im back

I really dont think i should get weighed monday,ive had 3 terrible days ,ive got a party tom nite.
When am i going to be able to stick at this like all you ladiesx
Come on girl ... dust yourself off and start again.

yep i agree! .. Enjoy your weekend! with no guilt! and then make w.i your new start day! .. take it on the chin dust yourself off and start again! otherwise you wont go and you'll be saying oh i wish i went oh i wish i hadnt eaten that etc etc ... dont do it!!!!!!!!!!

Enjoy your party! and the weekend and start fresh after weigh in! .... xxxx ~huggles~ xxxx
DONT miss your wi on Monday Paula, thats the worst thing you can do. Ive been there before.... 'Ill miss my wi this week, so Ill binge all weekend and start again on my weigh day' Then its 'Well I ate so much at the weekend Ill have a fresh start next week' So that gives you the green light for a week off the rails which turns into 2.... and thats it you never get back :(

I wish I knew the secret of sticking to this, if I did I could pack in work and live off the money Id make ;)

Ive been struggling with my weight forever and it really was like a switch being flicked last year when I started this. I do think until you get that 'click' that you will struggle, it makes it so much harder... but it can be done, and you know were all here for you :)
Ahhh, I found your thread! lol.

C'mon hun, we can do this! We're both in the same boat at the moment - I've been scoffing and not weighing for past 3 weeks :eek: (2 WI's missed). You must go to weigh in on Monday, just as I must go on Tuesday. You know it's the advice you'd give me ;) These meetings and weigh in's aren't just for when we are strong and successful, they are there for us too when we aren't being that way and they can help us re-motivate and become that way again. We don't pay that weekly fee for nothing!

Let's hold (cyber) hands and go find out the damage and get out butts into gear again!

Eye's firmly on the prize! :D

Enjoy your weekend lovely, and chin up x
Thanks all of you ,it really means alot.I tend to find myself a hole and jump in but knowing ive got threads to read it really helps.
I am so sick of bein fat ,my personality hides it for a while then i go really low.Why do we do it ,i should be having really good losses with having 5 to 6 stones to loose.
I get bad black cloude when i binge it can turn a day off into one of hiding in my room.Surely at 36 years old i should be able to get a grip and do this.
Sorry this is a bit heavy:cry:
Morning Paula! I think its good to go get weighed! .. at least then you can limit the damage! If you dont go your just gonna think "sod it" and keep eating! ......... I hate it when we get stuck and just cant seem to get the "mojo" back! ........... Thinking of you this morning, Hope the w.i isnt to bad! ... Like everyone has said! we are in this together and we can do this! ~positive thoughts~ ... dont let the flab win ~winks~
Hi paula, i know exactly how you feel! EXACTLY
I havent been on in over a week and my god hav i gone completely off the rails, im starting afresh today so we can start together of you like

Put last week behind you and start again, draw a line under it and go from there, i can totally relate to you about wanting to loose the weight so bad but findin it so hard!

Well chin up girl, keep smiling and move on x
Thanks all of you ,it really means alot.I tend to find myself a hole and jump in but knowing ive got threads to read it really helps.
I am so sick of bein fat ,my personality hides it for a while then i go really low.Why do we do it ,i should be having really good losses with having 5 to 6 stones to loose.
I get bad black cloude when i binge it can turn a day off into one of hiding in my room.Surely at 36 years old i should be able to get a grip and do this.
Sorry this is a bit heavy:cry:

Paula .... were we twins seperated at birth? I could have written this post myself with the way I have been feeling recently.

oh sweetie. 2kg can be gone next week if you stick to it. WHY DON'T I TAKE MY OWN ADVICE??????

lol ... big hugs sweetie xxx
Im glad you went to w.i Paula! if you hadnt have gone this week you'd have found an excuse for next week to! ... Well Done hun xxx
thanks guys,im not gonna save 4 today im gonna have all my points.
2 slices toast with vegemite3
pkt crisps and peach 3
ready meal with salad 6
3 gin and tonics 9
muffin 2 and half
milk 2
25 and half,gone half over lol
feel good cause ive stuck to it yippeex