Very glad its the weekend & have some nice things planned - including having tomorrow morning free to watch the tennis and hopefully see Andy win but will enjoy watching no matter what outcome!
I'm delighted that I managed another 4 mile run which means I hit the target I'd set myself of running 40 miles in January (can't quite get my head round that its me that just typed that sentence
) Thrilled as because of some missed runs due to weather & illness I didn't think I'd make it. Over past 10 days I've run more often and further than I would usually. Now wondering if thats why had such a good loss this week? I'm going to aim for the same distance in Febuary which is still pushing myself a bit as it is a shorter month.
Am really looking forward to dinner - having my lovely new noodles for the first time
I was chatting to a real life friend who is doing SW about my food obsession - even though I'm thrilled how I'm doing I do still find myself thinking about food lots. What I'm having when I'm having it and often even if I've just eaten and am full up I'm still thinking whats next snack / meal. I want to learn a way to be like those people who only think about food and eat it when hungry and not think about it all the time? Not sure if thats possible. Will have to think about some new to obsess about to replace it perhaps? My own Top 100 handsome hunks perhaps :8855: