It all starts now...!

OoOoOoOo bet you're soo excited for your holidays!!
Not long now and you'll be jetting off, you lucky thing! :)
Morning all!

Monday already :( At least it's only a 3 day week for me so thats something. My weekend was mainly spend shopping for holiday clothes and i done a 4k run yesterday. Tried to be extra good as i had a little scale hop and it was looking like a STS. I do know why though so it's fair enough, odd little treats here and there! Determined for a loss by Tuesday though, even if it is minimal. I'm off to Frankie and Bennys for tea tonight with friends..Im not going to slip up though, my next port of call is the F&B guide on SW site!


Fruit and Fibre (HEX B) SS Milk (Part Hex A)




Chicken Salad
Mini babybel light (Remainder A)


To update

Not able to go to WI tonight which i'm a bit gutted about actually as it's the last one before my holiday :( My scales usually match up just about so i'll be weighing in at home instead tonight x
xJoanneJJx said:

Not able to go to WI tonight which i'm a bit gutted about actually as it's the last one before my holiday :( My scales usually match up just about so i'll be weighing in at home instead tonight x

Amazing how we get upset about not going to class isn't it? I look forward to Tuesday's now. Definately WI at home better than nothing at all hun. So exciting about your hols I am most jealous ;) x
Home weigh in- 1.5lb loss which I'm happy with! :)

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And because i dont think i've mentioned it enough... ;) I GO ON HOLIDAY TOMORROW!!! Can't tell yous how tempted i was to have a take away, chinese or would be my first proper treat on SW, BUT i've decided not to- i'll make my own pizza again using a Warburtons square wrap!
Nice! Where? And have a good time!

Thanks! Egypt :D Place looks amazing, 5* hotel, 24hr all inclusive..umm.. ;) Know i'll be fine with food, it will be the cocktails all day what will knock me lol!

Nah- I'm gonna be sensible but if i want something, i'll have it. It's one week of my life and i'll be back on the wagon as soon as i get back
You do right hun! Enjoy your week :)
Hope you have had a fab weeks holiday. Missing you xx
Hope you have had a fab weeks holiday. Missing you xx

I'm baaaack! :D I landed late Thurday night but had to work yesterday as some stuff i had to crack on with before Monday :( I had the most AMAZING holidays, one of my best yet i think! Now i have a horrible case of post holiday blues :(
So sad, one of the first things i done when i got home was go on the scales! and somehow, i only gained 1.5lbs from my home weigh in (as i missed the last one before group) so I'm still less than i was at my last official weigh in..if that makes sense! Was overjoyed with that as the food and cocktails there was amazing. enough said! Will have that 1.5lb off before Tuesday and want my 1.5 stone award..fingers crossed!!
Still need to catch up with all your diaries xx
Good afternoon!

SO stressed :( work is mega busy today. Start back at bootcamp tonight.. Probs be painful after 1.5 week away!


Fruit and fibre (HEX B) SS Milk (Part A)


Jacket potato with tuna mayo (4)

Pre bootcamp

Fruit salad


Gammon steak with onions, mushrooms and chips

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I'm really happy!! Weighed in at bootcamp tonight and I've lost 5lbs since I last weighed in there which was 2-3 weeks ago.

Excited for class tomorrow :) I should do this holiday thing more often lol! X

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Pleased to report a 4.5lb loss since my last my 1.5 stone award and my club 10!

Total loss is now 1 stone 9.5 lbs i believe! :D