Jaly's Diary of a Snackaholic! 26pp/day :)

1562cal, just treated myself to a couple of biscuits and a chocolate cereal bar, yum :)

32/32pp, though, I think 5 pieces of fruit in a day might be pushing the 'free fruit' thing, haha x

Maybe.. If you had tonnes of veg too.. But not in a "OMG you're taking advantage" way, in a "be careful you don't overload of fibre and cause yourself some cramping" way.. But no, your day sounds really good.. So glad you made up the rest of those cals.. :) x
My Grandad made me weigh myself and told me he was genuinely concerned about me and that it's great i'm trying to be healthy but that I look beautiful and I need to eat more.. really sent the message to my head tbh :) was the 'heart to heart' I needed to make me realise I need to take better care of fuelling my body, hence why I stayed up until about 1am to make sure I ate enough :p

Your support and encouragement means more to me than you know though, I appreciate all of your advice/nagging (i know it's definitely needed at times) and kindness more than you'll ever know!

The ex's Mum sent a message randomly this morning "You have become a wonderful girl" - not sure what to think of it as it definitely was spontaneous, did make me feel a little bit down though.
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You've always been a wonderful girl ;0) Shame its made you feel down,is hard when you are trying to move on.I know I'm speaking for alot of people here when I say we advise/nag cos we care and you anyways look out for us aswell :0)
Sounds like you needed someone closer to home to point you in the right direction..well done Grandad :0)
I agree with your comments Daisy.
Shame that the comments from your mum made you feel down Jaly but I'm sure she must have meant it in a good way. I hardly know you but am very impressed that you do such a lot of voluntary work and are close to your grand parents...so unlike the majority of youths today...Bless you!! .. :)
Thanks Daisy :) You always know just waht to say in order to make me feel better!

Emma - if it was my Mum I would've just smiled and accepted the compliment but the ambiguity and randomness of his Mum's comment especially since I haven;t heard from her for months even before I broke up with Simon is what made me feel down, not actually what she said because as far as I could tell she liked me so I don't think she was attempting to infer that I wasn't a 'wonderful girl' beforehand, but ^^

As for being close to my grandparents and the voluntary work, I hate taking/recieving tbh, I love the self-satisfaction you get from knowing you've put a smile on someone's face or made someone else's day that tiny bit easier :) My family have spent the last 16 years taking care of me and have done so much for me to turn me into the person I am today and so I have a lot to give back to them :)

I think I'm craving the security/affection from a relationship to be completely honest ;x being single is making me feel a tiny bit worthless, not sure why! I know I should just go out and enjoy it but, i feel useless knowing i'm not really making anyone feel special/appreciated ^^ I suppose the right guy will come along soon enough though!
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Thanks Daisy :) You always know just waht to say in order to make me feel better!

Emma - if it was my Mum I would've just smiled and accepted the compliment but the ambiguity and randomness of his Mum's comment especially since I haven;t heard from her for months even before I broke up with Simon is what made me feel down, not actually what she said because as far as I could tell she liked me so I don't think she was attempting to infer that I wasn't a 'wonderful girl' beforehand, but ^^

As for being close to my grandparents and the voluntary work, I hate taking/recieving tbh, I love the self-satisfaction you get from knowing you've put a smile on someone's face or made someone else's day that tiny bit easier :) My family have spent the last 16 years taking care of me and have done so much for me to turn me into the person I am today and so I have a lot to give back to them :)

I think I'm craving the security/affection from a relationship to be completely honest ;x being single is making me feel a tiny bit worthless, not sure why! I know I should just go out and enjoy it but, i feel useless knowing i'm not really making anyone feel special/appreciated ^^ I suppose the right guy will come along soon enough though!

Oh honey, trust me - you make someone feel special/appreciated every day, just by being the person you are. xxxxx

You've had a lot to deal with over the last few months, losing the weight (which you have done brilliantly), exams (ditto!), the split with the boyfriend (definitely his loss, as we've all said before), preparing for sixth form, karate grading, your voluntary work... and I'm sure there's others I can't think of at the moment. You've done it all with a maturity and a good grace that's often lacking in people twice or three times your age. You are a gem and don't you ever forget that.
Big hugs Libby. You are a beautiful person inside and out and you have your whole life ahead of you. Enjoy finding out who you are on your own before you worry about having a man to deal with . Xxxx
There's plenty of time to find a man trust me. This is the time you should be enjoying yourself being young, free, beautiful and single.

I am pleased your grandad has managed to talk some sense into you about eating - now make sure you keep it up. It's all too easy for young girls to fall in a trap of thinking they aren't good enough and feel bad about themselves but you shouldn't. You are a beautiful, highly intelligent young lady who looks amazing and does so much for other people. Don't beat yourself up because you don't have a man in your life. You don't need one to complete you - you are a perfectly complete package.

Aaww! You're all too kind, you've made me feel one hundred times better :) x

Much love and hugs for all of you!!xx

I agree, quite a few of my friends are still a lot thinner than I am but I look at their bodies and, I really don't aspire to be like that.. stick-thin is neither healthy nor attractive :)

You brought a tear to my eye even! :)x

A man will come when the time's right I'm sure, until then, there's no rush ^^
Feeling absolutely stuffed after lunch :p We're going back to my house for dinner tonight and my Grandad will no doubt go out and buy dessert though, so - hopefully some weeklies will be used!

Food Journal: Thursday 30th August
Pro-point sub-total: 25pp
Calorie sub-total: 1277cal
Weekly balance: 49/49 remaining
Fruit/veg count: 8 portions
Exercise: 10mins light toning exercises, hour-hour and a half of walking, 25mins 'Just Dance'

Breakfast: Nectarine (0), Apple (0), Strawberries (0) - 141cal
Lunch: Seasoned chicken breast (4), Chips (3), soft-boiled egg (to dip the chips in of course!) (2), Green beans (0), Cauliflower (0), Broccoli (0) - 414cal
Dessert: Fromage frais (1) - 48cal
Afternoon: Weetabix oat bar (2), spoonful of mango yog (0) - 83cal
Dinner: Wholemeal bread (5), Ham (1), Cheese (2) - 321cal
Supper: Quark (2), Sweetener (0), Banana (0), Grapes (0), Mixed nuts (3) - 269cal
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OK am a bit delayed here coz of work being so bloomin' busy...
Would just like to add to what everyone else here has said, you are a beautiful, intelligent, giving, selfless young lady and altho only 16 an inspriation.. you do SO much for other people, its almost unheard of in young people these days (God I sound old!!) You make allot of people smile each day, I know I'm one of them just from your kind and encouraging words on here.. You should never feel worthless (sorry can't remember your exact wording..old age!!) because you are so far on the other end of that scale you're up there on Mars with Nasa (or whoever the hell has just landed a robot on there lol)

Delighted you're Grandad has been able to get thru to you hunnie.. You had us lot worried!!
I know its hard to force feed yourself so maybe have full fat instead of low/half fat foods.. milk/cheese/cream etc..You'll soon notice the cals/PP's go up with them.. While still eating healthy as you don't want to load up on oil n fat to undo the good you're doing.. You already eat really healthy with your snacks etc so you know what you're doing.. xx
Jaly, I know it is a well known proverb that it is better to give than recieve, which of course as you say, gives you a lot of self satisfaction, but sometimes we have to allow somebody else to have that enjoyment and so be the reciever on occasion, The more gracefully we accept that the more enjoyment the other person can have and that in itself is a very unselfish act.
So glad that you are not aspiring to be stick thin!
I can always remember my dad saying to me in my young teenage years when I was dieting, that men like to have a woman with a bit of meat on her bones! ..lol! My mother was absolutely furious and never let him forget it as she said that it was not the right thing for him to have said. Perhaps she was right but I just thought it was quite a sensible thing myself... :rolleyes:
You are an inspiring young lady and a real credit to your family! Voluntary work, excellent exam results, sport, helping your grandparents etc!

Glad you are managing to up the food a little this week - try adding some treats during the day do you aren't left with so many points to use at the end of the night - though muffins and icecream every day sounds good too ;-)

Just as eating less takes a little while to get used to so will eating more - so it takes a little effort but is well worth it as we don't want you getting dangerously thin. X
Awww, thank you all ladies! :) Not really in the mood for dessert which my Grandad has gone to buy especially given that I haven't had dinner yet - Mum made breaded chicken and I really didn't fancy it after having chicken for lunch.

Planning on having a ham and cheese toastie at his house for tea though, still at less than 600cals and it's 7pm! Had an incredibly filling lunch tbh! Might save some dessert and have it after my toastie :) Just burned about 150ish cals doing 25mins of Just Dance too, so.

Frances you made me giggle, I definitely am on Mars mentally, I really am more random than I pretend to be, haha!xx

Thank you for worrying about me though ;)
Jaly said:
I'm alright! had a busy day - had to make sandwiches for 80 people for the NCS graduation, didn't dodge as many pictures as I hoped/thought I had - that was one pretty cringe-worthy slideshow tbh! Not really in a snacky mood so ate nothing but a sandwich at the buffet despite having £200 worth of choc/crisps/cake/biscuits/pastries/sweets at my fingertips - just put a chicken breast in the oven, not too sure what to do with it yet though, probably pasta or rice :)

Well, I graduated! Got a few certificates, one of which signed by David Cameron!

Congrats babe xxx
Jaly said:
My Grandad just bought round cheesecake, choc fingers, ice-cream and coconut macaroons, and I still have about 900cals to eat today, oh the torture :p

Eat it and enjoy it before I come round and steal it lol