***It's FRIDAY!! Let's do it Hour by Hour!!***

I do miss the odd glass(Or seven)I 've only had one night out where everyone was going for itand I stuck to the water,but it was only my 2nd week and I was OK.Its a lot cheaper not to drink though,especially when you count the taxi money too
I do miss the odd glass(Or seven)I 've only had one night out where everyone was going for itand I stuck to the water,but it was only my 2nd week and I was OK.Its a lot cheaper not to drink though,especially when you count the taxi money too

I have to say I'm a bit of an all or nothing girly when it comes to nights out, I have been known to still be drinking at 6am.... Good god I can just about to stay awake til 10pm at the mo - what a party animal I'm turning into xxxx
Hiya all,
Posting late today cos been a mega busy one for me!
I'm up for a drinkywinky too please but I WILL be pished after just one glass cos I'm a lightweight!
Glad to see everyone's spirits are up.
Sharon - sounds like you have the neighbour from hell there. Try not to get too involved though it is hard I know!
Speak soon y'all - bottoms up

Evening Tansy,
Heres one for you.

Clare-We must never go drinking together -it would be carnage

Evening Tansy,
Heres one for you.

Clare-We must never go drinking together -it would be carnage

Where's my cashews????????? Oh here they are :party0051:
Cant wait to fit in my size 12 jeans and wear my red top:girlpower:.... Yes I will visit you in SE London - its only down the road from me really, I'm basically in West London, well a stones throw! We can issue a government warning to the surrounding areas ;)
When I get down to a size 12 I know just the place!!
Tansy you could come too your not far from me
Right folks, I'm off to bed with 1 Shake and 1.5L of water...I will be peeing all night!!!:rolleyes:
When I get down to a size 12 I know just the place!!
Tansy you could come too your not far from me

Yep - sounds greeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeat! Let's do it!
I think there is a minis meet in March in London - are you going????
Sleep tight all