It's a Long, Long Road To Wander All I am here. My Diary

well just to let you know I havent been around much due to low mood and I didnt want to bring you down
but am off on holiday tomorrow so that will be wonderful and I know I will feel better when I get back
Everyone's feeling miserable at the moment, I blame the crap weather. It's been so grim and dark, and it's only August!!! I think we're in for a long ol' winter this year!

Well done for that hill walk! Did you feel better for it after? Endorphins and all that.

Did anything happen with the possible dobro student?

Getting ready to go back to uni now? I'm moving into my student house on Wednesday so I'm like madly packing right now! Soooo much sttttuuufffff!!

Best wishes.
Haha I have another 4 weeks until I go back to uni... part of me wishes it were sooner, oh well :p

Except that I have to write my dissertation... :(

No news yet on my possible dobro student, but there are some other musical things going on to keep me busy.

The walk made me feel great. It wasn't easy, but it was really worth it.
Hi Liam,

I have a long walk planned with a friend tomorrow arvo, hope it has the same effect on me! I have this long list of things to do, and can't quite get going on any of them- the total result of todays efforts were a telephone call, (friend), a half written letter, and about three minutes of book keeping. (Enough to make me realise the job I thought I had just about finished needs to be restarted! Spewing!) I also had several happy periods of reading in the sun, with a cat on my lap, so it hasn't really been that bad! (Max temp of 13 today, sunny, but cold) It's a week today since our election, and the result seems no clearer. What other musical things will keep you busy? Hope you have a good day sweet heart!
Hehe cats are wonderful :D

I don't envy all the work that you have. Yikes.

Might be having a bluegrass session soon at my local pub. I know a jazz guitarist who's recently got into bluegrass style guitar and he's planning to set something up.

:) keep well.
Hi Liam,

Prepared to be amazed.... I've actually had a really productive day, I have even been rationing my time on minis, so you can see how strict I've been! Managed to get all the book keeping done- not sure if it's right, should hear tomorrow, and had a great long walk with a girlfriend, yabbering all the way! Ironing tonight, then polishing my halo!

Hope you have a great day sweet boy!
Hey there :)

Well done! We all need to be productive sometimes :p
Glad you enjoyed your walk.

I am fine today, mighty fine :)
Bluegrass? Live large, I'd love to have a pub near me that did stuff like that. Good times.

Uni term doesn't actually start until the 27th, but our tennancy starts on the first, so I am of course getting my money's worth, lol.
Dissertation, ick...I'm so not looking forward to that. We start Dis Prep this year to get us ready for it. Gah I don't even want to know how many words it's going to have to be.

I was going to go for a walk this evening but the weather's turned...ick. Not easy. The leaves have started dropping though, which is awesome. I love Autumn :)

Hope you're doing good :)
Ah right my tenancy doesn't start until the 25th, term starting on the 27th.

I hope this bluegrass session works out, it'll be fun.

Well take a day off from walking, it really doesn't hurt. I love autumn too.

My diss is 12,000 words. It sounds a lot to write, but really I think the research is going to be harder than actually writing it out. :)

Oh, btw, you on facebook?
Hi Liam,

What is a dissertation? Does everyone have to do one to graduate? I remember Ria was writing hers just before she finished.

Oh, you won't believe, it, book keeping wasn't right. Have been going for another four hours tonight, found a few small errors, and then hit the jackpot, on the last day of the financial year, something had been entered as credit, instead of debit, or vice versa. Corrected that one, and it made the years totals worse, didn't that wipe the smile of my face! Have written poor book keeping instructor a long passionate email tonight, full of figures I can't work out. Am meant to be seeing accountant at the end of the week to hand it all over, but I'm not sure that will actually happen at this rate!

I love autumn too, except for I always feel a dread of winter, so autumn is sort of the beginning of the end for me, weather wise.

Hope you have a good one today darling boy!
Hello :)

A dissertation is basically an extended essay. In my case it has to be a piece of original research (well as original as one can at undergraduate level). We have to come up with our title also. It's compulsory for most undergraduates I believe (unless studying joint honours).
I am currently thinking of -
"Does the Cuban Missile Crisis challenge the rational actor model of international relations theory?"

That will mean nothing to you I am sure.

Eek, glad I don't have to manage accounts :S
I'm afraid it doesn't mean much to me at all!

Hope you are having a good day sweet boy!

I had to start doing my own book keeping after a string of bad luck with book keepers- they would start off ok, and then something would happen in their lives, (marriage break up, sick kid etc), and nothing would get done. Sadly, things still need to be done, staff tend to complain rather loudly when they don't get paid etc, so I've been learning to do it. Sort of. I reckon it will be ok once I get a bit more skilled at it. I have to admit, when it all works ok, it isn't too bad at all, and it does appeal to the control freak within. My tutor didn't respond to the email, which is good cause it means I can't spend to many hours doing it tonight. She is probably still sobbing!

Two more days then I have two weeks off, only two more days! Today I organised to have lunch with a newish friend on Friday, which I'm really looking foward too!

Liam, how long to you have to complete a dissertation? Do many people fail? Do they get published anywhere?
Hey, how are you?

Two weeks off! Awesome! :D

The deadline for the dissertation is sometime in April or May next year.
I have no idea if many people fail, but it would be extremely difficult to have sufficient credits to graduate if one did fail. As for publishing, I have no idea really, but I believe that the university library keeps copies of all dissertations...could be wrong though :)
Hiya Liam,

Hope you are having a good one! I had an incredible experience today- I've been reading a lot about an English family who were quite famous between 1930-1980 for various reasons, and whenever I have an older patient of British descent, I've asked what they know of the family. (They were in the media a lot in their day!) Today, one of my patients told me that her father had played a short, but important role in one of their lives during WW2. (And indeed I have read about this man!) How is that for a small world?

Officially it is the first day of spring here, and the sun shone delightfully. I think it's meant to rain tomorrow, but who cares?

What are you up to?
Hi sweet heart,

How did your practice go? I've got to hit the book keeping soon, appointment with accountant early tomorrow morning, you should see how many bits of paper I've got strewn around this room right now!No more work for a couple of weeks! We are staying here until Tuesday, then going to Melbourne for a few days, then going to the Sunshine Coast for a week- the Sunshine Coast is in Queensland-north- and should be warm. I hope. If I put in a few hours each day until we go, I'll take my lap top and just do an hour a day of paperwork. Sit and have a nice coffee at a different place each day or something? Do I sound convincing?

Hope you have a good one today my sweet!
Just popped in after my holiday to see how things have been going
it seems you have been doing so much better than when you started this thread

I have to report having spent a really lovely holiday in Wales - and feel so much better for having been away :):)