Im back for good! 2012 is my year to taste success-& it tastes like a cambridge shake

No, I haven't fallen off the waggon completely yet MF, that would just ADD to my worries! I couldnt face a GAIN on the scales on Sat, a STS would be just about bearable but a gain would be horrendous! I haven't gained since I started CD so I'm not gonna start now lol!

I HAVE changed from SS to SS+, so partially off course, but still on CD plan....

Today, I've had a choc mint hot choc shake, 1l of water (gotta get guzzling!), a mexican chicken salad and a bite of my mum's sausage roll! But it WAS only a bite!

I've got another driving lesson at 6.00pm so that should keep me out of the house and off the food til 7.30! lol!

I have been having the "is CD for me?" debate this afternoon as I just cant get back in the zone on it, I feel I've messed around and picked and snacked my way through the last few weeks and I just can't seem to do a full SS day 100%......

I really WANT to, I just cant seem to help myself. I'm spending £35-£40/week on this stuff and still I cant seem to do it properly.

I don't know if my CDC is back off hols so I can't text her for support so instead I emailed her, as this wont cost me or her if she is still in Corfu, it made me feel better writing it out / getting it off my chest and its there for her when she gets back, which was either yesterday or is today......

Here's my email (obv. with names omitted:)

Hi .....,

I don't know if you're back off holidays yet so I thought it'd be safer to email than cost you money by texting you abroad!

I hope you had a lovely holiday and that the weather was fab for you?

I'm so jealous! I wish I could jet off somewhere nice!

Instead, I'm having a moan! You'll have to excuse me but I feel like I need to "let it out!"

I'm really trying since I last saw you last Wednesday, mostly having SS+ days with two shakes/bars a day and a meal of protein and veg but the scales seem to have stayed the same or show a 1lb loss??

I know I shouldn't be weighing in between but I got on today truly expecting a big loss as I've been almost 100% (I DID have a slip up where I ended up sharing a chicken nugget happy meal with my daughter!!) and loss! Nothing!

I'm gutted :-( I've been trying really hard. The only things I could "possibly" put it down to are:

-I'm heavily constipated
-I've only "just" managed to get my 2litres in over the last few days - but I HAVE drunk 2 litres
-I've been to the gym a few times - could this be affecting it??

I'm starting to waver and wonder if CD is for me, but then I panic because if I can't lose it with Cambridge I know I'm going to be fat forever as WW or SW don't work for me either!!

With a baby and only working part-time, I just can't justify spending £35-£40 a week on something and then staying the same/not losing anything.......

I'm gutted! I thought I'd at least be well into the 15's this week...... any tips/advice?

Should I just be patient? I know I'm not GAINING so that's a plus.....maybe I'm panicking over nothing?

Just when I look on the forum there are people who are 7 weeks in and have lost 35lbs, so an average of 5lbs a week.

I'm 7 weeks in and have only gone from 17.5 - 16.0lbs/15.13lbs, even though I'm trying really hard and this week I've still only STS/lost 1lb!!

So my loss is averaging around a measly 3lbs a week!

It's just really disheartening.

I'm not sure I'm in ketosis because my breath hasn't been smelly lately maybe the bars or my meals are knocking me out?

But I don't think I could bear to give up the bars now as I love them so much more than the shakes!!

I think I'm just going to keep plodding on and see where I am at the end of July and then make a decision by then.

I'm coming to see you Sat morning anyway, so expect a STS that's what I've prepared myself for!

Any tips or advice to get me out of this slump would be much appreciated!

Lynsey xxxx

I just don't know what to do..... I genuinely know that SW or WW is not for me as I don't stick to those either as I lose really slowly on them, 1.2lbs here, a 1lb least on CD I've lost consistantly or never gained.....but its still slower than I like!!

I just hoped to be well into the 15's by now...with hope of getting into the 14's by the end of next week but I'm nowhere near, unless I miraculously lose 14lbs next week!!

Maybe I just need to stop fretting and get on with it?? At least the scales are going down?? I don't know!! What do you all think?? You can be brutally honest.

hiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii :) im back xx
I just wanted to post to say a big thank you to Frannie for giving me a kick up the bum I deserved and needed on Facebook!! I love you hunni!

Because of Fran and some sensible advice and guidance, I'm NOT giving up CD, it works for me and on no other diet would I have realistically lost an average of 3lbs per week every week (I know I havent lost it like that exactly as I've had big loss weeks and STS weeks, but 21lbs over 7 weeks averages at 3lbs/week every week...)

I've been so busy focusing on little details like "only" 3lbs and not 5lbs...but this is obviously what works for my body, I'm not depriving myself in the way that I'm doing it and I'm starting to "enjoy" food more now instead of just inhaling it! Food doesnt control my every thought and I'm learning to eat to live instead of live to eat. I'm feeling better than I have for years, I have more energy. I'm fitting into smaller clothes and am back to buying normal sizes in normal shops instead of outsize clothing shops.

In short, I feel great and am starting to enjoy life and clothes again! A few more stone off and I'll feel amazing!! So what if it takes a little longer to get there, I'll get there in the end! With the support of my mini friends and CD. It's the only way forward for me!

I wanted to re-cap on my reasons to help me get re-motivated. So here are my reasons for choosing CD over every other diet and my reasons for wanting to be thin(ner)! I know people who follow my posts regularly will have already read these at least 5 times! But I need to post them to keep me on track and to remind me of the bigger more important picture.

Here are the reasons I wrote out on day one of CD: (with my up-to-date comments for each!)

Reasons for sticking with CD:

1) Rapid weight loss (Hmm debatable! "Consistant" weight loss is a better description)
2) Allows me to “step back” from food and re-assess my diet (yes, this is def working)
3) Gets me closer to my goal (I AM edging closer, lb by lb.....)
4) I like the shakes and porridge – so no excuse!! (I've gone off the porridge now - but the bars are ADDICTIVE with a capital A!)
5) Extra water will leave my skin and hair looking fab’ (true! They are!)
6) I will be able to fit into smaller clothes in just a few weeks time (hmmm??)
7) Only £35-£40/week – I spend more than this on takeaways! (I am def saving money for the first time EVER by not going out and not eating out as money building up in my bank that I can spend on new clothes at the end!)
8) Convenient to take to work, no hassle cooking. (Bars are the best for this.....)

Reasons for wanting to lose weight:

1) To feel more confident and look good in clothes (still waiting for this!!)
2) To be able to go shopping in any shop and know the clothes fit and look good (hmm.. they FIT, still not looking good! lol!)
3) To re-discover my love for clothes and shopping (this is DEFINATELY happening!)
4) To improve my sex life (not enough of a difference for this to happen yet)
5) To improve my relationship as I will be more confident
6) To be a yummy mummy and not a slummy mummy! (I'm still kinda "mumsy" more than yummy mummy at the moment!)
7) To have energy to take Annabelle out and do energetic things, swimming, walking, football, running, (happening sloooowly, we're def going for more walks with the pram)
8) To not be a slave to food!!! (still "craving" alot but food's not occupying my every thought)
9) To go on holidays in August/September and not have to worry about not fitting in a plane seat / be able to get the belt around me (I'm lighter than I was when I went to Egypt in May 2008 so plane seat should be fine! Still not comfortable enough in my skin to expose myself on the beach yet....)
10)To go to AltonTowers in August and not have to worry about not fitting on the rides
11)To be able to wear a mini skirt with pride (no where near yet!)
12)To be able to wear summery clothes in the hot weather and sexy, smart clothes in the winter (jumper dresses and tights anyone??!! Yes please!!)
13)To be wolf whistled
14)For someone to say “wow you’re stunning,” rather than “but you’ve got a really pretty face!” L
15)To be able to dance on tables and not worry I’m going to break them! (Maybe the legs would buckle rather full on snap now! hee hee!)
16)To be able to start playing netball again (not til I get to under 13stone)
17)To be able to go to the gym in little shorts and a vest and look GOOD!
18)To be able to go out in fancy dress for my sister’s 21st in October and look GOOD (leggings, body suit, tutu and leg warmers!)
19)For my health - to be around for as long as possible for Annabelle
20)To be able to have naked showers with the OH!

My treats I promised myself:

3 stone (FROM NOW): new nail extensions & start using the Power Plate - will be 13.4
-Lose 5 stone: new hair (cut and dye!) & start exercise classes - will be 11.4
-Lose 6 stone: £300 for new clothes and shoes (£50 per stone lost) & start playing netball - will be 10.4
-Lose 7 stone: A pamper day with new nails, hair cut, facial, spray tan, false eye lashes and a big night out! Will be at 9.4
-Lose 8 stone: A new wardrobe (£600 - shoes, underwear, clothes - the lot because this will be goal weight! £600 because I would've lost
10 stone in total, £50 per stone and £200 for all the hard work!! lol!) - exercise wise, my treat will be to re-train as a personal trainer as I hope to be loving exercise so much by then!!

I love treats for losing weight that aren't food related!! lol!

So thank you Frannie for reminding me of the bigger picture and for my reasons for wanting to stay on this CD train!

Love ya!

Brutal honesty you want??
You say you are losing average 3 lb a week...thats fine....most people who are on CD dont CONSISTENTLY have bigger losses than that.
Lynsey...I think you were expecting CD to be the magical quick fix, trouble is darlin, we all know it takes MUCh longer to come off than it does to gain.
I think you are trying to run before you can are a bubbly person...and it comes across in your posts which i love....but i think also you are maybe a bit impatient and want it all to happen like yesterday!!

It has taken me almost 2 years to lose 4 + stone, but d'ya know what...ive lived in those 2 years...had meals out etc. Id have LOVED to have lost it all by now...but just have to think, well im 4 stone lighter than i used to be, and in 'time to come' i will be a nother 4 stone on top o that.

You are already doubting the CD. I dont think its which diet that matters hun....its the commitment to the long haul

hope i havent pi$$ed you off
big huggles darlin...we CAN do this y'know....and i know u wanna! xx
Thank you Abby,

you're only re-iterating what my family are telling me!

I KNOW I've gotta learn to be more patient! And yes, I DO want everything yesterday!

Well, I'm back and more here's to the next week!

good girl
scenic route is soo much prettier xx
Thing is...think I'm enjoying the scenic route a bit too much Abby! lol!

Its our friends birthday today so we've been thinking of different things to do, none of us are up for a boozy night out and I'd rather Bella come with us too as I've been working lots of days so not spending a hell of a lot of time with her. So considering its nice weather we're taking the tent to the beach, pitching it by the side of the sea (on grass by lush sand dunes) and then putting up the patio table, umbrella etc and laying out a table of goodies.....chinese, chocolate.... (so I guess I'm off plan for the night!!) and then camping in the tent for the night!

I WI this morning too, so not so bad if I'm "cheating" AFTER WI I suppose....then from tomorrow I'm on it like Sonic! lol!

I've been up all night with sickness and diarhea tho so at the moment a table of goodies sounds vile! We cooked some chicken on the bbq as our tea last night so I'm hoping its just a grumbly belly......although OH is fine.

Our friend who's birthday it is, is on Atkins so hopefully he'll be a good influence on my food choices! I'm thinking of going for chicken skewers as my dish.

Money is STILL not back into my account for the stuff I ordered on the net, even though the company said it would be back says I've gotta wait til Monday before they can do anything about it. I've got the direct number for my branch manager who is dealing with it for us now though so hopefully things will get sorted out.

How's everyone else doing?

My food plan for the week ahead:

Saturday (today) - WI
Strawberry shake
Lots of water and pepsi max
Chinese and chocolate for tea!

3 shakes and lots of water

3 shakes and lots of water

3 shakes and lots of water

Should be back into ketosis by now, do a ketostick to check.

2 shakes, a bar and a green salad.
Test I'm in ketosis with a ketostick.

2 shakes a bar and a green salad.

2 shakes, a bar and a chicken salad.

This should ensure a good loss on Saturday!!

I need to get back in to drinking my 3 litres of water and NO pepsi max / diet coke, but this seems like a massive challenge at the moment....I might have to invest in some water flavours from my CDC.

Right I'm off to nosey at others pages and have a bath before Bella decides she wants to get up! Have a lovely weekend everyone!

I shall be reporting in about my WI later on today.....

hiya...pitching a tent by the sea sounds fab....jus the kind of thing id like to do but the bllleeeppp woulda never done:rolleyes: Well i can now cant i !

hope WI went ok xx
Ive been very similar recently. I must get back on track also this week.

Great lists on why you want to do it. I may do this also.

Good luck for next saturday. x x
Yes you definately can Abby! We should have a minimins meet-up and do it! lol!

Def do the list Lyndz, its a good incentive!

I never weighed on Sat hun, my CDC's plane was delayed from Corfu so she didnt get home until this morning, but I was only going to see her to get weighed and get some bars, but I've been analysing my progress on CD over the weekend and Ive come to the conclusion that everything started to roll off track when I started getting the bars off my CDC, so I've got enough shakes to last me til next Sat so I'm gonna see her then and just go bk to 3 shakes a day SS'ing til then and see what progress I make! I'm gonna TRY and leave the bars there for the moment.

My camping by the sea was AMAZING so tranquil and peaceful it was lovely and Bella loved scooting around on her bum on the grass so a fun time was had by all! xxxx

I've been absent because I've been SO busy with work - teaching and interviewing for teaching jobs.....absolutely burnt out!

I havent been following CD this week as I had last weekend off for that chinese-camping-expedition by the sea and then I was getting bk on it on Monday and was told by the Head that I was being observed Wed, Thurs and this afternoon so I didn't think I would be able to handle the first 3 days of getting bk in ketosis whilst trying to shine in front of the head and put together an awesome portfolio! So I'm eating but following a low cal approach this week.

Monday I had a shake for lunch and then a chicken dinner for tea (chicken breast, lots of different veg, 1 roastie and 3 baby new potatoes and some gravy), tues I had CD porridge for breakfast, a chicken breast, lettuce and tomato wrap for lunch and a low fat vegetable burger for tea with salad. Wed I had a mini sausage roll in the day and a chicken wrap for tea (didn't get chance to eat properly that day!) yesterday I had a crumpet with low fat spread for breakfast, a chicken salad and a pack of low fat crisps (skips) for lunch and we had a chinese takeaway for tea to celebrate my observation lesson going really well, but I had a tiny little children's plate - the size of my nephew's (who's 8!) and I was polishing my halo whilst the rest of the family tucked into mountains of egg fried rice, chicken in batter.....etc etc....

So not a fantabulous week food wise but not a complete binge/disaster. I'm going camping for the weekend when I finish work tonight so I'm deciding whether to start CD 100% again tomorrow or to wait until Monday?? I know the best idea is to get bk on it immediately but will I feel deprived if I do??

I might do SS+ / 810 plan this weekend and then get back on it 100% Mon, Tues and Wed to get back into ketosis..... SS+/810 will allow me to have at least one meal with my family per day over the weekend whilst we're camping .....

Hope everyone else is doing well?

Morning hunni

Hope that the observations at work went well... and at least you made good choices in the eating department as well..

Wish I was going camping this weekend again - I loved it when we went to the Lakes recently and want to do it again, but Hubby is a bit too busy at work to be able to take the Friday and the Monday off..

Hope the weather improves for you - it's very overcast here

Have a great weekend

Morning guys and girlies,

Hope everyone is well?

I'm really struggling getting back in the right frame of mind to get back on this diet....

I'm meant to be re-starting today and I'm already craving "naughty" foods! I'm not sure going "cold turkey" is the best way and maybe I should practice leaving out carbs and caffeine this week first?? That's what I did in my preparation week before I started CD and I didnt have any headaches or anything then in my first proper week of CD and I still lost 4.5lbs in my prep week?? What to do! I dont wanna go cold turkey and then fail miserably and B.I.N.G.E but I dont wanna get into a cycle of non stop eating!! I think I'm gonna re-introduce the CD products quietly, like a shake for brekkie, a healthy lunch of chicken lettuce sweetcorn and beetroot (not weighed out) and then a CD shake for tea. No snacks, lots of water.

Then tomorrow, a shake for brekkie, a shake for lunch and a meal for tea (slightly smaller).....carrying on all week until I'm back on CD SS/SS+.

Cutting out all diet coke / coke zero and just drinking water and green tea.

How's everyone else doing??

I'm so so sad :-(

we've just had our pet alasation, Tess, of 10 years put to sleep :-(

She went in for a womb infection and they found a large tumour in her liver :-(

Why is life so cruel?? We have to explain to my 8 year old nephew that she's not coming back...and he didnt want to leave her this morning as it was.
Aww that is such sad news :( loosing a pet is hard especially for a child. be honest with him and he will probably understand but be upset too kids are more resilient than we give them credit for.

Keep you chin up xxxxx
I'm still so sad today :-(

The house feels so different without her, the other dogs keeping looking for her and Bella keeps asking for her :-(

I'm going out for lunch with my sister and Bella to take my mind off how unfair it all is.....

I'm going to stick to a healthy choice of lettuce, beetroot and chicken breast.....

awww hun! Im so sorry (((huugs))) Its awful to loose pets esp when you have had them so long. Its like loosing a member of your family. You will just have to try and seek comfort from the fact that she is no longer in any pain and shes in doggy heaven all happy eating as many doggy chews as he wants.

Try have a nice time with your sister hun!

Keep ya chin up hun

lotsa love
