Is anyone else a SERIAL weigher?

145.5 this morning so that's -2 from official WI happy days
11st 0.5lbs this morning, on the way down, will be back in the 10s soon :)
Pah 10st 1.8 lb this morning up 0.8lb from yesterday, will hold my hands up I deserve it, head down again now though, it's not official weigh in till next weds pleanty of time to put it right x
9st 7.6lb this morning
I'm in shock again! 10st 12.8lbs this morning!!!!
Still 11st 0.5lbs this morning, be gone pesky half lb!!
146lb this morning but had loads of spinach last night and I always forget it causes me a few problems the next day so -1.5 from official WI
9st 7.8lb this morning so it actually staying down! Might not be able to WI on Tuesday though because I have a feeling that I'll be working ;(
8st 1 3/4 this morning so I'm very pleased with that, trouble is I'm going out for a Greek meal tonight! Oh well, back on it tomorrow morning!
11st bang on this morning, ok with that as I was off plan yesterday but didn't eat loads, just had a picky day (lots of crisps, but no actual meals!!).

Back on plan today until Wednesday for final WI before holiday eek!
10st 2.8lb this morning, what is going on!!! That's up 0.6lb from yesterday. And up 1.8lb from official weigh in on weds!. Ok so weds was off plan but been an angel since. Oh well carry on it has to start coming back down. X