Is anyone else a SERIAL weigher?

Well that wasn't too bad- 5.5lbs gain after 3 weeks off plan :)

And still in target range whoop!
Anyone else ridiculously looking forward to weighing in morning??! Been ages since I've been confident about lose something. Love doing success express cos it's makes you almost certain you've lost something! Past experience has been that I've not lost over 1 1/2 for the week but I'm stupidly hopeful ill get double that for weigh in Tuesday. Get. A. Life lol
Lost 1.5 last week

Down 1 since Tuesday. . Chuffed, makes the hunger worthwhile! !
Ok ladies it's my turn to sob and ask for words of wisdom.

After a week off plan, including house guests for four days, a two day trip to the seaside treated by hubs, an awful cold since last thurs and it being star week I'm feeling pretty well, rubbish!

Having guests meant I didn't weigh until today, I'm devastated to see 8st 7 3/4, the highest I've been in so so long, I still have so much naughty food leftover and I know it needs to be thrown away to help me get back on track but I'm so sad I just want to eat it all. :(
Ok ladies it's my turn to sob and ask for words of wisdom.

After a week off plan, including house guests for four days, a two day trip to the seaside treated by hubs, an awful cold since last thurs and it being star week I'm feeling pretty well, rubbish!

Having guests meant I didn't weigh until today, I'm devastated to see 8st 7 3/4, the highest I've been in so so long, I still have so much naughty food leftover and I know it needs to be thrown away to help me get back on track but I'm so sad I just want to eat it all. :(
First if all, sending a massive hug and hope you are feeling better soon.

Second, throw all the rubbish away, go to the shops and buy SW friendly food! Do SE for a few days to ease yourself into it.

But the main thing- don't put any pressure on yourself to get back on plan, just do your best and take it one day at a time.

Sending another hug xx
11st 4.6lbs this morning- a whole 1lb down from WI :)

As per my advice to Lucy above, I'm not going to say I'll have a 100% week, I'm taking it day by day and so far so good :)
11st 5, another 1/2lb down! Come on scales give me 11st 4 tomorrow, I'm being so good!
If my scales behave over night, then I will have lost another 1lb (at least!) tomorrow

Being super good today!

Ok so I've been shopping, I was going to do a red day but like Dougal says, an SE. Would prob be better so I'm swapping my egg and bacon butty for a blt with extra lettuce and tomato! Thanks for the words of encouragement, I need them, and the occasional hug too ;)
Ok so I've been shopping, I was going to do a red day but like Dougal says, an SE. Would prob be better so I'm swapping my egg and bacon butty for a blt with extra lettuce and tomato! Thanks for the words of encouragement, I need them, and the occasional hug too ;)

Hope you're feeling a bit better x
SE for a week really helps get your mind back into superfree and back in track after a few days of eating rubbish or not so much of the good stuff. I was having too much free without the salads etc, and after 3 1/2 days I am LOVING it again and enjoying all the new exciting things to make a salad with!
That's why I love this forum- full of support at all times :)

Glad you're feeling more positive x
That's why I love this forum- full of support at all times :)

Glad you're feeling more positive x

I am convinced I am only still on plan because of this site, sure I go off track as does everyone, but my friends on here make me realise its possible to get yourself back on the straight and narrow :) x
I'm definitely feeling better, just made a huge salad for tea which will be served with salmon. Had no carbs today so even if I've not had enough sf food it'll count on a red day instead, I've had my 2 heb's already.