It's Now Or Never

Morning chica. A saving of £200 by using the coach is deffo worth trying!
Well done on the loss, that's fab!!

And great news on the saving money, travel is sooo expensive.

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Yeah. I think I may have slightly overestimated - it's nearer £175, but that still is a huge saving.
I'm getting a new car next week. That didn't cost me a penny (touch!) but the insurance will be slightly higher. So everything I can shave off helps.

The journey is longer, meaning I have to leave earlier, but it's quite nice to be a passenger for a change and see countryside I would not normally.

Another good food day yesterday. Bang on 15 syns. Really fancied a vodka tonic when I got back from the school (to find those useless overpaid gits were losing), but I abstained and just had the slimline tonic.

Day off today. Will be getting my nails done later and a few chores this morning. I must pull up some weeds, so must stop procrastinating on that front.

It seems Beanie hasn't got a cricket match tonight though, so he'll probably go to youth club instead. I'll go shopping. Then maybe we'll cuddle up and watch a film.

Have just sorted the Bunnery and kitchen floor out while they mow my lawn. Need to give downstairs a good clean as I have guests tomorrow afternoon. I was supposed to have guests tonight too but we have postponed that.

Right now though, I'm enjoying the peace. Bliss.
And now I've been to Sweatshop and bought some new trainers and supports. Have had plantar fascitis in my feet (mostly left) which has not been much fun. It is improving now and I really want to start running again. So figured some decent properly fitted trainers (with gait analysis) will help prevent the pain as much as it had been. I will see how we go. Just got to get my friend on board to do the C25K with me again. :)
Oh my giddy aunt, I sympathise, having had that too. Not much fun sums it up quite well, methinks ;) Good trainers are a very good idea, but 25k .... eek!
Lol C25K stands for couch to 5k. I.e. Start from sedentary, end up running 5k. Good news is my friend is up for it and we're going out on Sunday hopefully.

Just had nails done, went for French polish, but with glittery silver ends rather than white. Got toes to match too. Just got home, popped cricket on and now need to galvanise small child into clearing weeds from the front garden for me. I am gonna write my food shopping list down so I can pop out and get it while aforementioned small child is at da yoof club.

Oh and tea is a ham and cheese kiev with salad. Just popping that on now as his highness is hungry. Think they are around 9 syns.
Morning activities include cleaning out the BBQ, sweeping down patio area, cleaning outdoor table and chairs, cleaning the bathroom - wall tiles the lot, having a little nap as I woke at 5 as normal and felt shattered, cleaning kitchen floor, hoovering up and downstairs, nagging son into tidying his room and putting his ironing away. Gonna have a quick bath before preparing homemade SW free burgers for BBQ.

Today is the summer solstice and it is a beautiful one. Hope you all get to make the most of it xx
BBQ sounds good, weather is rubbish here so definitely missing out!

Hope you got all your jobs done, sounds very productive xx

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. . . Have had plantar fascitis in my feet (mostly left) which has not been much fun. It is improving now and I really want to start running again. So figured some decent properly fitted trainers (with gait analysis) will help prevent the pain as much as it had been. I will see how we go. Just got to get my friend on board to do the C25K with me again. :)

. . . Good news is my friend is up for it and we're going out on Sunday hopefully.

Just you be careful with running if the PF is still hanging around.
Even with good trainers you could damage it further.
Well I have good and not so good news to report.

Not so good news first, I may have gone a wee bit off plan with the BBQ. Had two bread rolls, some ketchup, a choc ice, alcofrol, choc bar and double cream on strawberries. But meat all good and lean and loads of salad. Had a really lovely afternoon though. Was lovely to catch up with my friends. Just chilled in the evening as Beanie had by then gone to his Dad's.

Good news, I did my first C25K run this morning. Trainers were superb, no pain whatsoever. Am just about to ice my foot though to be on the safe side. Felt so good to be back out running. We go along the riverside so we had a lovely breeze which was refreshing given the heat. Am feeling very pleased with myself now. Next run is tomorrow evening. Excited!

It is super hot already here, so am gonna try keep the buns inside in the cool. They tend to go and lay down under a bush anyway when it's hot, but I think they are better off inside. Even if they don't agree with me. :)
How about putting out shallow bowls with ice and water for the buns? I've seen videos of lots of animals enjoying the cool and they could be outside enjoying themselves as well. This reminds me, I must do the bee drinking arrangement with gravel / marbles is a shallow water container.
PS, that's great you enjoy the almond milk, I love it on wheatabix too. And if you have some left over and are buzzing with caffeine, try warming it up with some cardomens and a squirt of vanilla, it makes a lovely pre bedtime drink.
Hi Micci, their water bowl is just inside the patio door so they can come and go as they please. All the fresh air yesterday completely popped them. They were flaked out yesterday evening and have flopped most of today. They sleep a lot during the day anyway, so I'll sit outside with them later when they get their evening prancy phase.

Yes, I often drink almond milk, but normally only in tea. It tastes so nice in the iced cappuccino though.

Today has been a fruity sort of day. After yesterday's excesses and I guess because of the heat too, I mostly snacked on fruit throughout the day. For tea I had leftover chicken, savoury rice and a big salad. Then some homegrown (by my friend, I'm rubbish at all that) strawberries and raspberries, with a spoonful of sugar, some Greek yoghurt and a crumbled up meringue nest. Total syns, 6.

Feel nicely, but not overly full now.

Talking of the buns, I'm just watching them flopped under the table. Rosie is having a little dream, her little mouth looks like she's nibbling on something. So cute!
Hasn't it been a fruity day! I've been doing the same minus the home grown aspect to it all. I did pick some cob nuts when I went for a walk but they are not ripe yet. Awwwww to the flaked out buns <3
The buns were very frollicky just after I posted yesterday. My son returned from his Dad's just as Rosie was having a mental run and binky session round the garden. I'm out there with them again now. They are much happier in the cooler weather.

The bairn and I have the day off today - teacher training day. I have nearly a tank full of fuel to get rid of before Friday, so have decided we're going for a day out. I thought Pevensey Castle might be nice and I have English Heritage membership so I won't need to outlay anything to get in. Just need to do us a packed lunch. I am eyeing up the humus in the fridge and thinking a humus and mixed bean salad will be the order of the day. All that said, the weather looks a bit gloomy this morning. I think it could clear though.

I have to get rid of fuel as I am getting a new car on Friday. By new, I mean my Dad's old car. He is buying a new Rav 4, so we traded in my Auris instead, and I will take his Avensis and sort the difference. It's a great deal for me as his car is top of the range and a couple of years younger than mine. He's got it MOT'd and valet cleaned for me, bless him. It is also an estate, which will be so handy for camping weekends. Especially when I go with my friend, as her car is too small by the time she's got her three teenage boys in. So last year I borrowed my Dad's car so I could pick up the excess.

In other news, on Saturday we saw a mouse right near the patio area. I am gutted!! I just can't bear the thought of it getting in the house and scurrying about in there. Sitting outside isn't the same either as I'm paranoid about the little critter. I don't want to hurt him, or his no doubt growing family. But I don't want him here either. First one in 8 years here. I am looking at humane traps and the relocating him and his buddies to the local woods. I have an enclosed composter where he was seen which is the obvious culprit. So may move that to the end of the garden. Or just get rid altogether, seeing as the council now let us put kitchen waste in the brown recycle bins. Honestly, my skin is crawling!!

As I am in the office tomorrow, I am going to weigh in tonight. Another reason to be ultra good with food today. So fingers crossed!
Have a lovely day out! Hope the weather holds out for you.

Mice, is it a little brown one or a house mouse? As if it's not a house mouse I doubt if it will want to come indoors. But be very careful with the buns' food containers and spillages anyway. You will have to move them a few miles once you've caught the family as I've heard they will travel quite a long way to get back home. But please, once you have caught one, can you check if it is female and nursing young? Maybe someone else could look for you - it is a horrible thought that you might catch mummy mouse and take her away from dependent babies.

PS Love and kudos to you for being concerned about the well being of the mice even though you hate them being around
pps, great news about the car and fingers crossed for WI tonight.