Jellybabies DIARY...after LL...on to my new lifestyle change!

Thanks Ali and Harri
it is indeed day one. I usually wake up STARVING probably cos of the amount of carbs i eat before i go to sleep lol, but strangely this morning i woke up feeling ok. Had my 1st shake (Banana) and about 1ltr of water. So so far so good! I really need to go and buy ice though as the shakes are not the same without it. I now weigh in at 14 stone 7lbs, so thats 1stone 2lbs over what i was when i decided to leave LL and do it "MY WAY".......................anyway should only take me 3 weeks to get back to where i was. I was just thinking to myself last night, that i have NEVER been happy with my weight. EVER. Even as a child i remember feeling fat though looking back i wasnt.....i just wasnt a stick! I remember my uncle refering to me as having "puppy fat" and from that moment on i have been so unhappy with my body. Gaining weight and losing weight, but never getting to GOAL. Well this is where its all going to change! This time i am getting to goal and those little voices can bugger off! LOL.
Will keep you all updated on how im getting on. Am off to add a ticker to my posts now. Good luck girls and keep going, you are doing well, so be good, feel good, and be proud!

Diane xx
Hi JB, sounds like day one is going well! I amd having a bit of a negative day today, not enouigh to send me to the choccie box but enough to be miserable. All the programmes I have watched from sky planner have made me cry!! Not sure what that is all about. I also have a headache. Let us know how day one went tomorrow?
Harri, how are you doing?

:Dall is good with me! sorry you've had a bum day Tina, i'm sure tomorrow will be better, i have days like that often and have sabotaged my efforts and so the cycle continues!!!Well done for not heading to the chocolates!!!!.
Hope you're still going strong on day one Diane?:hug99:
Hello everyone! Its 3.30am and ive just got in from work, and what a TOUGH night ive had! Ive been so hungry and ive been delivering pizzas kebabs and curries (sorry for talking about food!) to the whole of Glasgow! BUT...................................ive stayed STRONG and had nothing but my packs! YIPEE!!! I am proud of myself! Dont get me wrong it was a HARD struggle with those voices in my head! Telling me just a few bits of Chicken pakora wont do any harm! lol, even though i feel like crap i SURVIVED my 1st day, even though i have been arguing with dear hubby.............especially when he decided to munch a kebab in the car in front of me! I was so ANGRY at him having no consideration!!! MEN!!!!!!!!!!! grrrrr.....anyway, sorry for rambling on! I HAVE SUCCEEDED today and i have had the worst temptations in my way, so surley that will make me stronger, i will keep focused as i know that my goal means so much to me!
Well done Tina for staying strong and being focused. We need to take this one day at a time, and remember its only us that can sabotage this. How much do we really want it?
And Harri, well done! Glad to hear you are still going strong! Its so nice to hear you are both sticking with it! You know, tonight when my voices where shouting "EAT!!!" I thought of you both and thought of how i would feel to have to tell you i gave in! It helped me stay on track! Anyway, must go and drink my last litre of water and get to thanks for listening....will talk some more 2mro!
Good luck Girls
Diane xx
wow! well done Diane.... not sure i could have done that on my first day, it must have taken some real will-power and determination not to eat!:drool:
Well it's the weekend which is another tough time for me... I find that when we're all together as a family I want to eat or go out for lunch or have something nice for tea.... i hate food!!! it's such an enjoyable social pass time! I think this has to be by far the hardest addiction to overcome or control, it's not like we can just give it up forever!
Anyway well done again!!!!
Hope you're okay Tina, hope you both have a good weekend x
Hiya JB and Harri

Glad to hear you are both staying strong. I got through yesterday ok but it was tough. God this is hard sometimes - bit like a roller coaster, up and down! I feel ok this am but the weekends are tough for me too Harri. I know I can do it though, will try to keep myself busy with housework (sigh).
Have a good day both of you and stay strong

Hello Tina and Harri
It seems the weekends are the toughest for us all!
When the thought of food comes into our minds (which is often!) we must remind ourselves of why we are doing this! Food makes us miserable, even though it tastes good, how do we feel when we have eaten it? Guilty, bloated, sad, depressed, cos we know we are getting further from where we want to be...................we must keep our goals insight and stay focused, cos no food tastes as good as being slim feels! So come on girls, lots of distraction therapy and fight those voices off! Every time we win the battle with our heads, we are closer to our goal, and STRONGER!
So........ive just had a double shake made with ice in the smoothie maker, banana and vanilla............and WOW is it LOVELY, really seems like a treat! Going to work in just over an hour, so if I can avoid sinking my teeth into something when i have the constant smell wafting for 10 hours, then so can YOU BOTH!!!
Keep up the good work girls, i will update when i come home!
Diane xx
Well done Jelly:party0011::party0011:. I can only imagine how hard that must have been for you, but you succeeded :D :D
Ali xx
Jb, I am just about to have my peanut bar (yum), am doing ok today.
Just trying to make sense of and episode of Lost!

Hello everyone!
Thanks for you kind words of support Alli and Linzi! They mean alot!
And glad to hear you are doing well also Tina! Am looking forward to my 1st bar on Monday....some real chewable food! lol.
Anyway, its 3am and am just back from work and must say im feeling alot better (no headaches or tummy rumbles!) and today was actually really good! Dare i say it! lol. But ive HONESTLY not found it that hard today....even though am not in ketosis yet!...did take a good sniff of hubbies Pizza...........but smells are ok lol.
Am feeling really positive and i KNOW i can do this! Just the thought of seeing the results keeps me going, and i will feel the difference in should only take me 3 weeks to get the stone off that i gained after leaving lighterlife and i felt pretty good......felt much slimmer than i do now and looked much that is my 1st reach 13stone 5. And after that everything else will be a bonus. The lightest ive ever been as an adult was 12stone 4lbs and i was a size 12 then! I want to reach 10st 7lbs (TARGET)........but the whole journey will be new and exciting to me! I am so looking forward to the new me!!!!

Diane xx
Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaargh - was just posting and pressed something and lost it - how annoying.
I am having a poo day today, the packs are starting to make me feel sick and have just had an accident with a mix a mousse choc flavour (spilled it in the freezer). When I went to eat it it was disgusting!!
I have decided to post some details about myself so here goes;
I am 42 in August, I am a practice nurse manager in a GP surgery. I have a wonderful husband, 2 children (girl aged 21, boy aged 17) and a male cat named charlie (who is my substitute 3rd child).
My dieting journey so far; started LL last Feb and lost 3 stone 3 pounds in foundation. Lost a further 13 pounds by July of that year - went on hols and lost the plot (even tho' I only put on 5lbs). I have been on and off LL ever since until 3 weeks ago when I started CD. I have lost 7lbs so far. I cannot WAIT to get off the diet. My intention is to go low carb when at goal.
How about you Harri and Diane??

Hello Tina, sorry you are having a bad day! Try not to focus on the fact that you cant have the choice.....but YOU CHOOSE not to because YOU know that you want to lose weight and become happy! You are doing well so please keep it up!
Im 28 married no kids but have 3 horses a dog and 5 cats all of which im sure are baby substitutes LOL.
Going to work now, feeling ok, still positive, and know i want to acheive my goals, trying to be optimistic about everything......obviously missing food, but i know i wont miss all the weight i lose!
Good luck Girls
Diane xx
Hi Tina and Diane!!
Well i was thirty last september and started LL in April last year losing 4 stone 2 lbs in my first 100 days, then much like you Tina I lost the plot after going away to Jamaica in September last year and have been struggling ever since to get back on!!!!

I have two children (2 &3yrs) and a choc labrador 11 months so I keep myself busy with them! I work part time as a nurse on intensive care Bradford so that also keeps me busy too!

Since September my weight has gradually gone up and up and up and I have gained nearly three stone of the four i'd lost back. I feel terrible, i don't fit into my lovely clothes that i bought, my skin feels awful because of the crap food that i've been eating and generally i NEED to sort myself out!!!!:cry:This is my last attempt at this so I really need to make it work!:D I feel motivated, determined and supported to keep at it when I come on here first thing in the morning, I know it will be worth it in the end and i WILL feel gorgeous again!!!!!!:girlpower:
Yep, had a really bad day yesterday, caved and ate chocolate and wine and batter and crisps!!
Back on track today altho I am really hungry now, no surprise there then. Well done to both of you for sticking to it, nice to have some background details! harri, quite a lot of VLCDers seem to be nurses!
I specialise in sexual health and contraception, asthma, coronary heart disease, cervical cytology, travel health and childhood immis - sometimes its a struggle to keep it all in my head1

Hello Tina And Harri
It must be quite hard for you both at work with alll the choccies and stuff lying about. (my mums a nurse!) (she works in dermatology)
Im going to college in September to do councilling. I think that i would like to be a LLC when i reach goal. Would love to help people lose weight! How rewarding would that be?
My mum wanted me to be a nurse, but to be honest, im too squeemish and would not even be able to take a blood sample!
Sorry to hear that you caved yesterday Tina, but its a new day today and im sure youve learned from it. How did you feel after you had eaten?
I keep having dreams that ive eaten and felt so guilty....when i wake up, im glad it was just a dream! So LIGHTERLIFE is not just part of me when im awake, it haunts my dreams too! lol.
Hi Tina and Diane!!
Well i was thirty last september and started LL in April last year losing 4 stone 2 lbs in my first 100 days, then much like you Tina I lost the plot after going away to Jamaica in September last year and have been struggling ever since to get back on!!!!

I have two children (2 &3yrs) and a choc labrador 11 months so I keep myself busy with them! I work part time as a nurse on intensive care Bradford so that also keeps me busy too!

Since September my weight has gradually gone up and up and up and I have gained nearly three stone of the four i'd lost back. I feel terrible, i don't fit into my lovely clothes that i bought, my skin feels awful because of the crap food that i've been eating and generally i NEED to sort myself out!!!!:cry:This is my last attempt at this so I really need to make it work!:D I feel motivated, determined and supported to keep at it when I come on here first thing in the morning, I know it will be worth it in the end and i WILL feel gorgeous again!!!!!!:girlpower:

you go girl!!!! You WILL get there, the time will fly past and you will be into your gorgeous clothes AGAIN!!!

Diane xx