Is anyone else a SERIAL weigher?

I'm the same as yesterday. Official wi at 3pm today.
Down slightly :) only 3/4 up on last WI hope thats down by thur pm :rolleyes:
9st 5.8lb this morning! Hope it stays low for tonight!
10st 10lbs this morning, please let that stick for official weigh-in tomorrow! :D
I think I've gained 1lb, that's what scales said this morning :-( perhaps I can shed it before weigh in lol
well i weighed the same as weigh in day from sunday so happy but want to see it come down!!
Silly silly girl!!!! Just been for a run and before the shower I hoped on, my scales said 8 st 2 3/4!

Must be dehydration as I always gain weight during the day not lose it! Shouldn't of weighed, that would if meant a loss for sure!
Official WI lost 2lb :D
Lost 1lb this week at official weigh in! And to make things better I won woman of the year I'm so shocked!

1.5lb on at official weigh in.. But I won woman of the year.. I hadn't got the text from my consultant telling me I had been nominated x
Wow well done both!!!!!

I've been bad again and popped on the scales before bed, it's stupid I know!

Night all, until the morning and the dreaded scales again!
Lost 1lb this week at official weigh in! And to make things better I won woman of the year I'm so shocked!

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Yay well done :)
I lost 1/2lb!!! HOW...?!!!

I'm determined to do 4 times better than that next week, I want 2lb or higher losses from now on that will get me to target in 6 weeks. I can do it I can do it I can do it! :)
Hey guys, I thought I was the only person that weighed myself so often. I started the exante diet on friday (16.8.13) and so far have lost 10lbs. I have dpi d or so hard with the hunger and headaches but weighing myself daily is getting me through as I have lost 10lbs in such a short time. Keeps me motivated. :)
9st 6.0lb this morning, not too bad, had a few too many syns last night :p
Not weighed for last 3 days due to having food poisoning from a takeaway I had Sunday night. Still suffering with it and have missed my local classes to do this weeks WI :(