Is Skimmed Milk Powder allowed

Well it has been slow going for me lately and I have been having between 20 and 30 eggs per week so just my choice to try and cut down based on the official chat! I know other people who lose better when they have an eggy week, so it's a personal experiment for me :)
I get through at least 9 eggs a week - and I've had no problems.
The indications are that eggs are fine to eat daily but still sone doctors limit them for their patients. Dr Agutson, who did the South Beach diet, and is a heart and arteries specialist, says that they are the most perfectly balanced food and he does not limit them on his diet. It's up to you. I rarely use just egg White, though add an extra one for a souffle omelette and keep the spare yolk for custard or my quick protein to go breakfast ( coffee, Splenda, milk and egg run in liquidiser).
DD may be giving a nod to some of his colleagues with the limit of five, there are some battles not worth fighting.
Wow, Mouse, I have lots but not that quantity! I usually have two a day.
The Great Egg Scare of the 80s and 90s will, I suspect, go down in history as one of the most stupid and pointless items of dietary dogma ever.

It's not even as if there was a powerful lobby benefiting from the drop in egg sales - at least you can understand why all that time and energy was spent by manufacturers persuading us that margarine was the "healthier option" (which was rather like tobacco companies telling us that smoking is good for the throat!)
OMG yes it was such a palaver!! Saying that I do love my lovely fresh eggs from my girls - it's so nice knowing that they're really fresh - probably why I have been eating so many!! I still go to wash my hands after I crack an egg - must just be habit!

Edwina has a lot to answer for!
It's the only thing I can think of to try cutting down -so giving it a go, especially since it is one of the things they are always mentioning on the live chat (why do I read that!!?) The trouble is they are just so damned convenient!
ooooo - eggs warm from the chicken's bum - one of the best foods in the world!

Of course, the downside of eggs is that they do have higher fat levels than, say, chicken - so a lot of of them might well slow weightloss...
They really are delicious and I love collecting them when they are still warm! I just try not to think about all the things I see the hens eating :)
Are all skimmed milk powders equal or is there one brand that is more Dukan friendly than the others please?
Want to make some muffins so need to buy some next week.
Thanks! :)
Arriving VERY late to this thread ;)

Remember that the English/American/[Japanese?] versions of the book are translations of the original French book - written some 10 years ago - with a few updates. (I personally doubt whether he had much to do with the translations myself, and am CERTAIN he had nothing to do with the recipe books given the number of "errors" in them!!).

Anyway back to rules. Dairy is unlimited in attack; in Cruise, he says indeed 1K maximum but I regularly stall at over 400g (1 x 125ml smooth yoghurt + same of fat free fromage blanc + a bit of milk in tea only per day. Milk in cruise is restricted to 1/4L (250ml), but that's a lot, and it does count in your dairy allowance (so watch the size of your skinny lattes in Starbucks! the large ones are over that!).

I think vegetarians can have more - but they'd have to research that separately because again, it's not in the book.

Dr D has a private practice in Paris and, prior to opening any official site, worked on improving his diet with the input of those paying dieters... now we can only go on the poorly worded (often conflicting) advice of the staff on the English official site chat as to updates.

I personally (try to) stick closely to the version I first did in 2007 - no ham, no bacon, etc. I certainly lost weight faster that way!

Enjoy ladies - if nothing else, it's all healthy debate :D