Is anyone else a SERIAL weigher?

Yup, 8 st 5 as expected after a carb laden day, oh well! It's my bday today so I'm having an on off day, I've stuck to plan but not counted syns if that makes any sense! Must work hard tomorrow until weigh in as I really don't want to pay!
Always heavy first weigh, but says idea if it's up or down!!! I cannot remember what my home scales said when I got home from Friday weigh in...I swear they said 150.4 though but I can't be sure....

SE scales said I weigh 150lbs..... I'll just have to compare today's weight to the rest of the week and hope Im heading downwards!
145.5 today. I can't believe it.

I'm so excited that in 6lb I'll be 9st 13.5!! This is exciting stuff!
I know i probably shouldn't, but i weigh myself every 2 days. When i first started SW (from home), i found i was losing 1lb every 2 days, so every 2 days i was checking to see that i lost the lb, now it's become a habit, although it has slowed down quite a lot, i check the OZ now..
today the scales are still showing an 8lb loss for my first week, Tuesday is my official weigh in :)
Scales said same yesterday and what do I do? Eat more crap. Seriously I'm not doing myself any favours in attempting to loose a pound by weds!
8st 5 again today but deserved, I didn't try hard enough yesterday. Going to have an SE lunch and tea, see if that helps! I'm starving today though! ;)
changed my weigh in day to Mondays in an attempt to establish some kind of food routine over the weekend like I do during the week and having the last 2 days before weigh in as a weekend may just give me that push as I'll be worried about what the scales will say in the Monday.... anyway... today is official weigh in and I've lost 8lbs! so happy with that :)
Urgggg 8st 5 again even after an attempt at more veg than free food. Weather permitting I shall be running at 3 today then I've planned a chicken and bacon salad for tea being the night before weigh in, seriously need a change or I'm paying tomorrow night! Not the end of the world I know but it will be annoying!
I also generally weigh in the morning and have had 1lb on today. Damn, thought it might go down. Do you think going for a run the night before makes a difference? I WI Thurs. Cheers
No running today but I'm seriously hoping the wind and rain will let us go tomorrow which will be about 3 hrs before weigh in, can't say whether it helps or not though sorry :(
Exactly 1lb lighter on my scales since last weigh in, please don't let my silly daily gain go over its norm so I will be back in target.... Please!!! ;)
8st 6 I was last thurs at weigh in, I only need to lose that blasted 1lb to be at the top of target...Weigh in at 7 and then i'm coming home as i'm starving!!! Been for a run and I wont eat anything before I weigh so it can't come quick enough....I could eat my own arm right now!
I've spent all week at 14st 8lb (would be 2.5lbs from last week.) today, the day before official WI, I'm back up to 14st 10lb. What's all that about???
That happened to me yesterday, I was peed off all day then this am was back down with 1/2 lb more off.

My weigh in is tomorrow so we'll see.