Im going to lose 10 stone

It would be good to see you around again :) your doing well, stay positive hun & good things will happen xo

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thanks hadl and lfm <3

Weigh in today and I lost 2ibs this week... I can't believe black tea made any difference ?! (pg tips) had like 7 cups total this week. on website it says tea and coffee is ok without milk and suger...

Hopefully next few wi's will pick up a bit!

1ib short of 3stone in 7 weeks so on average i've got no right to complain! Just seems a bit low when you look at it in isolation for a week of dedication! ha
Thanks all have great wi's! <3

Edit btw got to share this with you... last week I dreamed I came off the diet twice! I remember feeling gutted in the dream - wishing I hadn't done it. Maybe my subconscious is trying to get me to stick with it! But ... twice .... in one week was a bit much haha!
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LOL that was me sending you voodoo vibes:D:D
Well done for sticking to a VLCD I have tried and tried but just can't do it, you are doing brilliant x
well done on your latest loss ILW :)

3 STONE IN 7 WEEKS!!! :eek: wow wow wow :D absolutely that IS determination and dedication.

obviously your lifestyle is creeping into your dreams, and the fear of breaking your diet is playing on your mind..but you know and I know, that's not going to happen :D you are just anxious that it will, but your willpower won't allow it, so don't worry :)

have a good day, stay strong and focused!
Thanks for lovely comments everyone :)

Friday night a! noticing a bit more space in my clothes today. My suit I bought at start of this month is a bit big now. Only had one shake today so I could 'gorge' on two for friday night ;p ah the joys of exante - bannana shake, erasure playing and a laptop... and to top it all off... I can sleep as long as I want when I get to sleep tonight... could friday nights get any better? (hehe well maybe, but it isn't that bad :p )

here's to a good weekend everyone
Thankyou ladies :) here's to a good weigh in tomorrow! One thing driving me on at the minute is the thought of being able to go and eat food in a restaurant when I come off this, I so miss nice food hahah!

btw i emailed exante and asked them what drinks i can have i saw the faqs in exante thread but wanted to get it from the horses mouth. And they said.... black tea/coffee / green tea and thats it!

Not even coke zero !!

They said some of their clients drink diet drinks to help them sustain their diets but there is a risk of going out of ketosis! So pleased I checked :) might reintroduce coffee soon i think! It's been 8 weeks after all, so I think my body has had enough of a coffee detox !!
Had a good weigh in today :) made up for lasts weeks! -5ibs.

Which means today at week 8 i've lost a total of 46ibs since I started Exante or 3stone 4ibs which I'm really pleased with :) :)

I had the two month mark in my head as a bit of a milestone to be honest so I'm pleased I've got here. I'm also pleased I haven't gone off plan once, just had my 3 meal replacements plus water, and more recently the odd black tea.

I'm calling this the end of Phase I. :checkmark green:

Phase II - will be to reach 14.00 stone.

Phase III - will be to reach 10.00 stone.

I think I'd be comfortable at about 11 stone, so if I can get to ten even with the 6-8 pounds you're meant to put back on in first few weeks I should be well under my target :)

Gl everyone hope you're having a good week!
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OMG:eek: 5lb WOOOHOOOO:):):)

You must be over the Moon! welldone you so deserve this.

I wish i had your strength and commitment to do it, id love a good FIVER:D:D

Im sure you will be fine on the phases, if this was your phase 1 and you have done it with out faulter:eek::eek:.

Have you got timescales in mind, dont do a me and set your self a bit short XX
thanks lfm so nice of you to say that. Btw I bet you could do it it's just mindset and then having the odd person you can rely on, for instance once about 2 weeks ago I really felt like coming off it, kidded myself into thinking i can just come off for one week then go back on... called my sister and told her (subconsciously I guess I knew she would put me right)!

She said.. No! you can't. If you're coming off it it has to be planned, don't just do it on a whim. It's always harder to get back on it if you come off it than it was to start in the first place. Decision is yours but i don't think you should etc. - It did the trick! I carted my miserable self back home and now today I feel great. It's just navigating through the occasional lows in mood I think on the way. In a way it's easier than a 'normal' diet, because its so restrictive it removes all temptation. You're either in or out kind of thing.

Timescales that's a good question. I originally had November in mind when I started but now as i'm losing at a much better rate than I anticipated I am going to aim for September (end of) which is the week of my Birthday for end of phase III.

End of Phase II I am aiming for end of first week in June.
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Fantastic loss ILW :D :D :D :D Wow 5lbs, how amazing!!! :) :) :) :)

You are doing remarkably well, you must be feeling on such a high, and have now reached the stage where everything and anything is possible and you just know you are going to achieve your dream....very well done, you're a star!!!!! :)

No stopping you now, you've had a brilliant weight loss since you started, keep going the finishing line is in sight for you :eek:
DId you have any luck yesterday? .Hope your chins still facing the sun;).

Ive had the maddiest wk so been a bit thin on the ground in here myself.

GL this week xx
Have just read your whole diary from start to finish. You sounded very like me when I started except im female!! Lol! I mean the whole living at home, negativity stuff! And living life anywhere but now! Slowly I've started to realise I have to live for now and more importantly I have to live for ME! this has been the biggest change for me. I have played around with SW for near on 12 years now, and something clicked properly about 12 months ago and made me realise I have to stop messing about and do it! I rejoined for the very last time between Xmas and new year but struggled throughout jan and first few weeks of feb. I decided I needed a change for a few weeks so have done ww for the last 5 weeks. Have lost 16.5lbs and told myself that after 6 weeks, I'd go back to SW as I feel it suits me best in the long run. I am thrilled I have lost that in 5'weeks but I also know I've got lots more to go! I am now going to go on iTunes and look for the podcasts you talk about and from today onwards I will not look back!!
Thank you for for your inspiration
Jo :)
Hey everyone thanks for lovely comments thanks for sharing your story it's good to know we're on a similiar plain welshtigger!

Well we were until my little hiccup last week... I'm here now to get back on track it's been a very bad week tbh! Had a week holiday from work so thought i'd take 3 days off diet 7 days later i'm still off diet... had takeaway 5 days out of 7 and went out and drank 3 nights (two of which I got very drunk and can't remember how I got home... I so need to just give up drink once and for all I think... that i can go two months without drinking and then second day i drink i get drunk is so infuriating...?!) I mean this is a different subject really apart from my diet, but FOR SURE it's something I need to sort just as urgently as my diet. I need to stop drinking once and for all i've proved to myself time and time again I can not drink moderately. Drinking has caused me so much pain in my life, yet I let the habbit of getting completely aniliated about 6/10 times I drink perpetuate............... anyway flag to self sort this out - probabally best to go t-total.... if you can convince yourself of the reality of the fact that drinking does you no good despite how you feel for the short time you do drink before the consequences of excess drinking kick in (both in terms of health... mental well being.. and social consequences) - ahem! Thanks for putting up with that personal rant, readers...

Yesterday I made a goal formyself just stick to 100% plan for 3 months and then weigh myself... today I have 1 shake in morning then buy chips on way home.. wtf?!!!!!!! then i've had chips so might as well enjoy a chinese for a late main meal... at least i resisted urge to drink today too - It's all very interlinked, you feel that you're not on diet so can drink if you want, drinking makes you feel low the next day when you're sober, feel hung over, feel the natural depressed mood following sobriety from alcohol.. and also in my case feel the odd bruise you have somehow contracted from the night before.... and that makes you want to comfort eat. Such a bad cycle.

I mean don't get me wrong luckily i'm not feeling depressed or anything, just completely cheesed off and want to feel better and in the short term eating food i like and drinking alcohol does that for me even if it doesnt in long term...... anyway enough recapping sure you get the idea of how the past week has gone!

Just weighed myself and I've put on 6ibs... I'm not surprised tbh, i've weighed myself after my chinese meal and also been drinking full fat fizzy drink.

No more stupid goals of 3 months without weighing. I'm simply going to restart now (which eerily will mean I'm starting on a Tuesday again, my original WI day) - and go for another 2+ months solid on the plan and see how we go from there.

For now, it's one day at a time. Toughest part is going to be getting through tomorrow I think (as i've tried twice in last week to get back on it and not managed a day!). I will be back tomorrow night to update on having completed the first full day back on plan. This will push me to make sure I manage it when I feel tempted to eat junk tomorrow.

Luckily I've still lost 40ibs on exante in last 2 months and 1 week. I'm not prepared to let any more of that fall by the wayside. This is a disciplined regime here, and I'm getting back in marching formation.

Wasn't very enjoyable writing this entry but it had to be said. For 3 very good reasons. One to make me accountable because I know I need to get thigns back on track now having written it out it seems more real how veery (i think I just invented a word.. you know like veering...) this diet was getting. Two for a personal record for myself so I can remember what may happen next time I decide to take a 'couple' of days off plan, and - very importantly. Three so that in the future when I reach my ideal weight if anyone is reading my journey they can see it wasn't all plain sailing, and if I can do it, so can they!

On the plus side I've done well to get a grip and get back on track now. Maybe subconsciously my mind waited until I had a substantial loss before entertaining idea of this happening. I mean, if I had been on diet 2 weeks and this had happened, I think it would have been my ruin as far as exante's concerned but at least this way I've still got too much progress riding on not getting back on track.

GL all, will let you know how my first WI back on goes NEXT tuesday. Off to update my stats with my +6 pounds now!
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