Jaly's Diary of a Snackaholic! 26pp/day :)

You are an inspirational young lady. You have achieved so much in so little time. I take my hat off to you & wish you well for the future.
Your Grandad is a wise man. Please listen to him & take heed. It's not often a man will speak to a lady about weight issues but when your Grandad did, alarm bells started to ring.
Looking at your diary, you eat a lot of fruit at breakfast. Why don't you use points for breakfast like wholegrain toast or crumpets or some filling foods. You need to up your food/calorie intake & there are simple ways of doing that. Switching to full cream milk or drinking milk at meals, eat oily fish which is good for you but higher in points. Bulk out your meals adding peas, sweetcorn or parsnips, that way you aren't eating high fat or high sugar foods, you would be eating healthy higher pointed foods xx
You are an inspirational young lady. You have achieved so much in so little time. I take my hat off to you & wish you well for the future.
Your Grandad is a wise man. Please listen to him & take heed. It's not often a man will speak to a lady about weight issues but when your Grandad did, alarm bells started to ring.
Looking at your diary, you eat a lot of fruit at breakfast. Why don't you use points for breakfast like wholegrain toast or crumpets or some filling foods. You need to up your food/calorie intake & there are simple ways of doing that. Switching to full cream milk or drinking milk at meals, eat oily fish which is good for you but higher in points. Bulk out your meals adding peas, sweetcorn or parsnips, that way you aren't eating high fat or high sugar foods, you would be eating healthy higher pointed foods xx

Thank you for all of your suggestions! I'll definitely keep them on board and practice what I preach about the dried fruit/nuts :p xx As for breakfast, I usually have at least some cereal or something but I'm at my Grandad's and they only have chocolate cereal or branflakes, both of which I detest strongly :p
Jaly said:
My Grandad just bought round cheesecake, choc fingers, ice-cream and coconut macaroons, and I still have about 900cals to eat today, oh the torture :p

Sounds perfect to me!! Get eating! I love macaroons!
Hey! Hope your okay lovely! Sorry not had much time to catch up! When do you start college?
Feeling really sick/bloated again and quite sleepy, eaten a little bit under today (1277cal) and only 25pp but that did include 8 portions of fruit/veg so.

Promise I'll make up for it with a big breakfast tomorrow :X

and.. my Grandmother's just eaten 1700cals worth of ice cream, I really don't want to confront her about it but I'm concerned about her health :/ x
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Oh Poor you!! Don't be "bullied" into eating that much if it really doesn't suit you! Main thing is to make sure that WHAT you eat is wholesome and if necessary you could take a multi vitamin to help.
I knew a young woman who didn't eat very much but she was as strong as an ox....come to think of it she looked very much like you... :)
Hope those stomach cramps soon get better.
Hey hun hope ur ok :) I dont need to tell you how amazing you are as you know i think this of you already, i spotted it the first time i met you!

Hope ur feeling better this morn.

Have a good day xx
Still got a tiny bit of a tummy ache but it's loads better than it was last night!

Thank you Stef! xx :)

Thanks Emma! I think I'm just going to try bulking up my meals with healthy fats/oils/bigger servings of protein :)

Food Journal: Friday 31st August (where has this Summer gone?!)

Calorie sub-total: 1196cal
Pro-point sub-total: 20
Weekly balance: 49/49 remaining
Fruit/veg sub-total: 9 portions

Macronutrient breakdown:

Carbs - Protein - Fat

164g (71g of which from fruit/veg) - 64g - 33g

Quark (2), Sweetener (0), Nectarine (0), Grapes (0), Strawberries (0), Mixed nuts (2) (303 cal)
Morning: Yoghurt coated blackcurrant pieces (3) (112 cal)
Lunch: Apple (0), Wholemeal roll (4), Margarine (1), Ham (1) (281 cal)
Afternoon: Ice pop (0) (1 cal)
Dinner: Sausage and cheese pasta bake (5), Brussels (0), Cauliflower (0), Broccoli (0) (259 cal)
Dessert: Pear (0), Fromage Frais (1) (94 cal)
Evening: Ginger granola bar (3) WW choc digestive (1) (146 cal)

Exercise: Walking around shopping centre (30mins - 1hr), 15mins light toning exercises/calisthenics
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Oh no!! Not a uniform for college!? I loved wearing what I wanted!!

Hope you feel better today!!!! Bad tummy isn't good :(
Oh no!! Not a uniform for college!? I loved wearing what I wanted!!

Hope you feel better today!!!! Bad tummy isn't good :(

No uniform, just smart/casual clothes but, I needed new flat/officey type shoes anyway :p

I feel a bit better today thank you! Still got a little bit of a tummy ache but, my whole family suffers badly with totm so ^^