Irulan's Diary

No way! We all do it, it's really hard to see what others see. It's the same as when people tell me off now for complaining about my size when I am in the 'normal' size range but all I see now is that I am still fat and I don't like it. I just hope that I can get down to a nice size 12 and be happy there
Hello Irulan, I'm a newbie here but stumbled across your thread and it's inspiring! I have 40lbs to lose and started a week ago. I lost 5lbs in the first week but have eaten really badly this weekend so am feeling a bit low now.

I'm like you and an 'all or nothing' person so I get frustrated when the weight doesn't come off super fast. I know it's healthy to lose only one or two pounds a week but that doesn't seem sufficient when you have so much to lose does it?

Anyway, I shall be following your thread with interest and rooting for you all the way!
Hi Pigeonia, welcome to the forum. Take a good look around, it's a great place for inspiration and advice whatever path you are taking x
Hi Pigeonia and thanks :)

I had an odd day today. Had porridge for breakfast with just 2 slices of banana. I love banana's but today they just didn't seem right.

Around 10 I snuck in 5 grapes, I was hungry. I had a lunch of my usual sandwich and I had a buttered puran puri. Couldn't finish either of them. I snacked on 2 creamcrackers in the car. Aweful I know, I should not snack.
For diner I had some lasagna. I didn't quite get the recipe right this time so it was rather soggy. A waste of perfectly good cheese. I made a big one, scooped up a quarter on my plate but I only ate like a third of that. All and all not that bad.

I know the cheese is fatening, but I always heard you can't eat fatfree as your body needs fat :) and as a veggie I need the protein and stuff.

I had a massive craving for something today. I still don't know what, but I was very restless. I usually eat when I feel like that. Not sure what triggered it, I was fairly content playing an online game and all of a sudden I wanted something.

Weighed myself today and lost a whopping 4.6kg in one week. I always get very happy after the first 2 weeks of dieting, if only I could keep that pace up... I know I won't but it feels good to see results. Measured myself also, so I'll know some results next week.

I also had a 30 minute workout today. It went so-so, my neck is bothering me. I think I can do more in my workout, but I do not want to rush it at the moment. Like I said, I do all or nothing and that has gotten me nowhere. I need to build it up slowly and not walk around in pain for days because I went overboard on the abroller.
WOW!!! You Lost HEaps In The First Week. Well Done Hunny! :D:D
You've DOne Better Than Me!! I Lost 7 Kgs.. Only In One Month! But Thats OKay!
Any Excerise Is Good!!
Better Than Nothing
And YOu Cant Go Hard Out Straight Away! x
Wow that's a big weight loss, well done! I know what you mean though, the first couple weeks are always good for weight loss because you lose such a lot but when it slows down it becomes harder to stay motivated.

Because I pigged out yesterday 3lbs have gone back on so I'm only 2lbs down now :(. Usually this would trigger a binge of momentous proportions but I'm hoping to get back on the wagon and be good for the rest of the week so I can weigh in on Friday and get a good result.

What's your biggest downfall Irulan? Mine is cake. I adore it and crave it all the time!
Hi Pigeonia,

I am not sure what my biggest downfall is. The first thing I thought about was just food. As a very strict vegetarian I am already restricted in what I can eat, because a lot of lovely things have egg in them. Egg less cakes are ok, but nothing compared to sponge cakes. If I would have eaten eggs I would probably be double my size.
I like savoury things like crisps and I love chocolate.

My big issue is mainly portion size I think. I can eat more for lunch then a 'normal' person would eat all day. And I would pile it up, bad on bad on bad. I would not just eat chips... I would eat them with whitebread, with mayo and cheese. I'd throw on some lettuce or tomato, but come on.....

I do that with most things all or nothing, if I am going to be bad, might as well be proper bad. Not just a handful of crisps, nope I need 2 family bags.

How do you deal with that?
I do that with most things all or nothing, if I am going to be bad, might as well be proper bad. Not just a handful of crisps, nope I need 2 family bags.

How do you deal with that?

Yeah that pretty much sums me up too! :rolleyes: I can't just have one bar of chocolate and feel like I've had a treat, it becomes a compulsion to have five bars of chocolate followed by a whole cake, crisps and a pizza. I can eat A LOT. I'm sure most people would be sick on what I can eat but I can just keep on going.

I don't know how best to stop it because if I deny myself these foods completely then I'm 'good' for a certain period of time but then it seems to trigger me into a whopping binge which can last weeks! I think the trouble is, food is my comfort, my friend. It is the thing I rely on to make me feel better and get through each day. I look forward to eating. Having a salad just isn't as exciting as knowing I'm going home to a pile of junk. The trouble is, the pile of junk has made me fat and that makes me miserable.

I swear it's like an addiction!:(
Pigeonia, don't weigh every day, it can be so demotivating! Your weight will fluctuate loads throughout the week which is why you should only WI once a week
We all know that, but it's hard not to check every day... My weighday is Sunday.

Today a normal day for me. Porridge with some fruits for breakfast, could not finish the porridge. A normal sandwich for lunch with a pack of blue berries, my second sandwich at 3-ish. For dinner I had a bowl of beans with tomato and an aubergine, tomato and potato stew with just 1 chapatti.
I had 2 ryebreads with cheesespread just now.

30 minutes of exercise again. Didn't do that much, my sciatic nerve is acting up. Had that since the last time I tried to diet, I got over excited and decided to try running on my treadmill at 160kg....

Needless to say... that was NOT a good idea. All those people moaning, just walk get some exercise, go jogging, have no clue what they are talking about.

I just hope that with loosing some weight I will finaly be pain-free.
I too am a daily weigher but I don't take too much notice. If you are at risk of chucking in the towel because of what the scales say everyday then it is best not to do that
Me too, I weigh most mornings, but only take a weekly average, that is, Monday is my official weigh day!!! But Taz is right, if it is going to affect whether you have a good day or bad, then it is best to try and stay away!! I hear you with the exercise. I suffer terribly with a bad hip, which gets aggrivated by exercise. Someone actually said to me one day, oh you should walk through the pain, you need to feel some pain, duh?
Anyway, looks like you are doing great. Way to go.
Hehehe Im addicted to weighing myself everyday too. Opps. I weigh myself everyday at 7pm but my offical weigh day is Wednesday.. Tomorrow. Eeeeeeeeeek. I dont think i've done that well.. Well ive tried my hardest but i just seem to be struggling this week :sad:
Irulan, quite honestly I think you need to forget the exercise right now. It's probably doing more harm than good to you and if you seriously injure yourself then you're in trouble.

I think the most you should be doing is some gentle stretching/flexing. Concentrate on doing your utmost to lose some weight and then you can introduce some more exercise.

How are you feeling today? I've eaten twelve cookies so I'm doing terrific lol!:rolleyes:
I think you are right Pigeonia (apart from the 12 cookies!), I didn't start exercising until I'd lost at least a stone. Sometimes it can be too much for your body to take. Get the diet going then introduce exercise a bit later
Yeah i found excersing really hard at first.. Could only do 1 km on tread mill and my legs would hurt.
I can do heaps now! But its a matter of when i get bored lol
HI all,
I am doing very low impact exercise, most of it is while sitting down. We figured this is the only way for me right now to get anything done.

I had another good day yesterday. Had some porridge, 2 glasses of orange juice (just love that) half a baquette with cheese and my usual toppings and for diner I had a soya mince stir fry with a lot of veggies, herbs and peanut butter with some brown rice. That was possibly the best thing I've had in while.

So far I've weighed myself everyday, can't help it. But I will only register my Sunday total.
Thats Great :D:D:D
Your Weight Will Come Off In No Time.
Mines Going So Slow.. Had A Bad Day (Read My Diary If You Want)
But Your Doing So Well xx
Sometimes You Can Do Little Excerises.. Like Star Jumps.. Or Anything To Get The Body Moving.. I First Started Off My Listening To Music In My Room And Just Dancing Around.. Id Sweat A Little.. And Id Do More By More.. Now Its So Much Easier :D