veg! She has also show lots of will power by turning down takeaways and fatty food when others around her have been eating them.
Hey you , just popping in to say hi, hope you are well xx